Jolted awake

I am usually a calm person. Yes, that's what I am. But today feels a bit different. I left with my dad because the ladies had some things to discuss I would say. As the only two men, we should not bother them. I just signaled my dad and we left.

That much was fine. But, when I came to Ms. Pablo's shop, I felt giddy. I even blurted out that I am becoming a big brother.

Return to the present time. I suddenly got the chills. I look to my sides and find dad on one side and Ms. Pablo in front.

I can only laugh bitterly. Ms. Pablo is giving me a warm look. Dad is wryly looking at me.

"I guess I got a bit too excited."

I try to follow up my blunder.

"No no, it's perfectly normal. You might be happy to get a sibling." (Ms. Pablo)

I don't know what to say. I just tried to wriggle my way out of that situation. I am not used to that kind and compassionate gaze.

I escaped from the shop with my father.

"I messed up big time."

"No, it's probably fine." (Dad)

We walk through the town and arrive at that very fountain.

"Dad, let's sit on a bench. This place is actually pretty nice to pass some time."

"That sounds about right because the weather isn't too hot." (Dad)

The sun or whatever this star is, is shining in the sky but it's not too hot. It's just like a spring morning.

We took our seats on a bench. Not many people are here at this time.

"Clive, have you ever thought about family?" (Dad)

"That came out of nowhere. Family, what do you mean specifically?"

"I mean making a family. You know, a wife, kids etc." (Dad)

"Hmm…. I never thought of myself as a family guy. But I guess I have a family now. I mean, Hazel is there. Aura and Eden are there. I have Aegis and Aera. Doris, Amaryllis, Tiana are here. Fay is here. And someone is always with us.

You can say that they are my family. At least, I consider them and cherish them as my family. I might not be able to express it though."

I am really bad at maintaining relationships. So I don't know what is happening but I do think of them as my family.

"That's good then. You are actually thinking about them." (Dad)

"Why wouldn't I? When I first met Hazel, she was but a brown dog. But she became a human due to my interference. Fay came to be this way because she met me.

You can say that I have already changed their fates. I have to look after them till the bitter end."

"When you say bitter end, you really mean it, don't you?" (Dad)

"I can't answer that now. Everything will depend. It depends. That's all I can say now."

I was having this extremely philosophical discussion with my dad. It felt like our bond was improving. Until someone called out to us.

I look at the person in question. It's a familiar face which I was not thrilled to see. Long hair with a color that has always baffled me. I don't know what this color is called.

Wavy hair which looks brown but is kinda dark with hints of purple. I don't know what this color is called. Her face which has a nice shape and is pleasing to look at. Her height is not too short either. She is almost the same height as her brother.

She is Gwen McCarthy. Elder sister of Trevor McCarthy and you can say my friend.

"Didn't hope to see you here, Clive?" (Gwen)

She has a smile on her face. If she just keeps her mouth shut, you would think that she is an unparalleled beauty. I won't deny that she is beautiful however, her attitude leaves much to be desired.

"Well, here I was, having a conversation with my dad, you just had to butt in. Anyway, it's good to see you too, Gwen."

I am still a civilized person. I can at least show some basic courtesy.

"And you too, Mr. Belmont. I hope you are doing well." (Gwen)

She greeted dad too.

"So, take a seat. It's probably not the best idea to just keep standing there."

Dad moves over and I move too to make some room for her. She sits to my right and I am in the middle.

She is wearing the high school uniform of our city from our world. Maybe because that's the only thing they could bring to this world.

I glance at her. Long eyelashes, neat haircut, big round eyes and puffy lips with a sharp nose. Not too bad I say.

Wait, am I turning into a stalker? No, this is just observation.

"So, what were you two talking about?" (Gwen)

"Hmm…how it feels to get another sibling, I guess."

She tilted her head a bit before smirking.

"I see. Then congratulations are in order. So, when's the day?" (Gwen)

"It's still way in the future but it's happening. I am nervous now. Becoming a brother at this age is kinda unnerving."

"Don't worry. You will do just fine. Besides, you are an attentive person. I am sure you can take care of any problems." (Gwen)

Dad said that he is going back home. I mean, I am stopping him. I asked if he remembers the way to which he replied that he does.

After dad leaves, the air turns a bit awkward.

"We met the other day. Sorry about the weird behavior."

"No need. You were in front of all of them. Especially Trevor. You needed to act that way, am I wrong?" (Gwen)

"No. I mean, to all of them, I am nothing but a cold blooded murderer. But I think not that many people remember it. Or more like, everyone is dead."

I snicker. But she looks at me as if wanting to ask me something.

"I understand what you are trying to say. So I will tell you. The day when all of you died, I somehow survived. I was mining for minerals down at the mines when it began.

I was wearing a radiation vest. That probably saved me from being detected. And when everything was over, I only found a pile of rubbles.

The entire city was reduced to rubbles. Mangled, dismembered and burnt bodies were everywhere. I was the only human being alive on that entire planet."

I tell her how it happened. She has a serious look on her face.

"Must have been tough." (Gwen)

"Not really. I wasn't lonely. I had Hazel with me. Soon Fay was there. Eden and Aura were there. I got Aera and Aegis."

"Sounds all women. Don't tell me, you are 6 timing them." (Gwen)

"I'll hit you. How can I 6 time them? Anyway, the ones with me on that day were Aera and Aegis."

"That day….oh, when you warned us. So your weapons have names too." (Gwen)

"Yeah. Tell me Gwen, how is this world?"

"From what I have seen so far, the people of this kingdom are a bit too reliant on their gods. They won't question anything if it's in the name of gods. Other than that, there are other countries too but information about them are sparse." (Gwen)

"What about this human-demon war?"

"The demons have never been too aggressive towards humans. Until a hundred years ago, both were indifferent to each other. But it suddenly changed and the war began." (Gwen)

"Then the role of the hero is?"

"To kill the demon king and offer its soul to the gods for a miracle." (Gwen)

"Sounds sketchy."

"I know. But everyone is so motivated that it kinda bothers me." (Gwen)

"And you are still the same. Only thinking of things that intrigue you."

"By the way, the king has issued a manhunt for you. And you are wandering around the town in broad daylight. I heard that General Vindolf has deployed his entire army to find you." (Gwen)

"I am currently living with Fiona."

"Fiona, as in the head chef of the Royal Palace? Isn't she the mother of Princess Fay?" (Gwen)

"Yeah. Fay went to earth to investigate and became stranded. I had to rescue her and bring her back. Currently I am there. I am sure the king asked you for information about me. If he asks again, tell him to contact the adventurer's guild. I am registered there. I am sure they will notify me."

For a moment Gwen stares blankly at me. But she laughs a bit and gets up.

"Recess is over. I should go back and join the training." (Gwen)

"By the way, what is your role?"

"I am a Paladin. I specialize in defense and healing. But I am confident in my sword skills as well." (Gwen)

"Hmm….a Paladin. That's cool. A hybrid of a tank and a healer and some degree of offense. That's good."

"Judging from your feel, you are not even human. I can't sense a sliver of mana from you but you feel like you would crush me in an instant. I'd better not get on your bad side." (Gwen)

She left after that. I kept sitting there for a while. Why do I feel so excited? My heart is beating a little faster. I feel awake. Like a jolt just woke me up. What happened?

I would find out the reason after a while. What'll happen next is still uncertain?