The gun and staff suddenly glowing and my weird dream might be connected. So I should check this out.
Cautious people would say to be careful. But I believe that I have to explore every possible event.
This event is quite exciting. A stolen alien gun and staff which are too draining and doesn't use any ammunition suddenly glowing is weird in its own right. But I got a weird dream.
And judging by the timing I would say this is that common trope.
When the protagonist levels up he gets new powers and abilities which often manifests itself through his dream.
I get up and walk to the glowing gun. It is glowing but faintly and it's blinking.
The lights is glowing like an S.O.S signal. Is this weapon actually alive? I haven't tested it yet after my training but I should have leveled up.
If my guess is correct then it uses spiritual energy as a power source. So I did both physical and mental training in which I tempered my body and soul.
Let's see the results. I touch the gun and it stopped glowing.
Arehhh. Did it break? Or was it malfunctioning?
I was looking at the gun and examining it when I heard a voice.
(You have been chosen as the owner of
This gave me a jump. I just heard a voice. An inorganic voice. Like a A.I. generated voice.
Then I look at the gun and this gun was changing. The hollow area where the trigger was is gone. The barrel is changing its shape to fit my hand. Moreover, it has totally attached itself to my arm.
I stop moving. Panicking won't help. So I take a deep breath and wait.
The gun which I was holding is now attached to my arm. Not just attached, it's practically a part of me now.
I try to pull it out but it won't budge. And the trigger is gone. It's now like a gauntlet with a barrel.
Like one of those shorthands with an extended barrel. This is cool. So science fiction like or something else.
Moreover it said that I am its owner. It chose me. That means, it probably was a type of weapon which chooses its own wielder.
I was pretty sidetracked because of this sense of accomplishment. So I kinda forgot about the staff.
"Ohhh…" I even said that when I looked beside the gun.
The staff is still glowing. I should touch it as well.
"Anything goes at this point." I say and take the staff.
(You have been chosen as the owner of the
Again that inorganic voice resounded. Maybe it's speaking directly in my mind.
The staff started becoming smaller. And it became small enough to be called a pendant. It even has a string attached. So maybe it is supposed to be worn as a locket.
I put it on. But how will I use it? Always having a gun attached to my hand is tiresome. And the staff became too small.
But then I felt something odd. I know how to use the gun and the staff. Like I always knew.
But these aren't mine. And I certainly didn't get the user manual. So how the hell did I know?
Did I get the knowledge when I was chosen? I am the owner so I should know the most.
Judging from my memories, I do know how to use them.
But I haven't practiced yet. I need to get the feel. Or else I won't be able to use them when the time comes.
I look at Hazel. She is sleeping with the cub.
Now that I think about it, I haven't thought of a name for the cub.
It's kinda irritating to call it the cub. I need to think of a name.
A gender neutral name or should I check first?
I was thinking when Hazel woke up.
She is staring at me. No not me but my hand.
Ahh. She probably noticed the gun around my arm. Right!! I was thinking of a way to get rid of that.
How do I access it again? I focus on the gun and order it to vanish.
And then I notice that the gun disappeared. I call it and it appeared.
So it depends on my will, huh. It's nice. I have a weapon at my beck and call.
Feels nice but I still have to practice. I ask Hazel to watch over the house. I don't want to take her with me.
When Hazel is with me, I cannot do anything crazy. So I need some privacy.
And the naming comes then. I will check the gender but if my dream was true or something like that, it should be a female.
I don't know if those were my repressed feelings or just random dream but I would like it to be a female.
But I think because of those thoughts, I had a dream like that.
I arrive at that empty field again. A proper training ground. I call out my gun.
It came. No delay at that. I should check other things out.
I focus on my gun. I can see the number of shots I can fire.
It's only ten. I should try shooting first. But how do I shoot?
I close my eyes and focus. And after opening my eye, I know.
I just have to point at the target and just shoot it. Literally, just think of shooting a bullet.
Just like before, I shot a tree. And the tree vanished. What is left is a crater. Just like before, but I don't feel exhausted this time.
So the training really paid off. I am happy. With this, I have multiple chances.
And I shoot another round. After 6 shots, I am feeling lightheaded.
So, my current limit would be ten shots as said. But if I play it correctly, I would be able to do some damage.
After all, the firepower is comparable to a hand grenade.
Next would be the staff. How will it turn out? I am hyped but if it's disappointing then I would be heartbroken.