A Clean Sweep

"Where could he be?" Prince Julien traces the roads on a map laid before him. "Are you sure that the scouts checked every road from here to Macreigh?"

"Yes, your Highness," a soldier replied. "I have sent scouts to search for the whereabouts of Doctor Saint-Amour. Sadly, they have not found him."

"Continue the search, captain. We must find him before my mother arrives with the main army."

"Understood, your Highness," just as the captain leaves, a spy enters Julien's tent and announces the arrival of the main army.

Julien orders his army to array in an unconventional way. The cavalry is way too far away from the main van. There is no left flank but a right flank bolstered by reserves. It was an unsymmetrical and strange formation. Next, he orders the army to move to a position marked by a white flag.

"The last column on the left should be to the right of the white flag," Julien announces. His army does so.

The main force approaches like a peal of rumbling thunder. The land shakes from their march. Pikes and banners stand on the horizon as the flags dance and sway with the wind. At the center of the formation, seven silver riders march along with a figure wearing gold. As the entire army got closer, the men noticed that their position was perfectly aligned with the main army.

"Mother, I have fulfilled your instructions. We shall be the left wing of the main army," Julien dismounts and bows down before the figure wearing golden armor with a golden cape. On the breastplate, the carnation is etched, and on its center, the crown of the queen is marked. "Our army is at your disposal."

"Then, we shall make quick work of them," the golden figure removes the head covering, revealing the queen. "We shall take Basille using this strategy."

Julien receives a paper outlining the entire operation. He nods and the combined force marches for Basille. While on their way, the queen summons Julien to her side.

"I hear you fought a duel with the enemy general and ran away," the queen remarks. "Was he too strong of an enemy?"

"Surely, you jest. I was winning the duel," Julien replies. "Until a force from the east encircled our army. We would have been wiped out if we did not escape."

"Retreat is a part of strategy. I trust your word. On other matters, I've received word that you sent all your scouts to search for a doctor. Doctor Gianni Saint-Amour?"

"Yes, mother. The doctor who saved father. He was my butler before he became a certified royal physician."

"I see, he was a fine young lad. However, we cannot spare anymore scouts to search for him. Leave three to look for him, the others should be recalled. We need intelligence to plan our moves. A large army is like a beast. It has two great weaknesses…."

"Blindness and hunger," Julien finishes the sentence.

"You remember my discussion with the strategist."

"Of course, you are not the greatest mind in Gallia for nothing."

"You understand the premise of those two, do you not?"

"I understand."


Julien follows his mother's directions—recalling most of the scouts while leaving three to look for Gianni. He follows the instructions outlined in the paper and moves a distance laterally from the central army. After an entire day's march, they camp in Metouche Pas. Before them was the enemy army who anticipated their arrival. Their army is ten times larger, but the queen does not underestimate the skills of the enemy before them. If they could make Julien retreat, this foe is worthy of recognition.

Later that evening, Julien presents himself before the queen. Inside her tent, he finds her laughing as she reads a letter.

"What is it mother?" Julien wonders. "What could be bringing you such amusement?"

"I expected this general to challenge me into a duel and show a little bit wit and cunning," the queen wipes her tears of amusement, "but this is total madness."

I, Juan de la Victoria of Familia de la Victoria of the great kingdom of Essenia, challenge you, Queen Sophia S. Montmirail, to a duel. Your beauty and wisdom are known throughout the kingdoms of this continent. You are a force recognized by all the armies in this world. However, the battlefield is no place for a woman. Instead, our duel shall be in my tent. Let us partake in a battle that will bring bliss to us both. A woman of high stature as yourself is warming my bed—a scene that a man like me would love to witness.

Julian instantly crumples the paper and stomps it under his feet.

"I will not allow this insolence," Julien's eyebrows kiss in anger. "That c*nt must be taught a lesson."

"I intend to," the queen's mood turns serious, "I shall impale his head after I crush his puny army. Retire and carry out my orders, Julien."

The following day, Julien's right army charges against the enemy main camp. The two sides are of equal strength and prowess. The enemy commander, Juan de la Victoria flaunts his sword at his nemesis. Seeing the taunt, Julien's heart burned of anger, but he remembers his mother's plan and ignores him.

The right army breaks through the enemy formation and heads towards the city. Juan de la Victoria realizes the move and tries to steer his army back, but the queen's central forces cut their retreat. They face a head-to-head battle against the veterans of Gallia. Suddenly, struggles from the rear catches his attention. Prince Julien's army did not proceed to the city. He circled back and surrounded them from two fronts.

Juan is caught in a pincer, and his puny army cannot take any more of it. It was a one-sided massacre. Essenian blood watered Metouche Pas, and the once green meadows became red and black of blood and grease. Essenian carcasses and body parts were flung throughout the bloody battlefield.

The queen's elite guard, donned in silver armor, cuts through the battlefield towards Juan. They eventually reach him. In a flash, Juan loses both of his arms.

"I must admit, seeing you like that brings me great pleasure," Queen Sophia emerges before Juan adorned in her golden armor. "Let me tell you something, Juan de la Victoria of Familia de la Victoria. This is my battlefield. The spilt blood of every Essenian here watered the flowers of my kingdom. I would very much like to water my plants with yours, but since I am a merciful and gracious woman. I shall allow you to return to Basille."

"Thank you merciful, queen." The queen's elite guards bandages Juan's severed hands and puts his limbs in a bag slung on his neck. The queen herself struck his horse to return to Basille. Juan escapes from the battlefield. Running for his life, the sight of Basille's gates gladdens him greatly. He dismounts as the gates open for him. However, as soon as he steps inside, soldiers surround him. With their pikes, he is impaled, and his head is displayed on the city gate.

In the battle for Basille in Metouche Pas meadow, only two armies engaged Juan's force—Prince Julien's and the queen's army. The left army moved behind the confusion and liberated the city behind Juan's back. When he decided to return, it was over for him. Everything played in the queen's hands. Every event happened according to the outline that Queen Sophia gave Julien. Her name rumbles the entire battlefield once more as the queen of brilliance.

"A brilliant strategy as always, Queen Sophia." Gallia's high strategist arrives just as the battle ends. "Such masterful moves, the enemy had no chance at all."

"Prime Minister, I've been expecting you," the queen nods. "Have you read the letter that I sent you?"

"Yes, I'm to become the regent of Basille. I understand that this is a vital region for our campaign."

"It is," the queen turns to her officers. "Recall the left army and ready them to march for Macreigh. The sooner we take it, the lesser the enemy can mount a stronger resistance."

Just as the queen gives the order, a representative of the left army arrives.

"The left army is assembling, as we speak, your Majesty." It was Gabriel who had become the subordinate to the left army general. "They are ready to march to Macreigh at your order."

"Excellent, let us be on then. Julien, return to the right flank."

"Gabriel, it's been some time," Julien recognizes his dear friend.

"Your Highness," Gabriel does the formal bow to his prince, "I wish we would've met again under different circumstances."