The place is the Royal Castle training ground. Clive and Gwen have started fighting as harbingers. A fight between harbingers is pretty serious. Their fight can easily wipe out a planet.
But the planet Jupiter is still standing. It's not destroyed yet. They have kept their powers to a minimum. That's why they can fight in the training ground.
But that is still too much for others. Hazel had already grabbed Trevor and made a run for the audience seats. The training ground sometimes functions as a coliseum. But that is a rare occurrence.
Hazel dropped Trevor when they were at a safe distance. And Hazel watches over the fight while Trevor is utterly confused.
But he gets up and wipes his rear. He slaps his cheeks and faces Hazel.
"Can you tell me what is happening?" (Trevor)
He asks Hazel in hope for an answer. But Hazel didn't answer him. She is just watching the fight. Trevor didn't push Hazel for an answer. Because she is serious. Trevor is not as strong as them. But he was being trained for battle.
He is now able to perceive a lot of things differently. He could clearly see that disturbing Hazel any further will not bring any good.
He looks at the fight. Two harbingers are fighting. Albeit with minimum strength, their fight is still unintelligible.
Trevor could only feel shockwaves of their clash. He could neither see their attacks or themselves. They were faster than his eyes.
The ground is already breaking. The shockwaves have broken the outermost walls surrounding the ground. It's only a matter of time before the audience seats collapse as well.
Trevor notices that some people are rushing to where he is. He can see the king and General Louis along with the prime minister.
They are shouting something but the sound is being blocked by the clash. When they got close enough, their screaming became clear.
"STOP THEM!!! STOP THEM. The castle is about to collapse."
The king is shouting that. Well, visible cracks have appeared all over the castle. It seems that the intensity is increasing. They are raising the bar.
"Your majesty, do you think we can interfere in that?" (Trevor)
Trevor makes a valid point. Clive and Gwen have basically shut off their brains. They are now fighting on instinct.
They also look at the ground. They can't see the clash at all. But the explosive sound and shockwaves tell them that it's impossible.
"What do we do?" (King)
"We can do nothing. All we can do is pray." (Louis)
Hazel has not said a word. But she then looks to her side and spoke.
"You guys are here as well." (Hazel)
Everyone heard it and looks at Hazel. Beside her stood 6 women. Clive did call Aera and Aegis but decided not to use them in the fight.
"My honey sure is fired up today." (Aura)
"I thought I sensed something familiar. It seems I was right. So, what happened?" (Fay)
The others who didn't accompany Clive have arrived. How did they arrive? Well, teleport.
The king was shocked to see Fay.
"Fay, why are you here? I thought you went home." (King)
"Your majesty, my love is fighting a strong foe. I think I should support him from the side at least." (Fay)
"So Hazel, why is he fighting?" (Aura)
"I don't know. We had just arrived and suddenly she appeared and asked for a fight. A fight between harbingers." (Hazel)
"But they are going too slow. We can still see them. It means that they still can't go at full power. Then why don't we give them a hand?" (Aura)
"It's a good idea. And, the planet spirit is already sending me distress signal." (Amaryllis)
As a planet spirit, Amaryllis can communicate with other planet spirits. The planet spirit of Jupiter has sent many distress signals to Amaryllis.
They all join hands and erect a barrier.
"This should hold on for some time but let's keep supporting it." (Fay)
The shockwaves stopped. The sound was gone. The fight didn't stop. They were encased in the barrier.
The king heaved a sigh of relief.
"Trevor, what is happening?" (King)
"My sister and Clive are fighting." (Trevor)
The king and his entourage gasped. They already know how strong Clive is. But when did Gwen become so strong?
"By the way, how was your date?" (Aura)
"It was fine. There were a few bumps but it was fine. Look."
Hazel brings the kitten out. When the fight started, Hazel put the kitten to sleep and sent her inside of the singularity. But now she brings it out.
Aura and others look at the kitten.
"Is that a cat?" (Aura)
"No. That's a felis. Where did you find it?" (Fay)
"Inside the forest. It was all alone, shivering. It would have died if I hadn't noticed." (Hazel)
"So, you found it!" (Aura)
"Yes. I told master that I will take care of it. Isn't she adorable?" (Hazel)
Although the kitten is sleeping, Hazel is doting on it. The barrier is holding on just fine.
Now for the fight. Clive and Gwen are still going melee. They are exchanging extremely heavy blows. Normally, Clive can decimate anything with one punch. The ones who can challenge him to a physical brawl are probably Aura and other harbingers.
"This sure is fun, isn't it?" (Clive)
"Yes. We can easily exchange blows. By the way, is your face okay?" (Gwen)
Gwen asks him cheekily. She has landed a few solid punches on his face. And they haven't stopped their hands or feet. They are conversing through the fight.
"Same to you. I don't want you to have a swollen face and black eyes." (Clive)
They are fighting with all they have. But suddenly both of them stop.
"Why don't we use our
"Mmhhh…then how about I use a blackhole and you use a white hole?" (Clive)
"That's interesting." (Gwen)
They both create some distance.
"They stopped fighting." (Aura)
"Is it over?" (King)
The king rushes to the edge to take a good look. He was overjoyed to think that they had stopped fighting.
"Unfortunately no. It seems that a big one is coming. Will this barrier hold?" (Fay)
"Let's increase the power. Will we be enough?" (Doris)
"Your majesty, can you please gather every royal mage? I think we need some backup." (Fay)
The king did as Fay said. A total of 200 royal mages arrived. They were amazed at the barrier. They followed Fay's instructions and started making the barrier stronger.
But most of them were out of mana instantly. It just showed how strong the barrier was. It can contain a clash between two harbingers albeit at a minimum.
"Gwen, we can't go at it with out full strength. So why not make it 1 percent of our
"I was thinking the same thing. Besides, even our 1 percent is too much for this barrier. But I have to say, your priestesses are talented. The blonde one, she is giving orders precisely. And your other priestesses aren't too shabby." (Gwen)
"Thanks. It's not like I handpicked them. They joined as I continued my journey." (Clive)
Gwen had a sinister smile on her face.
"Gwen, don't do anything that can wipe out this planet." (Clive)
Sensing her intentions, Clive warned her. They had completed the preparations. A blackhole appeared in front of Clive while white ball appeared in front of Gwen.
They weren't too big. Probably the size of an orange. The white hole is pushing everything away and the blackhole is devouring the soil.
When both of those collided, an explosion occurred.
Thankfully no one died. Because, Clive and Gwen had mitigated the explosion. Clive trapped the explosion in his singularity and absorbed it.
"You sure are a monster. Even a harbinger flinches before touching a blackhole. You straight up absorbed the explosion." (Gwen)
"Well, I have prior experience. Still, why did you do this all of a sudden?" (Clive)
"I was jealous. That's all." (Gwen)
Clive heaves a sigh and walks to Gwen.
"You big baby."
He patted her head.
"But you are collecting women like butterflies. Then why aren't you coming to me?" (Gwen)
"I am not collecting them. But still, you haven't given up." (Clive)
"I have been running after you for 10 years. And you still haven't responded." (Gwen)
"You know why?" (Clive)
"I won't take a no today. I understand that you don't understand love. But even so, am I not allowed to be with you?" (Gwen)
With tears in her eyes, Gwen asks. Clive is bewildered.
"If you insist. But do know that I am currently freeloading at another person's house. I have a daughter and wife. I have many women around me all day. Are you still okay with it?" (Clive)
"I never really cared for it. As long as I get to be with the person I love, I will be happy." (Gwen)
And she hugs Clive. This was nothing but a girl in love throwing a tantrum. The matter is virtually solved. But Clive will have to face some more difficulties before Gwen officially joins his group.