Chapter 34

It's nighttime. I am sleeping on the floor. We already ate dinner and went to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. I sit up.

I look at the bed. The three of them are sleeping on the bed. Eden is in the middle with Hazel and Fay on both sides.

Eden is a cheerful girl. She is totally fine with Fay whom she met afterwards. But she took a liking to Hazel the moment she saw her.

I am talking about the time when she was a bear. I am happy that she is happy. I am happy that Hazel is still with me.

But I have my doubts about Fay. I still think that she is hiding something. I can't force her though. I believe in freedom. So I won't tell anyone what to do or stop them from doing something.

I look at the clock. It's 2 at night. Again, I feel like I can't sleep. I am still using to enhance my body.

Does it affect my sleep?

(No. It does not affect your sleep. The cause for your insomnia lies deep within your psyche.)

Eh.. Is that true? I am suffering from insomnia. But how? I am not stressed or worried about anything. I don't think I fear anything either.

But ever since the attack, I have had trouble sleeping.

(I shall help. I will help you sleep. Find the cause in your sleep and try to deal with it.)

Wait…. I was about to stop System but I was attacked with drowsiness. It wasn't lukewarm as simple drowsiness. I immediately fell asleep.


I wake up. It's morning. I get up from bed and go downstairs. I open the bathroom door and start brushing my teeth. After brushing and washing my face, I go the living room.

I see dad sitting at the dining table. As usual, he is reading a newspaper.

"Morning, dad."

"Yeah, morning!! You look tired, my son." (Dad)

"I was up till late night. I have a test today."

"Be sure to study but don't push yourself too hard." (Dad)

I take my seat and wait for mom. I can see her in the kitchen. She is preparing breakfast as always.

Then it came to my mind, why am I here? This is my parents' house. But why am I here? I should be at my own place.

I look at the newspaper. The date is from 7 years ago. The day when I killed that pedophile.

Wait. I try to stop myself but then I noticed it.

I was just floating around myself. My body which is currently ten years old is actually having breakfast with mom and dad.

I am floating beside the table and trying to touch them. But I can't. Every time, my hand phases through them.

I am like a ghost who is watching their own memories.

Did System do this? My cause for insomnia lies here.

I think I should go along with this. And everything went as it was. I stabbed the pedophile to death.

It became a big deal and I was isolated. So why am I seeing this thing again?

It was after a week of the incident. In my dream, I have spent a week. During dinner, I am floating right beside me.

Mom and dad are sitting on their seats. I am eating. But why am I seeing specifically this?

Was it important? I see that I am collapsed on the table. After taking a single bite, I collapsed on the table.

"Now, stab him." I hear this.

Dad is holding a knife and mom is telling him to stab me. When did this happen?

I don't remember this. I am clearly collapsed on the table. Dad is gonna stab me any moment now.

But before he could do that, his hand started shaking. And he lost his grip. The knife fell from his hand.

"I can't."

"You have to. We can't keep this monster alive."

Mom is telling him in tears but dad is refusing. What is happening? Even I think that if you want to kill me, do it fast.

But in the end, both of them failed to kill me. Mom tried to but she was also unable to kill me.

They both started crying and kept glaring at me.

"We can't kill him. We gave birth to him." Is what they were saying.

But I can clearly see my body turning blue. They noticed it as well.

"What did you mix in his food?" (Dad)

"I just put in some sleeping powder." (Mom)

"Isn't he turning blue?" (Dad)

"Maybe it was poisonous. Oh no…" (Mom)

Mom held her mouth as soon as she realized that it was poison.

Dad picked my body in his arms and started running towards the hospital.

In the end, I was poisoned by an insecticide. But the doctor was amazed at how I survived that. Because, it is a sure kill if you use that insecticide.

I was discharged from hospital after a week. But after that incident, I stopped talking to them. I remember the poison part but I don't know about that killing me part.

Is that the reason? My trust in my parents crumbled after that. Is that what it was?

I trusted them or more like I loved them. However, after trying to poison me, I lost my trust in them.

So what is this dream implying? Should I trust my parents?

(No. You should forgive them.)

I hear System even in my dream.

(You held a grudge. It's time you let go of that. Otherwise, they will be bound by your grudge and might turn into an undead.)

That's brutal. But I don't think I hold a grudge against them.

(It is deep. Just say you forgive them. It'll be enough. Let time heal it but you need to say it first. Admitting something first is the first step towards reconciliation.)

I don't think it'll work but let's try it.

"I forgive you."

And the dream shattered like a glass mirror. And I am in my current body.

I see mom and dad standing in front.

"It has been a while, my son." (Dad)

"Yeah. How are you?"

"We will be okay. Listen my son, you might hold a grudge against us. But don't be so distant. You should trust people more or you won't get close to anyone." (Dad)

"I think I trust people."

I do think so.

"If you think that, that's fine. Live your life as you want but don't do anything that will harm others. You should try to live a good life." (Dad)

"I don't go around killing people."

"It seems our time is up. Mom, you have something to say, right?"

I look at mom.

"Clive, we couldn't trust you and that made you like this. I won't ask you to forgive me but don't think that everyone will try to kill you."

Is she reading my mind?

"And you have duties now that you have a daughter. Be sure to raise her to be a good woman."

I couldn't reply to her. Before that, they started disappearing and I could only wave my hand.

(You have sorted out your past. For this a special reward has been given. capacity has increased tenfold.)

Isn't that nice?

(Now, wake up.)

I am not sure what to make of it. But I feel light. I think a big burden has been lifted from my chest.

I guess it's time to wake up.