The bazaar

Since we have successfully entered the city, we don't have to sneak around. We are normally walking on the streets like everyone else. No one is even looking at us.

They seem really busy. The hustle of this city is great. I turn to Fay who is walking alongside me.

"Fay, what about the currency though? I don't have any money."

I had forgotten but this world has different money than my previous one. I need this world's currency.

"We use gold and silver as currency. But depending on the size, the value changes. Don't worry. I have some money on me." (Fay)

She showed me a small pouch which contained a few gold coins. Gold is probably the highest of coins so I think that much will suffice. But I need to secure money.

"Fay, what do the people of this world do? For earning money?"

"Many things. Some are farmers, some are merchants, some are laborers. We have teachers and diplomats as well but they are a few. Most people are involved in physical labor. You work, you eat." (Fay)

"Should I also become a laborer? I am pretty confident in my physical abilities."

"No. There's another profession. You can also become an adventurer. They are like freelancers. If you give them enough money, they will do anything you want. Of course there are a few rules but they do mostly anything." (Fay)

"I will become an adventurer then. After the shopping is done, that is."

"No. You can become one right now if you want. The guild building is just ahead. Just go and register." (Fay)

There it is. The adventurers. I knew it. The fantasy element is still here. The city looks medieval and the setting just correct. All I needed was this.

"Fine. I will go."

I think I can get by somehow. But there's something strange. The people aren't too cheerful.

"Fay, was this city always this way? It feels way too gloomy for a city this big."

"I am also wondering about it. This city used to be a bustling city. But the people aren't even smiling and I see no young men." (Fay)

"That's also it. Is a war going on?"

"War? Why would our kingdom wage a war? We haven't fought a war for more than 3 centuries." (Fay)

"I said it could be a possibility. Let's go to the guild first. Information is always there where many people gather."

"Okay. But Eden…" (Fay)

"Eden will be fine. She is strong after all. And if anyone even dares to say anything to her, they will get what they deserve. Isn't that right Eden?"

"Papa, don't go overboard." (Eden)

She truly is smart and mature for her age. I am glad she is my daughter. But I wonder, what are they doing?

But we make our way to the guild first. The building is normal. You wouldn't really expect it to be a guild hall.

"What happened? The building has changed?" (Fay)

"So this isn't the guild?"

"But it was right here. Look, the signboard says it's the adventurer's guild." (Fay)

I didn't pay it much attention and I just pushed the wooden door. It made a weird sound and everyone present looked at us.

I see big burly men, muscular men and even some tattooed and scarred men. The usual rough and tough battle hardened people. But the glare, it's like they are waiting to target me.

It didn't really do much. Their level of intimidation is way too low. I have survived System. First time meeting her, I really thought I would die. Compared to that, it feels as if a swarm of ants is looking at me.

"Let's go. But will I be able to write?"

"I wonder. Our language sounds the same so it won't be much difficult." (Fay)

We both ignore the glares and make our way to the reception. A lady is standing at the reception. Well, not a lady but I see 4 ladies standing and attending to different people.

I just lined up and waited for my turn. Soon it became my turn.

"Welcome to the adventurer's guild. How may I help you?"

She said with a business like attitude. She is a pro at handling people.

"I would like register as an adventurer."

"In that case, fill out this form and submit it."

She handed me a form and I make my way to a table to fill it.

Eden and Fay followed me.

"What will you do?" (Fay)

"I will be myself. I won't lie but I will hide a few things. Eden remember, lying is bad. Never lie to anyone."

"Yes papa." Eden nodded and said.

The form is basic. Just my name and age and address. My hobbies and skills and my education. For address, I didn't fill it. It says optional so why go through the hassle.

"Is that all?"

"Yes. You wrote your name and you are 18?" (Fay)

"Why are you so shocked at that?"

"I thought you would be older." (Fay)

"Sorry but I am only 18."

And I went to submit the form. The lady took it read.

"Then Clive Belmont, welcome and congratulations on becoming an adventurer. Please pay two silvers as registration fee."

And I paid. Nothing too much. Of course it was Fay's money.

"You have written that you are a skilled staff user and a gunner. But where are your weapons?"

"Ah, here they are. Come out, Aera and Aegis."

I bring them out but in their weapon forms. It would be troublesome if someone sees them as normal humans.

"You have spirit weapons? Can you use magic?"

"I can."

The lady is actually thinking. But she went inside and brought a crystal ball.

And the atmosphere changed. Everyone is looking at me. The awkward stares became more observant.

"Place your dominant hand on this ball. It will show your element and your magic count."

This is becoming a drag. But I should go all out.

Even if 90 percent of my original strength is sealed, I am still stronger than them.

I placed my hands and the ball started glowing. But soon it cracked and shattered into pieces.

Everyone is dumbfounded and the lady almost fainted.

"A..all elements. And the highest magic count in the history of this kingdom."

The lady muttered this. Of course I am. I am not the type to hide my strength.

I show my everything and crush the opponent with absolute strength. No hiding.

It'll take a while to fix this mess so brace I'll myself for an upheaval.