Chapter 32

I said make a fire but exactly how? Fire is something that burns. More scientific explanation would be combustion of an object with oxygen.

It simply burns with the help of oxygen. So do I visualize oxygen?

(Just visualize a fire. It's easier that way.)

Thank you for the hint.

I am now at the same field where I killed red.

I have brought them as well. They are watching from a distance and to be safe, I have placed a barrier around them.

Aegis really is handy.

I visualize a fire. A normal yellow fire with partial combustion of oxygen.

And it's there. On my palm is a fire. A normal fire. Yellow in color and nothing special.

I feel the heat from it but it isn't burning me.

"Maybe I can crank up the heat."

If I remember correctly, the combustion rate will also increase temperature. And hydrogen is the best fuel.

I visualize a pale blue flame this time and it appeared. Normally. Is that really that easy?

I feel like I cheated.

(No, you didn't. Your imagination is just that much potent.)

I see. How should I use it? The flame on top of my palm is pale blue. It should have the highest temperature. Not exactly but it is high enough to cut through titanium.

(You have watched those animes so you should know, right?)

System is talking to me more than usual. It is helping me but I feel a bit strange as well.

I see. I just have to make a ball of it and throw it.

I make the flame bigger and make a ball of it. I throw the ball at a nearby tree.

The results are good. The tree started burning. It is burning with blue flames and in just minutes, it totally became charred.

So it has such firepower.

Is that magic?

(No. You used your to create the fire with your imagination. You didn't use any mana. So it isn't magic. And it doesn't have a limit. As long as you have the and can imagine the result, you can do anything. Take note that difficult and large scale tasks cost more .)

Thanks. Let's try something out of science fiction. I have heard of cryogenic flames but it still isn't so realistic.

The most I know is that helium plasma can freeze objects.

Then I should just imagine a cold flame which can instantly freeze an object.

I focus. I have to focus because I haven't seen it in real life.

Let's omit the process and step right into the results.

I have a blue flame on my palm. It isn't pale blue but a deeper shade of blue.

I don't feel any heat from it. I make a ball of it and throw it at the charred tree.

The flames engulfed the charred tree and instantly covered the tree in ice.

It is now a charred tree popsicle. Just kidding. I go near the tree and touch it.

It's cold. I don't know the exact temperature but it is cold. And the layer of ice is thick.

I punch the ice to break it. But the first punch didn't break it.

So, a half-hearted punch won't break it.

I can see that this ice is durable. I should test out the other thing.

I undo the barrier and beckon them.

All of them came to me with shocked faces. Especially Fay. She looks so pale that she might just faint.

"Fay, are you okay? You look really pale." I ask out of concern.

"Uhh…ohh…umm….." She isn't talking just mumbling.

What happened?

"Hazel, what happened to her?"

"Umm….when master made a fire on your hand, she became speechless. When you created a blue flame, she started shaking. After burning the tree, she became like a statue who was only watching. But after turning the charred tree into ice, blood drained from her face and she started mumbling like that." (Hazel)

Hazel said those stuff like it was nothing but it sounded serious. Is Fay sick or she became so shocked that she can't even talk.

I should first calm her down. She is still rumbling.

(Just pat her head and channel some of your inside her. It should give her some mental resistance.)

That's easy. By the way, I see that Hazel and Eden are totally fine.

(You have evolved them with your . So they are immune to things like mental strain and physical pain. At least to some extent.)

That's a relief. I don't know if I should be this cautious or not.

(You should be careful. Because soon you will face something far terrifying than anything you have faced till now. It won't end up like those weak humans. Be ready.)

Giving me that warning, System stopped talking. But what kind of something?

At least give me that. Anyway, I should probably hurry up and fix Fay before it gets too late.

It's almost evening. I need to hurry. Because I don't want to stay outdoors tonight.