Chapter 42


I call out to the stalker. I knew it was intelligent. But when it showed itself, I was taken aback a bit. It looks just like a human. A man came from behind the tree.

Upon seeing him I became even more puzzled. I noticed that this star does not have a sliver of magic. Nothing close to it. It's like this star is already dead. No living spirit is here.

But this man….how to say, is kinda giving off a pressure. This pressure is completely unknown to me but I found him because of this pressure.

It is emanating from his body. He doesn't notice it so it maybe it's unconscious. I ask his name. But he asked for mine.

"Ahh. That's true. Sorry for the tardiness. I am Fay Adams."

I introduce myself. I used my mother's name. Although that's the same name I always use.

He was like, 'how polite.' Is he kidding around?

But then he introduced himself. His name is Clive Belmont. That's a nice name. But why is he here?

I ask him about it. But he asks me why this planet is barren? Is he unaware of the fact?

I tell him about this star. He next tells me that someone left him here and he doesn't know why. He lost his memories. He doesn't know anything except his name.

How sad!! I suddenly hug him. I console him and try to cheer him up.

But he tells me to let go. Then I finally notice it. I was leaning onto him. In a really unladylike manner. I hurriedly let go of him. This is really weird. Why was I hugging him?

I look at him. His face is normal. He doesn't have a extremely handsome or beautiful face. His face isn't gallant either. Just like a normal human.

But there's something about him that doesn't add up. His emotion less face is unsettling. He hasn't shown me a single emotion.

His face is cold. Stone cold. Doesn't flinch no matter what. He asks me a few things and I answer them.

But why am I speaking to him so happily? Something is pulling me towards him. I know that's not right but I can't but talk to him.

He asks me something unusual. Why don't I like my guards?

It's obvious. They are just blindly following duke Martin's orders. I tell him the reason.

He thinks for a bit and makes a proposal.

"How about this? I take care of them for you."

He says this. He clearly wants to take them on. I tell him that they are skilled fighters. But he isn't stopping.

So I give him a helping hand. I call one of them to meet me at the ship.

He hides behind a bush and I sit on the stairs of the ship.

I can see him approaching. The man who is the captain and has red hair. I won't bother with his name.

I see him approaching me steadily but then he stops right at the bush where Clive was hiding.

Then something happened. I don't know what but something did happen. I can't see captain standing. I see him on the ground and Clive holding his head.

What happened? I unsteadily walk over to him.

And I clearly see what had happened. And I try to remember. I see Clive running towards captain. He was running fast. Then Clive grabbed his head from behind and slammed it on the ground.

What kind of attack is that? He did say that he was going to ambush him but what kind of fighting style is this? When I reach them, I got a clear look.

Blood is flowing. The ground is cracked. Clive is still holding his head. But his body is just laying there. Lifeless!! That man is long dead and his hair which was red is now drenched in blood and became even a darker red.

He asks me if I was scared or not? I am actually a little scared. But I can't admit it.

He then asks me what to do with the body. I suggest leaving it as it is. But he disagreed.

So he isn't some beast. He clearly said that he wants to do something as his last rite.

"Then, I will burn it."

Ehh….he is going to burn his body? How?

Then suddenly his hand became a gun. How? His hand became a gun and it fired a white ball. What is that white ball? I don't feel any magic from it but it's strong.

I can tell at least that. And his body was engulfed in white light. And it disappeared. As fast as it was engulfed, it disappeared.

I can't take it anymore. I can't think straight. What is real anymore I don't know. I am seeing things. And my vision became black.