Chapter 57

I am currently in a dream. I am crucified and a mysterious person has found me. When I opened my eyes after getting used to it, I found a really familiar face.

"How are you, Aura?"

I ask the person in front of me. Her face is astounded.

"Well, don't be so surprised. Is it that unusual for me to wake up?"

"No. It's just that it's the first time you've woken up." (Aura)

"I see. How long was I asleep?"

"It has been more than 20 years since you fell into a comatose state." (Aura)

"I see. But if I remember, Hazel and Eden are living their lives normally. Fay became the queen of her own country. Why are you here?"

"Because someone needed to stay behind as your overseer." (Aura)

"Must be tough."

I sympathize with Aura. She stayed behind for someone she didn't even like or care for.

"Aura, how about we take a look around?"

"Take a look around? Are you serious? In your state, how are you going to walk?" (Aura)

"I'll make a dummy body similar to a human's and transfer my consciousness to that body. My real body will be here and I will walk around. I thought I should a take a look."

Wait, how did I propose such things? Do I have the experiences? No. I searched my memories but it's kinda locked.

But I knew that I could make a copy and transfer my consciousness. Weird but also exciting.

"If you can do it then by all means. I am pretty bored too. Always staying here." (Aura)

"I am currently processing but I have some questions for you later."

I start working on the body. I'll skip the details 'cause no one wants to read science and stuff. It's the age of automation. I'll make a human body out of nowhere. That's Magic!!!

The body is complete. Took me about 3 minutes to make. Perfect! It's basically another me. Everything is the same. Now for transferring my consciousness, I make mana links and start imprinting.

Later I will absorb the body and the memories will become a part of me. It's quite the roundabout way. I could just make a clone using only mana but if didn't fit well.

After imprinting, I cut off my consciousness of my real body and boot up my clone body.

Am I an android now? And don't worry, I am wearing clothes.

"How does it look?" I ask Aura. Although I don't really care about my appearance, I still asked.

"Just like you. But still, it's pretty well made." (Aura)

"I will take that as a compliment. Shall we?"

I extend my arm to her. She held my hand. Pretty romantic. Umm…I don't know if that counts as romantic. We start making our way out.

It's a big cave. Took us 10 minutes to just reach the entrance.

The door is closed with a seal. Aura removed the seal. It's target is me and only the overseer can remove the seal.

Outside, it's bright. How many years has it been since I was under the sun? And I can see the flower garden. The garden which I previously saw in my dream.

That's where Hazel and Eden live and Fay often comes to visit them. This looks peaceful.

"It's peaceful, isn't it?"

"Yeah. That could have been your house. Hazel could have been your wife. We could have had a life together. But, it all ended. All in vain." (Aura)

Aura is giving me a scornful look.

"Would you have preferred it?"

"Yes. This is no time to be saying that. I know what you might be thinking so I won't hide it. I wanted to have life with you. You and Hazel and Eden, a big happy family. But with your one action, everything changed." (Aura)

So she really did desire a life like that. I can't say I understand but it would be pretty nice if it had ended like that.

"Sorry that things ended up like this. But Hazel and Eden went their own ways. You could have forgotten about me and go your own way."

She stopped walking. She is blankly staring at me.

"You… could you say that? Am I like that to you?" (Aura)

"No. But don't women have a change of heart?"

I actually don't know if that's true or not. I just knocked on the wood.

"Some do but I don't. At first I hated you. I loathed you. You killed me on a whim, you took away my daughter, you revived me and then you came here with everyone. Everything you have done so far is selfish. But as they say, the first one to fall in love loses. I lost to you." (Aura)

"You are being awfully honest today. And personally, I like it. The way you blush and your ears moving….it's cute."

And Aura turned beet red. Honestly, she is totally cute. Normally she is a beauty but now she is cute. It's moe!!!!

We were lost in our own world but some kids were gathering us.

"Look, they are a couple."

"They are."

"They totally are."

The kids are saying that while giggling. I forgot but kids are often more sensitive to these things.

"We are not a couple. We are a married couple."

I correct them. We didn't have a ceremony but we certainly are married or are we not?

"Clive, how much more are you going to embarrass me?" (Aura)

"Sorry. I just got the urge to tease you more."

The kids are intently looking at us. Are we that interesting?

"What are you kids doing here?"

"We were playing when we saw you."

"Don't run towards a stranger all of a sudden. Look, your grandma is waving at you."

"How did you know that she is our grandma?"

"I can tell. Now go."

Hazel was actually waving at us but I sent them away.

"She doesn't remember us, does she?"

"No. After you became the core of this planet, everyone lost their memories of you. And I as your overseer cannot remain as well. We both were erased from their memories." (Aura)

"Kinda tragic but I like this setting. Now let's go. I wanna see this planet again."

I pull Aura by her hand and start running. Feels refreshing to run again in the sun.

I know this is a dream. I think it is one of the possibilities for the future. So let's enjoy it and think about reality later. It's a normal shopping date with just me and Aura.