Becoming an adventurer

(Hazel POV)

This is the first time I have come to the market. Ever since coming here, I only stayed at home. Since master is out of commission, I decided to check out the town.

I have brought Fay with me. She is reliable enough that even master relies on her.

"Did master come here with you as well?"

"Yes. We both went to the adventurer's guild and he registered as an adventurer." (Fay)

Fay is walking next to me and she answered it. There are not many people out here. Even though it's morning, the roads are almost empty. Shops aren't even open today.

"Fay, is today something special? I can't see a single soul outside."

"I noticed it too. Today isn't anything special or it should be that. I'll try asking someone." (Fay)

Fay went ahead and asked a guy who was sitting by the road. And she came back after a short conversation.

"What did he say?"

"It seems that the king is searching for someone. Apparently, he broke into the castle, nearly killed the king and his guests and fled. The king has ordered a headhunt." (Fay)

"Doesn't that sound like master?"

"It does. Clive probably only appeared before him and intimidated him. But the king can be quite full of himself. He exaggerated the story to get the general public out of the way." (Fay)

I guess she is upset. I mean, the king IS her father. Stress on the is. Let's not think much of it. Master may be a bit weak currently however he isn't so weak that he would lose to a few soldiers. I have left Aera and Aegis at home to stand on guard.

"Fay, master became an adventurer, right?"

"Yeah. He wanted to become one. I had to take some special measures for him though. He became something that sticks out like a sore thumb, so I had to coerce the guild master into issuing a gag order." (Fay)

"Sounds like a lot of work. Maybe I should become one as well."

Master is an adventurer. So I should become one as well.

"I'll take you to the guild then. If you become an adventurer, I am pretty sure the others will want to become one as well." (Fay)

"That's true. We can be a party and take on jobs."

"Please spare the people. If any quest ever needs all of you, it would only be the armageddon. I can't see any other quest suitable for all of you." (Fay)

"Don't just suddenly end the world. Master aside, I am not that powerful."

"Say that after you actually know your strength. However, I am no exception. I did become quite different from before. I should register as well." (Fay)

These days my thoughts are becoming clearer. My mind is probably developed to the point where I can actually take decisions myself.

In the past, I wasn't a very a good decision maker. I left all the decisions to master. But now, I can make decisions myself.

Fay leads me to the adventurer's guild. As I expected, the guildhall is almost empty. If not for the receptionists, it would be deserted.

We walk up to a receptionist lady and she smiles at the sight of us. It is the typical business smile.

"Welcome to the adventurer's guild. How can I help you today?" (Receptionist)

"We are here to register as adventurers." (Fay)

The lady stared at Fay for a moment. Her expression changed.

"Are you by any chance, Princess Fay?" (Receptionist)

"Yes. But don't call me Princess. I don't like it." (Fay)

She is showing a displeased face. She really doesn't like being called Princess. I take note of that. In the beginning, I didn't quite like her but that was just me being a clingy woman.

"I believe you also led Mr. Clive Belmont here, no?" (Receptionist)

"Yes. That was me." (Fay)

The lady didn't ask any more questions and gave us two forms. It tells us fill it with basic informations. I do so but what should I do about my weapons and magic affinity?

"Excuse me, but I don't know my magic affinity."

I tell the lady. She brings out a slate like object.

"Then please touch this panel here. It will point to the element you can use." (Receptionist)

I believe master said something about my affinity before. I can't remember it well as I wasn't the least bit interested in magic back then.

I put my hand on it and 5 symbols started glowing. I look to my side and see Fay nodding while the receptionist lady is frozen.

I pull my hand and look at the lady. She is frozen like her time stopped.

"Fay, what's happening?" I don't know how to react to this.

"No, nothing. It's just that you can use 5 elements. They are wind, fire, water, earth and light magic. Pretty rare. I can use 3 and that's considered rare. But a 5 is a first." (Fay)

I see. So my affinity with 5 elements is unheard of. I shake the lady lightly and she came to a start.

"Ah…I guess you are pretty talented." (Receptionist)

"Thank you. And for weapons you can put down my fists."

"You don't use a staff? I mean, affinity-wise you are suited to become a mage." (Receptionist)

"No. I am more of melee fighter. I don't use magic that often. I don't think I have fought very often. Like not at all."

It suddenly hit me but master always took care of things by himself. We only had one big fight but he ended that fight in a single blast. Master sure is one heck of a cheat.

"It isn't weird. Clive does everything alone so we haven't had the chance to fight at all. I only fought Clive once and it was bad. You were watching it, weren't you?" (Fay)

I remember that. Master, like always was training. But master wanted to gauge the enemy. He asked Fay to demonstrate some of her abilities and in turn, he did those same things.

They were heavens apart. It kinda broke Fay's confidence. But, it was resolved.

"That was kind of underwhelming."

"Yeah. Like I was fighting a super-ancient dragon on child's difficulty. Clive really took it easy on me." (Fay)

She is saying it but it's actually a joke. Master is always careful. He will use his full strength to even kill a mosquito, so he didn't take it easy.

"The only one who can physically hurt master is probably Aura. She did so."

"Ahh…Clive was really banged up, wasn't he?" (Fay)

We were starting to reminisce the good days however the receptionist lady cleared her throat.

"So your registration is complete. As always, you will start at the bottom rank irrespective of your previous experiences and strength. I think the only exception was Mr. Clive." (Receptionist)

"Yeah. I had to coerce the guild master into cooperation." (Fay)

Somehow the atmosphere turned weird so we just took our cards and left.

"That was awkward."

"What Clive did back then really left a scar in their minds. Anyway, let's shop some more and head home." (Fay)

I agree with her. We were just about to enter a shop when someone dressed in a knight's armor spoke to Fay.

"Princess Fay, when did you come back?"

"Hmm…." Fay looks to the source of the voice and is displeased.

"General Vindolf, it's a pleasure meeting you. What are you doing here, at this hour?" (Fay)

"His majesty the king has issued an order. My whole squad has been ordered to find an uncouth named Clive Belmont. He brazenly broke into castle, interrupted the audience with his majesty and even tried to attack our esteemed heroes. We are to search for him at once." (Vindolf)

So master did that. He did say but I don't if what this man is saying is true. Anyway, no use getting worked up. I stay calm. Master is currently sick. We have to be careful.

"I see. That's concerning. Have you found any clues?" (Fay)

"Not yet. But we are searching. Once we find him, we will have him pay for his transgressions. Now if you will excuse me!" (Vindolf)

He left while giving me a hard stare. I could feel the hatred in his stare.

"Does that guy have a problem with me?"

"Ahhh…General Vindolf is kind of hostile towards the other species. Especially the beastkins. Because he lost his family to one of the beastkins." (Fay)

"That is some deep rooted hatred. Shall we continue?"

"Yeah. They won't find Clive anyway. After all, who will assume that he is at my home?" (Fay)

We start our walk again. Let's go home discuss it with master. He will know what to do better.