Chapter 4

The dog and I are currently on our way to the capital.

I say that but we are walking leisurely. The dog is trotting.

The day is fine. Roads are empty. No sound of vehicles but just birds chirping and flying freely.

No airplanes or flying machines in the sky. It became really quiet but gave an inexplicable sense of relief.

The mechanic sounds are gone. Only natural sounds are present. But my inner monologues are becoming more prevalent.

I guess this is called loneliness. I am not lonely in the truest sense.

But as the only human left, I seek other humans.

However the way we were attacked, it is impossible for any humans to be alive.

I look at the dog beside me. It has brown fur and a pretty common dog like look.

Just like those common house dogs the Amigos played with. Retriever dogs were pretty popular back in the days. Almost every Amigos household used to have one.

But it is very intelligent. It understands my speech and does everything I tell it to.

Calling the dog 'it' is very inefficient. So I stop and take a look at the dog.

It also stopped and looked at me. Its eyes are saying 'Do you have anything to say?'

What should I say, sometimes I feel like a human got trapped inside of a dog.

"How about I give you a name?" I ask it.

To which it wagged its tail.

Meaning it probably wanted me to.

I first confirm whether it is a male or a female.

It is a female. Then a feminine name should do.

But I am bad at naming. So after racking my brain for a while for a name I came to a conclusion.

"Hazel. How about that?" I say to it.

In response it wagged its tail even faster and moved its head up and down.

So it probably liked it.

"So Hazel, once again, let's go to the capital." I say to Hazel.

She barked this time. This is the first time she actually barked. But it seems like she said 'Nice to work with you.'

Now I really wonder if a human is inside her.

We are still far away from the capital. But as I have said before, I am in no hurry.

And having Hazel helps. We have only been together for a few hours but she has already helped me.

Her sense of smell is amazing. So she helps me by finding edible things.

Also she can smell things like blood and smoke.

I can find the dead bodies and bury them.

I can at least do that much, right? Or are you thinking that I am an undertaker?

As the last human standing, I think this is my duty.

Hazel even brings a flower to offer to the dead.

She is really smart. I can even talk to her. I became really attached to her. In just a few hours, we became really close. I think.

Like we have been together for years.

And leisurely walking to the capital, it became dark.

"How about we camp here?" I ask Hazel.

But she growled. Maybe she didn't want to camp outside.

I can see a town a little ahead. It's probably deserted just like every other one.

So I tell her, "Then let's go there."

She barked and wagged her tail.

Maybe she wanted that from the beginning.

We walk a little more and arrive at the town gate.

It isn't totally destroyed. Many buildings are standing.

Meaning this town was not utterly destroyed.

Maybe the population was lower than ours or everyone was gathered at one place.

I find a small house which is standing and seems fine.

"How about there?" I say to myself and Hazel ran inside.

"Then this is it." I say and follow her.

This house has one floor. But it doesn't look like it was used.

Maybe it was empty from the beginning and no one lived here.

It has electricity and water supply. That is a saving grace.

I can even take a bath and relax.

Food is no biggie. As I am in a town, I can find food anywhere.

I unload my things and sit on the couch in the living room.

Hazel is also there, sitting on the carpet.

I take a rest and leave to scavenge.

Hazel comes with me. With her nose, she can find food faster than anyone.

In a short while, I got enough food for a week.

I decided to head back. But this is weird. Everything in this town is still standing.

Only a few buildings were destroyed.

I ask Hazel if there is the smell of blood. But she answered negative.

Meaning not many people lived here.

So I should check the town hall later. Maybe tomorrow. I can check out rest of the town and maybe find a vehicle.

If things are not totally destroyed then I can find a working vehicle.

We head back to the house and take a bath.

It has been a while since I've taken a bath.

A good soak which even healed my mind.

I gave Hazel a bath as well. She seemed to like it.

I heard that dogs don't like baths. Can't say that applies to Hazel.

After taking a bath we ate. Then went to sleep.

Nothing to report there. This house had a good bed. I felt like I was being sucked into the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Hazel slept beside me.

You would probably imagine a cat doing that but she is not too big. And the bed could easily fit us.

It resulted in us sleeping like logs.