The Harvest Festival

Gabriel wakes to the sound of a knock from the door. He feels Gianni's hand on his back and his foot on his. He stands up and wants to answer the door but realizes he is naked, and his extra bone is standing. He grabs his clothes from his closet and finally gets to the door.

As he opens it, Princess Ariana appears giving him an early morning surprise. The princess is direct and expresses her interest. She has a favor for Gabriel and Gianni. Since Prince Julien orders Gabriel and Gianni to follow Ariana's orders, he must follow what she is going to say.

Princess Ariana tells Gabriel that she lost something at the city park, and it is very dear to her. The item has great sentimental value to the princess. Gabriel immediately promises to the princess that he is going to find it and return what the princess lost as soon as possible.

"I lost my hairpin," Ariana says. "It has magnolia flower designs." Gabriel accepts the princess' request and tells her that he would leave as soon as he is ready. The princess thanks Gabriel and leaves.

Gabriel immediately prepares for the rest of the day. He wears his uniform. As he finishes, Gianni finally wakes up and asks why he dresses very early. Gabriel tells Gianni of the situation with the princess. With what Gabriel tells him, Gianni also prepares to find what the princess lost.

By sunrise, the two departs for the city park. They ride using Prince Julien's carriage. As they are almost at the street leading to the park, they see a lot of people carrying crops and flowers heading to their destination early in the morning. Because of the number of people flocking the street, the two must continue on foot.

As they force their way towards the park, Gabriel remembers that it is the second day of the Harvest Festival. A farmer's market shall be at the park. Merchants, traders, and buyers from all parts of the kingdom would usually arrive at the southern city by morning. Gabriel tells Gianni that they must find the hairpin immediately as the sheer number of businesspeople would swamp the park by the time the sun totally rises.

They finally make it inside the park. The two run toward the administration table and begin their search for the hairpin. They look around where the princess sat. Finally, they see the hairpin laying under the table. As Gabriel reaches for the hairpin, Gianni is also reaching for it. They touch each other's hands when they grab the hairpin. They remain in eye contact for a while, but the flocking farmers make them remember what their purpose is.

With the pin in their possession, they return to the chateau. Maids and attendants are preparing breakfast. Gabriel goes off to return the hairpin to the princess, while Gianni checks on Prince Julien. He goes to the prince's room, but before he can enter, an attendant of Prince Louis approaches him.

"Prince Louis asks for your presence," he says. "He says it is urgent." Gianni tries to refuse, saying that he would proceed later, but the attendant reiterates that his master asks for his presence greatly. Seeing no way to escape from the attendant, Gianni goes to Louis' room.

"What did you do to me last night?" Prince Louis asks with a somewhat angry tone.

"Pardon me, Your Highness?"

"I was suddenly knocked unconscious, and I still remember wearing my robe. When I woke up, I was already here and was changed to my sleeping garments," the prince replies.

"Drunkenness overcame you, Your Highness," Gianni replies. "I had to do what was necessary." Prince Louis becomes quiet, and the sound of conversation becomes the sound of silence.

"Thank you," Prince Louis replies. He moves closer to him and gives him a warm embrace. "You stopped me when I needed to be stopped."

Gianni returns the embrace. He then takes his leave. Louis understands letting him go.

Meanwhile, Gabriel finishes returning the hairpin to Princess Ariana. He goes back to check on Prince Julien's room. He enters and sees the prince still sleeping. He prepares the prince's bath in case he wakes up any second. He fetches water and adds hot water so that it would not be too cold nor too hot. He prepares the towel and the prince's outfit.

Gianni goes to check on the prince, once more. He hears someone inside the bathroom putting on water. He checks the bed, but the prince is nowhere. Someone suddenly covers his eyes and mouth from behind. He feels something pushing against his lower back starting from his back. He knows it is the prince, removing the pair of hands from his face.

He turns the prince with eyes closed and bids him take his bath. But the prince tells him that he will not take his bath until he opens his eyes. Gianni laughs and argues with the prince. But Julien is stubborn. Gianni finally opens his eyes and sees the thing standing. It reaches above the prince's belly button. Gianni looks eye to eye with the prince and asks him to already go bathe. Julien laughs and goes.

The breakfast table is now empty after the royal family takes their meals. Each and every one of them has very busy itineraries for the day. The king and queen are to visit the ruling noble of the city. Prince Julien and Louis are to oversee the farmers' market. And Princess Camille is to help Princess Ariana take care of some things.

They depart for their respective destinations. Gabriel and Gianni go with the prince they serve. Unlike the very early morning ruckus that they saw prior, everything and everyone in the city park, including its surrounding streets are majestically organized. The stalls only sell one crop of each type, which puzzles Gianni. Gabriel later explains that the farmers are selling only their best products as they must keep food for the cold days. The flower stalls do the same. They only sell one bouquet of each flower type.

They follow the princes to a table under the birch trees. Ethan M. Grandiflora, the son of the ruling noble of domain Grandiflora, is also there. He stands and waits for the two princes to sit. He hands them a list of all the farmers and florists in the market.

After some time, Prince Julien grows bored of just sitting. Together with his butlers, he ventures around the park inquiring what each stall has to offer. The first approach is a farmer who sells a very big and hard cucumber. The prince immediately shows interest in the cucumber and buys it. He makes Gianni carry it.

The next stall sells a strangely large bunch of grapes. The prince takes on a grape and feeds it to Gianni. Gianni is taken aback by the act. His surprise does not end there as the prince inserts his finger inside his mouth. The prince laughs, asking Gianni how the grape tastes. The prince ends up buying the grape bunch.

Next is a flower stall. It sells bouquets of a variety of flowers. Prince Julien grabs a bouquet of red roses. He stars one of the flowers, speaking no word. He buys the bunch. Gianni offers to carry the bouquet, but Julien refuses to give it. He quietly walks back to the birch tree. Suddenly, a fanfare sounds from outside the park. It is a caravan of traders, which waves different flags on their carts.

The first traders wave a flag with a red rose. They are traders from the kingdom of Inglatera. When Gianni sees the flag and hears the announcement, he understands why Julien does not hand the roses to him.

The day instantly passes. Everyone returns to the chateau. It is already very late at night. The beautiful moon shines brightly on the night sky. Gianni goes out to drink water. He gets it. But halfway back to his room, he stumbles upon a figure by the window staring at the moon. The darkness makes it hard for him to identify who it is.

"Who are you?" Gianni asks. He speaks trying to make the figure reveal its identity. Slowly, he approaches. As he gets near, the person suddenly embraces him. His heart pounds so fast as he feels shocked. However, the figure's warmth is so comfortable for Gianni that he wants the stranger to hug him forever.

Finally, the moonlight reveals the figure. It is Prince Julien. He is taller than Gianni, making a perfect fit as he throws his arms around the shaken butler. Gianni sinks into his chest with his warm arms around him.

"Let's stay like this for a while," the prince whispers in his ear. Gianni trembles as he feels his breathing on his ear and on his neck.

After a long time, Prince Julien releases Gianni from his embrace. Gianni finally calms down. But suddenly, Julien grabs him and bites his neck. He moans and squeezes Julien's shoulder. He wants to stop, but he cannot. The sensation hurts, but it is different.

The next day, as Gabriel and Gianni get ready, Gabriel notices the bite mark left on Gianni's neck. He asks him what happened, but Gianni avoids the question, saying that it is time to go check on the prince. Gabriel thinks it strange for Gianni to avoid the question. The existence of the mark proves that something happened between him and someone else.

The two go to see the prince who still slumbers. They dare not wake him from his sleep but prepare his bath and outfit for the day. There is not much celebration in the morning and noon because the rising of the harvest moon shall come tonight. It is the highlight and last part of the Harvest Festival.

For the prince's schedule, he is going to spend his whole day preparing for the night celebration on the chateau grounds. The grounds are large enough to accommodate the citizens of Magnolia. When the prince wakes up, they help him bathe, dress him, and walk with him on his way to breakfast. During breakfast, the king and queen decide to let Princess Ariana help prepare for tonight's gathering. They deem it as necessary as the future queen of the kingdom. The princess agrees and vows to do her best.

After breakfast, the princes and princesses start their preparation. Prince Louis visits the city orchestra to provide music for the feast. Prince Julien briefs the chefs and cooks on the dishes served. And Princess Ariana and Princess Camille direct the arrangement and design of the tables and the venue of the party.

Gianni and Gabriel follow along with Julien to the kitchen, where they witness his amazing skills in management and logistics. The prince divides the chefs and cooks into four teams. One would take care of the appetizer, one for the main dish, one for the second course, and the last one for dessert. With his planning, everything goes smoothly. Gianni cannot help but admire Prince Julien for his skills. The more he serves the prince, the more his adoration for him grows.

The afternoon comes and the first team starts preparing the appetizer. The second team, meanwhile, preps their ingredients. Everything goes well until a large pan falls on a chef's foot. The chef cries for the pain is excruciating.

Julien, Gianni, and Gabriel immediately go to his rescue. Gianni orders Gabriel to move the patient to a separate room so he can treat him there. The remaining cook on the team begins fearing as the chef who had the incident is their head chef. Suddenly, the prince removes his thick robes. He grabs an apron and takes charge of the first team. He fulfills the duties of the chef well.

Meanwhile, Gianni finishes applying first aid on the chef's foot. He returns to the prince's side. Getting back, his face fills with an unfathomable reaction when he sees the prince cooking the appetizer. He marvels at his talent, wiping his face when sweat fills it. Gabriel does the same thing, helping the prince accomplish his goal. After a few hours, the appetizer is ready, right in time for the sunset, when the festival is going to start. The next teams do well. Everything under Julien's management achieves its goals.

The sun completely sets, the harvest moon rises and shines brightly upon the citizens of Magnolia. All preparations finish, the arrangements and designs complete, the orchestra readies to play, and the appetizers ready to be served. Then comes the people of the city wearing their best. It is not every day they are invited to celebrate with the royal family, so everyone looks ravishing with their outfits.

The royal family takes the front table, where greetings and cheer from each citizen that arrived meet them. Julien is not present, as he still changes for the feast. It is then time to start the party. The orchestra starts playing. People begin dancing on the flat grassy spot at the center of the chateau. With torches and the bright moonlight to light the venue, it is a celebration of fun and excitement.

When Julien arrives, the meal goes to the people. The main course follows it and so on. It is a great social night as the royals themselves mingle with the common people. Music and dance fill the atmosphere as the people dance the night away. The royals watch as their people enjoy the celebration. When the moon reaches its peak, the party also reaches its climax. Laughter and joy are in the air, even the children dance.

The feast ends with a message from the royal family. Each and everyone thanks those who help make the party come to fruition. They especially highlight the efforts of Princess Ariana who manages the entire program. And with that, their celebration ends. The people go home, and the royals finally retire.