First job and an unexpected meeting

The guild master certainly lived up to his reputation. He dealt with me carefully. Now I am a B rank adventurer.

"Fay, what does a B rank adventurer do?"

"B ranks can receive personal commissions and be nominated for specific jobs. Of course they are harder but the payment is also worth the risk. You can say that you have become special as an adventurer. But you need to answer to emergencies as well." (Fay)

"So I am given special treatment in exchange of my services during emergencies. Doesn't sound too bad. And I can say that this is the best way to rack up some money."

"Papa, do you have a job now?" (Eden)

"Yes, honey. Papa has a job now. Let's accept a job and get our spending money."

We have this conversation as we descend the stairs. Once we step foot into the hall, everyone fixed their gazes on us.

I ignore them as I did previously.

"Guild master issued me with this card. Do you have any jobs for me?"

I show the receptionist my copper card and she looks at me funny. Did I make a joke? But she took my card and put it in a box.

"What does that do?"

"It's a verification device. It verifies whether the card is genuine or fake." (Fay)

The device lit green and the card came out. The receptionist took it and brought out some fliers. The paper looks rough. Probably old and reused.

"These are the requests you can accept. Once you finish your request, you bring back evidence and your job will be deemed finished."

She gives me an easy explanation and I take a look at it with Fay.

"Which one do you suggest?"

"The monster subjugation requests should be easy. Explorations and collection requests take a lot of time. The monsters here aren't even a match for you. So why not accept all of them?" (Fay)

"But there are more than 10 subjugation requests. I can't subjugate that many. Let's just take two and call it a day. I am hungry."

"How about power bears? They are bears but more powerful and can use magic. And this wolfhound? They are normal wolf but have hound half body." (Fay)

"A bear and a half wolf half hound. Sounds good. I'll take them."

I take the fliers for the jobs and hand the rest back to Ms. Maria.

"You have accepted two requests at the same time. It does not have a time limit but do note that failing them will get you a pena. You will be demoted if you fail 3 times in a row."

So I can be penalized and demoted as well? Sounds good. Not that I would fail anyway.

I accept the two quests and leave the guild with Fay and Eden.

After their departure, the whole guild became abuzz. Everyone is talking about them. The receptionist who had been talking to him with an indifferent attitude became a wreck.

The others are comforting her. The guild master himself came downstairs.

"Listen well people. Clive Belmont is someone you should never get in a fight with. If you try to get in a fight with him, Princess Fay will personally make sure that you pay for it."

"But master, why did you make him a B rank from the start?"

One of the veterans asked. The person asking is an active A rank adventurer.

"As a former SS rank I believe in my ability to judge people. Both character and strength wise. That man is unfathomably stronger than us. I couldn't even see the end of his strength. It's just that vast. If you anger him, be ready to die."

The guild master gave everyone a stern warning. If you mess with him, you die. That message was heard loud and clear by everyone.

Most adventurers trust the guild master so they didn't think about provoking Clive. But the so called young geniuses couldn't accept it. They were raging that someone the same age as them became a B rank on the first go.

They will try to get back at Clive but it won't go well for them. That's a story for later though.

I have taken the jobs and am currently on my way to finish them.

"How far is this job?"

"Power bear's location seems to be near the city gate. But what is a power bear doing this close to the city?" (Fay)

"And the hybrid wolf?"

"They seem to be acting together. There are times when two monsters would team up but even then this combination is an odd one." (Fay)

"It doesn't really matter. Let's get this over with. If it's the city gate then I can just teleport to there."

I say that and teleport. Of course both of them are with me. I feel like my magic has gotten a little better. Is it because I don't have to convert my to mana? When I open my eyes, I see the dirt road.

We came from the forest. However, I don't know the appearances of those monsters. The fliers do have drawings but I can't make anything out of that.

"Fay, where are they?"

"Around 300 meters ahead. They are at 2 o clock from you." (Fay)

I see. I take out Aera. She is in her gun form.

(Aera, lock on to two targets. 2 o clock, 300 meters ahead.)

(Target locked. It's a bear and a wolf.)

(Fire at my command. Ignore the trees and hit the target just hard enough to kill them. I need the body.)

(Then I suggest using water magic. I can suffocate them using balls of water.)

(Do that please. And...FIRE)

Aera shot two balls of water and the balls dodged the trees. After a moment I inquire about the situation.

(Any vitals?)

(Negative. The targets are dead flawlessly.)

(Thank you.)

You might ask, 'Why not kill them yourself?'

It is to protect the environment. I don't know how to hold back. So if I act myself, things could get worse.

(Aera, teleport the targets.)

And a big bear along with a wolf came. The bear is big. Even bigger than Aura. And the wolf looks like a wolf until I realized that it has a different part as well.

"Are these the targets?"

"Yes. You certainly made short work of them. Normally you should be prepared to die if you take on them alone." (Fay)

"I don't know. Now let's go get our rewards. It's getting late."

I put the bodies in my singularity. I have divided a small portion of my singularity to use as storage. It should be there for eternity without rotting. After putting that in, I teleport to the guild building.

When we entered, the buzzing hall became silent and everyone started observing me. I ignore them for the third time today and go to the receptionist.

"Requests completed. Where should I put the body?"

"But I don't see anything with you."

I bring them out from my storage space and put them on the floor. They are totally intact so I don't have to worry about blood.

But everyone is….ahhh…don't they get tired of this? What happened this time to make them so surprised?

"Anyway, can I have my rewards?"

"Yes. Right away."

She ran inside in a haste.

"Don't scare her too much." (Fay)

"I am not scaring her. Am I scary?"

"You're not scary papa. You are fun." (Eden)

"Thank you my honey."

She really can heal me. And minutes later, the receptionist showed up with a sack on a tray.

"The rewards for the subjugation requests are 8 gold coins in total. Your total reward is 20 gold coins since we have purchased the power bear and wolfhound."

"Fine by me."

I take the sack and put it in my storage.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you."

I say that and turn on my heel. Fay and Eden followed me out of the building and I am ready to shop.

I was going to say something but I caught a glimpse of someone familiar. There should be no one familiar to me on this planet. And yet I saw someone I know.

Is it just me or that's really happening?

(Clive, it is real.)

If System says that then it must be. So as I thought, something behind the scenes was going on. However for now, let's focus on lunch.