Our work was done. Everything I planned on doing had been done. We called it a night and were about to go home. But a random feeling hit me.
System is where she was. She is sitting beside me on a tree trunk. Aera, Aegis, Doris and Amaryllis are standing in front of me.
"How about we enjoy the scenery for a bit longer?"
The environment isn't so creepy as before. It feels ethereal. Like it's not of this world. To my surprise none of them opposed to my idea.
"Clive, what are you plotting?" (System)
"Nothing. It feels like I have achieved a part of my goal already. So how about we take it easy for a while? I did want to just scout the enemy."
"I know. But your mind is more complex than you think. You can't even fathom how twisted you have become." (System)
Is that so? I just had some questions about System.
"I just had some honest questions for you. Will you answer them?"
"Seeing how curious you seem to be, I should. Otherwise you would bug me later." (System)
She nodded sideways and heaved a sigh.
They also turned our way. We are sitting on a pile of trunks. Me and System are on the top while they are just a trunk below us.
"Ever since I have seen you, I have wondered. How old are you, System?"
"Mmm….to explain that in this world, it's difficult. But I am 18 years old in my world. That makes me about 3 million years in this world." (System)
"I see. Then you are quite old compared to me. Then why do you look like that?"
"Look like what?" (System)
"Don't joke with me. You look like you are 10 years old. A pedophile would be happy if they spot you."
"That's rude. I'll have you know that this isn't my real self. My actual body can't descend to this world. I had to make a vessel capable of slipping into this world." (System)
"Oh. I see. Then onto the next one, what do you wear?"
"What do I wear? I am wearing what I wear normally." (System)
"No. I mean, all you wear is a white sundress. A laced white sundress. That's not what I meant. What do you wear under that?"
"Clive, are you really not a pedophile?" (System)
"No. It just peaked my mind."
"Well, I don't mind answering. I don't wear a bra. Because this body doesn't need one. But I do wear panties. Right now, I am wearing a white lace." (System)
"Can you show me your panties?"
"Wait, are you really Clive? Why are you sexually harassing me?" (System)
"No, I just had this sudden curiosity. Anyway, you don't have to show me that. Let's save that for later."
"You haven't given up on that. You used to say that you weren't the least bit interested in sex." (System)
"Must be my hormones. Uugghh….this timing is the worst. Anyway, let's forget everything I just said."
I try remember. Why did I start asking these weird questions? It was a sudden impulse. But I could have just suppressed it.
"Clive, rest. You are not in the best of conditions. Your eccentricity is only going to escalate if you keep this up. Just go home and fall asleep. Let your take care of you." (System)
"Then how about we go for a walk? In the space."
"Are you listening to me?" (System)
System sighed again.
"I think I should send you home forcibly. Girls, look after him when he gets back home." (System)
System clapped and a magic circle enveloped us. I felt the magic power and was soon covered in light.
When I opened my eyes, I was already on the sofa where I slept before. Aegis, Aera, Doris and Amaryllis have already returned to my singularity.
Maybe I should go to sleep. This grogginess is hindering my judgment. Let's sleep and plan how to scout this city tomorrow.