Chapter 2

As I walk through the destroyed city, I reminisce.

The good old days. Just kidding. Life has never been kind to me. Saying that would probably get me kicked right in the face.

But it is the truth. I was born in a normal household. With normal parents and a normal life.

The only abnormal one was probably me. It happened when I was in grade school.

One day, a pedophile broke in. And he literally broke in.

He took our class hostage and everyone was scared. The pedophile was trying to scare us and was probably aiming for the girls in my class.

They were too scared to move. And almost all the boys were tied up. Then he came to me.

He was not too tall or short. He was short if I compare him to my father.

When he crouched down to tie me up, I stabbed him in his eyes.

I had a compass from my geometry box in my pocket.

And I stabbed him with that. He screamed. His screaming was so loud that I even felt annoyed at him. So I took the compass and stabbed it in his crotch.

He was in pain. No, he was dying. That much I saw.

Soon after that the police came to get him. But instead of taking him to the police station, he was sent to the hospital.

The police took me in custody. My parents were called. They charged me with excessive violence.

Even if it was self defense, what I did was truly barbaric. I was kicked out of that school.

My classmates would cry the moment they see me. My parents started avoiding me.

They called me cursed as their social standing worsened because of that one incident.

I was never given admission into another school.

So that incident was the end of my formal education.

That wasn't the big point. Maybe they would have let it slide if I had just shown some emotions.

When I stabbed that guy twice, all I had on my mind was that he must die.

I had cold eyes like a serial killer or a genocidal freak. The witnesses were kids of the same age.

Some became traumatized because of that. Well, I cannot blame them.

We were only ten. But since then, I never tried to make friends.

It would only strain the relationships I had remaining.

Sorry, I got a little sidetracked in my monologue. But that wasn't a very good memory.

I am out of the town boundaries. Currently on a freeway on my way to the capital up north.

I feel like a hitchhiker but the difference is that there are no cars or vehicles I can hitch.

I have a backpack which contains a few survival tools and some food. Clothes are not that necessary.

If even some facilities are available I should be able to get by.

I alone am left. So would it even matter?

Now the interesting part begins. I have passed a good number farms and fields.

The cattle are grazing. They are moving freely meaning that no livestock were targeted.

And I see birds in the sky and other animals.

It's confirmed that only humans were targeted. No other animals or creatures were hurt.

I have no idea why though. Still, it's fun.

I am pretty glad it didn't become like that. One of those clichés.

The last man alone and a world full of women. It's such a cliché that I would probably kill myself.

Walking like this is fun. Only half a day has passed since that but I feel alive.

Wherever I went, I was met with hostility. Hostility and fear were a daily occurrence.

Some of them even tried ganging up on me.

But they left when they saw that I won't give them any fun.

Seriously, humans are such a scummy race that it should've gone extinct a long time ago.

In that respect I don't feel lucky. Maybe I should've died too.

Haaahh. A long sigh. Just naturally came out.

This tired life is over. But the mysterious attackers are still haunting me.

It is said that fear of the unknown is humans greatest fear. But I feel adventurous.

My spirit is all time high. So let's get to the capital. I can probably access the satellites from there if they are still operational.

It would take a week on foot. A vehicle would surely come on handy. But I can't ask for more.

Let's keep walking and take it slow. This slow life is the wish I ever wanted.

Many of you would want to know what happened to that pedophile, right?

He died. After a week of pain and suffering, he died. It became quite the news and some people even started calling me murderer.

Well, I was shocked too. But I guess anyone would die if they were stabbed in the eye and the crotch at the same time.

The day is almost over. It's afternoon and the sun is setting.

I can totally see the sun setting. But I am still on the highway. The nearest town from my location is still 3 hours walk. That is if I don't take a break every now and then.

I don't have that much time and I don't want go travel in the evening. So let's spend the night here.

Time really flies. Just 24 hours ago, I was in my house. And now everyone is dead. Yeah! Life can sometimes really put you through shit.

Shit happens. I accepted those a long time ago. If I let those small things bother me, then I would have gone mad a long time ago.

Life turned out to be quite mysterious. No one can understand how it works.

But it repeats a lesson if you haven't understood it. In that case it really is the best teacher.

Ohh. I forgot that I haven't spoken for a whole day.

All this talking is in my mind. If I don't speak I might forget how to speak.

"Umm….hello hello. Voice checking." I check my voice.

"Yes. It is still fine. So I should often speak out loud or I might lose my voice." I remind myself.

I have already prepared everything I need to camp outside. Let's take it nice and slow.