
I make a portal to go back. But I suddenly got an idea. My light bulb went bzzz..and I got a very bad idea.

I close the portal and look behind. Behind me, just a hundred meters away, sits an army. A defeated army. All lifeless, like husks. They don't have any semblance of life in their eyes. Even the leaders who are gods have given up.

Apollo is just sitting there, like a fool. They outnumber me by two hundred thousand but they are helpless against me.

I am the harbinger. If I take it literally then my job is to bring death into the world. But my other titles of chaos and darkness must mean something as well.

I have mostly brought death upon the world. I have yet to dabble my hands in chaos and darkness. Let's try that.

I slowly walk to Apollo. The soldiers who had regained somewhat of their composures became too afraid and ran away. It was only a small amount of them. But some did run away. Where would they go though?

We are on earth. It isn't Jupiter. So they can't just retreat back to the heaven. The other gods who ran away before have disappeared. I don't know if they are here or went back to Jupiter.

"Apollo, you have caused nothing but troubles for me. First, your father gives a spaceship to the humans. Those humans have yet to understand what that thing was. Why did he do it?

Then why did he tell them to attack Earth? Why were only 30 people chosen from the dead? Why were all of them under the age of 20? Why did Jupiter tell the hero to offer him the demon king's heart?

I have a whole list of questions and no one is answering them. I want you to become my captive."

I tell Apollo. I want to see his honest reaction. What will he do?

"Become my captive and I will let your remains troops leave. Otherwise, they all die."

Let's try to give him a choice. What will he choose? By the way, there is no right answer. Depending on his answer, I will decide his fate.

Apollo looks at with a dead look. But he weakly smiles.

"I will not become your captive. I am the prince of the divine realm. Son of the God King Jupiter. No way I am becoming a captive to you, mere mortal." (Apollo)

His tone instantly changed. Like he got a confidence boost all of a sudden. Where is he getting this confidence from?

I laugh. Because his answer was well within my predictions. I have decided that he will be dealt with. But I will not do it. He needs pain. I can only give him a swift death.

I raise my voice and start my speech.

"Soldiers of the divine army, I am Clive Belmont. The adversary you all tried to vanquish and lost to. Since I am the victor of this bout, it is my right to demand a few things.

I have asked your general to become my captive. By becoming my captive, he will ensure all of your freedom. But he has refused my terms and told me to do whatever I want with you. But he asked me to let him go in exchange.

Your other generals have already run away. He is the only general left. Now, I ask all of you, what is your verdict?

Do you want to die by my hands or do you want to capture your general and offer him to me? Let me hear your thoughts."

This is my first time speaking in such a loud voice. I enhanced it with so my voice doesn't crack. The soldiers who had become hopeless, started to move. They began to consult among themselves.

I can see that they are arguing. I take a look at Apollo. He has an irritated face and is looking at the soldiers.

"Apollo, I will not do a thing. I have given your soldiers a choice. If they decide that you should leave, you can go. But if it's otherwise…"

I am trying to create suspense. Anyway, after 10 minutes, one of the soldiers stood up. He is shaking in his knees but he did try to talk to me.

"So, what have you all decided?"

"We..would..like to..offer our general for…our..freedom."

He said. I expected as much. But Apollo had an outburst of rage.

"You filthy maggots!! How dare you say that! You will offer me to him. I will kill you before that happens. You all should be honored that you will die for me. You will always be remembered for your noble sacrifice." (Apollo)

He is going on and on about how they should die so Apollo can leave. Typical elitist mindset.

"The decision is up to you. Either offer Apollo or die for him. You have an hour. I will come back after an hour."

I say that teleport out of there. But I actually didn't. I just moved to a place a little away from there. I am standing higher than them so I can clearly see what is happening.

The remaining two hundred thousand soldiers have all surrounded Apollo. Apollo might be a god. I don't know his actual strength but it doesn't matter to me. His strength is that of an ant in front of me. And this ant doesn't even have any venom.

Apollo is resisting them. He is using his mana to unleash attacks on them. But how long will he last? There are two hundred thousand soldiers and only him. He will run out of juice sooner or later.

And the soldiers are also from the divine army. They must be stronger than normal humans. It might be interesting to see the outcome of it.

I feel a different power coursing through me. It's a little different than my usual . My usual has a cold and refined feel. But this one is just confusing. I can't describe it but it has a lot of different feels to it.

(That is the ) (Samantha)

(Samantha, I told you not to speak so suddenly. So, this is it? What is it?)

(You have three different titles. Three authorities with three different types of . Since you mostly use death, you have become accustomed to it. But this is growth. You are spreading chaos and gathering the of your own volition. I have to say, you are one interesting person.) (Samantha)

I can imagine her snickering. But she didn't respond after that. At least contact me every once in a while.

After a few minutes, the dust settled down. I can now feel the different in me as well. I must have spread a lot of chaos.

I teleport back to where the army is. I can see a heavily injured Apollo. He has blood all over him and isn't even conscious.

"Good job. Now I will send all of you back. Spread the news when you reach the divine realm. Tell them to never mess with me and that Apollo is currently my captive."

They all had big smiles on their faces. It's pretty funny to see them smile with blood all over them. I can see that their number has reduced as well. I send them back all at once. At least, the ones who were alive.

After they were gone, I took a body count. The ten thousand that I killed were instantly vaporized. So they didn't leave a body behind. But there are three thousand and seventy two bodies on the ground. It wasn't the war I was hoping for but I did get a war.

Now, I pick up Apollo and heal him a bit. Can't carry him around with all that blood. My target is the church. I will head there with Apollo and declare that I have taken them down. Chaos will be pretty fun. I want to see the reactions of the people of Jupiter as well.