Chapter 62

I have hunted a big deer like animal. I dragged it back and I found Hazel. Eden was there as well. Wondering what the fire was about.

I remember them but they don't remember me. It won't be weird if they treat me like a stranger. But I won't tell them. I can't act weird.

"Welcome. I believe this is the first time we are meeting."

I try to start a conversation. I am not too used to people. So I never actually made a conversation with someone else.

"Yes. I believe so too. But why am I getting a distinct feeling that I have met you before?" (Hazel)

"Well, I get that a lot. But this is our first meeting. Because for the past twenty years, I have never left my house for a single moment."

I subtly ignore that subject. I think I managed to divert her attention. But she is still suspicious.

"I understand auntie Hazel but why am I feeling that as well?" (Eden)

"I don't know. Maybe you have met someone like me in the past."

"Then why does she look like me?" (Eden)

Ahhh….Eden takes after her mother. It's scary because they are almost identical. Anyone who doesn't know them would say that they are twins.

"They say that you have at least a doppelgänger. I guess you are mine." (Aura)

Aura smoothed it over.

"I am your doppelgänger? How old are you?" (Eden)

"The same age as your mother. What did I say, I have been living with my husband for twenty years." (Aura)

"You….don't look that old." (Eden)

"Ok. Let the feast begin. How about you join us?"

"How can we suddenly join you?" (Hazel)

"Don't be so distant. We are neighbors. Although this is the first time we are meeting, let's get to know each other."

I want to meet her family too. This dream has already stretched this much so a little longer won't hurt.

And after coaxing for a bit, they both agreed.

Everything was going on nice and steady. But I heard footsteps. Like an army marching towards an enemy army.

Dust clouds could be seen in the evening sky and clanking sounds came.

"Aura, is there a war going on?"

I asked. That sounded like a campaign. A war campaign.

"No. All the wars should be over. No war has been fought for the last ten years." (Aura)

"Then what is that sound and why do I get the feeling that more trouble is coming my way?"

Hazel and Eden are present too. They are speculating stuff. The kids were put to sleep.

Wait….how did they fall asleep so quickly? But they were tucked into their beds so….. I can't say nothing more.

Ten minutes later, the marchers army was visible. At least a thousand men were there. And the commander was none other than Fay.

Why is Her majesty Fay leading the army?

"Fay is the warrior queen. She rules and she fights. Simple!" (Aura)

"I see."

She took the Amazon way. She got off from her horse and came to me.

"State your intention." (Fay)

"Just a regular guy trying to have a meal with my neighbors."

That's pretty much it. It isn't too complex.

"Nay…..are you an enemy?" (Fay)

"Woman….I am telling you that I just wanted to entertain my neighbors."

She is still not buying it.

"Fay, what is the meaning of this?" (Hazel)

"Hazel, why are you not wary of that person?" (Fay)

"Why should we be wary?" (Hazel)

"Can you not feel it? The inhuman amount of strength he possesses. It's just not possible for a being to be that strong." (Fay)

She is exaggerating. There are plenty of people as strong as me but I can only think of one who is stronger than me.

"I do think that he is fairly strong but why are so afraid of him?" (Hazel)

"The answer is that." (Fay)

Fay pointed at the dead deer like animal. I killed it with relative ease.

"That thing was troubling us for a long time. I even put an elite army of 1000 men to subjugate it. But just this evening, it was taken down. When we investigated through our clairvoyant, we were baffled. Just a single man took it down with even moving a finger. What did you do?" (Fay)

So they have a clairvoyant. I was careless. I wasn't looking out for any rats.

"I just stole its life force. That's all."

I really did. I don't like to prolong a fight. If I can win, I win in a flash. If I can't win, then I run away. It's better than just standing there and losing.

I could easily win against an animal. Just steal its lice force and it'll die. It stands true for every animal.

But why is Fay looking at me like that? Ahh…. I forgot that she doesn't know me.

"It's really easy. You just need to have better control. If you can control other's mana as well, you can kill your enemy without even breaking a sweat."

"Dear, they aren't following you." (Aura)

"This is why I became a cave dweller. Because I had become too different from normal people thanks to my master. So how about we start this dinner?"

But the atmosphere didn't change. Even Hazel and Eden are looking at me like I am a monster.

This is troubling. But I do have to finish this dream. Dreams only take a few seconds to complete. So a few seconds must have passed it reality. But a long time has passed since I started dreaming.

Reality and dreams don't always mesh well. Enough of those tedious talk. Let's eat and wake up. I need to hurry up ans crush Martin and then leave. After that comes grinding. A long and tiring road is ahead of me.

Stay strong both me and the author.