Today marks the one month of that. That invasion or should I call it {Extermination} of humanity.
Anyway, I am still in the capital. Living in a small house I found unscathed. Probably a new house.
The capital built a lot of houses but not everyone could afford them. So most of them were up for sale.
This was probably similar. And the house itself is not bad. It had everything from a pantry to bunker.
Why bunker? I don't know. Ask the government. Oh…..that's right. The government is gone.
I am alone in this whole world. Not alone in a sense. My partner Hazel is with me.
For this one month or more like 3 weeks, I have been living here. I have nothing to do. So I studied a little. A little of everything.
And I trained. My body and my mind. Both of them have been tempered.
My body was not fat. I worked in the mines. So I have some muscle on me. But I built a little more. Trained my agility. A little bit of strength and endurance.
Overall my stats went up. This is no RPG game. But I feel that my physical stats have gone up.
I can even run a marathon and still be in top shape. Maybe that's a bit too much. 40 kilometers isn't a short distance.
While I was training, Hazel was with me. Everywhere I went, she followed. I guess she truly trusts me. She is attached to me.
Even if she isn't, let me dream. I can dream, right?
Imagine, if something like her turning into a human like dog. You know, one of those that have dog like ears and tails but a human body.
Won't be bad. But that will stay in my fantasies. It has been more than a hundred years since the great purge.
Before that, everything flourished. Especially culture.
Nihon introduced manga and anime and light novels to humanity. It created a great wave.
Everyone got immersed in those. But then the UN banned those.
The reason being that it deviates the development of human nature and makes a man worthless.
I guess they kinda overdid it. But those were in history archives. Normal civilians are not supposed to know about these.
Still I found some anime stashed in the database.
I took those. I watched those. I absorbed those. And I enjoyed those.
I felt like it was something morally disgusting, legally questionable. But I liked it.
Anyway, I plan on staying here for a little longer.
I am currently sitting on my couch. Hazel is on my lap. I am stroking her head as she is happily wagging her tail.
It has kinda become my daily routine. She feels more like a lover.
Don't call me weird. But if she turned into that then I would truly be happy.
I want to go on an adventure. The world is big. Since that accident, other continents have been blocked.
All remaining humans had evacuated to this land. And now everyone is gone.
The other continents should still be polluted. But that's what the government had been telling us.
So I think something is up. And to see that I have to go myself.
And about the invaders. I have been patiently waiting for them. But they still haven't come back.
I even saw where they came from.
From our own solar system. But which planet is still unknown.
I thought they would be coming back to check.
But they are taking their pretty time. I better be on my guard. How did they kill humans with so much accuracy is still unknown to me.
If they have something that can identify a human regardless of the situation, then I am toast.
I think I will leave in about a week.
This is the middle of the continent. What was once was Central Asia. But I think I should head south.
I have never seen the sea. Only records of it.
I want to confirm with my own two eyes. My transportation is not a problem.
I jacked a solar bike. It's fast and comes with a extra carrier.
Hazel can travel in that.
Like one of those old movies, sitting together in a bike and driving into the sunset.
I am begging you that don't think of me as a pervert. I am grateful to Hazel and want to take care of her.
It's already night. I did not notice that so much time has passed.
I have been monologuing the whole day.
So let's get some sleep. I am off to the dream world so meet you tomorrow morning.