That was awesome

(Aura POV)

My husband is currently sleeping. When we all returned home, it was already evening. A big group returned but the house was deserted. Were they not home? But I felt my husband and Fay nearby.

So I decided to check on them as everyone slouched down on the sofa. Going upstairs, the feeling became stronger. I felt it coming from Fay's room so I opened the door.

I could see Fay hugging Clive as they were sleeping. But they are not just hugging, Fay has buried Clive in her chest. I thought Clive was suffocated but he was breathing normally.

Their blanket was fallen off so I pulled it over them and closed the door. When I go downstairs, Hazel asks me.

"What were they doing?" (Hazel)

"Sleeping. Fay has him buried in her massive chest. She was hugging him so tight that I thought he would suffocate but he wasn't suffocated. I pulled the blanket over them."

"But it was intense, wasn't it?" (Aera)

"Yes. I didn't think Fay would be bold enough to do those." (Hazel)

I sit next to Hazel. There are 5 of us here. Me, Hazel, sitting next to me, Aera, sitting opposite of me, Doris and Amaryllis, sitting on the double sofa.

Aegis took Tiana and Eden and went to singularity. Because we are about to discuss the carnal deeds Fay and Clive have committed.

"Fay wasn't actually angry, was she?" (Hazel)

"I don't think so. She was just a bit startled and lost. But Clive did deserve a punishment. So we all didn't interfere with her." (Amaryllis)

"As a spirit, I have no idea of the carnal deeds of humans. But having an almost human body, it almost knocked me out." (Doris)

"It was good that we all linked our senses with Fay and Clive."

When Clive was receiving his punishment from us, we weren't just punishing him. He is our master. So he is superior to us. There is no way we can treat out superior so harshly.

He is just a weirdo who doesn't really care for status quo. But we linked our senses with him. We all equally felt his pain. That pain was intolerable. I was biting my lips the whole time.

"What was it like, Hazel? How did you feel when you felt Clive's pain?"

I can only speak for myself but I asked Hazel for her opinion.

"The numbness, the weight, the tearing sensation, it made me black out for a moment. I was seeing the darkness.

But then I pulled myself together and continued to act. Besides, we all were using while master endured it with a human body.

There is no way that was his original pain. He had trouble speaking and I could see his eyes watering. Master had a high pain tolerance even as a human.

If it was painful enough to make him cry and crack his voice, we might as well have lost consciousness by then." (Hazel)

What she said makes sense. Amaryllis and Doris agreed as well.

"I thought that the death curse was painful. But that physical pain, it certainly was the most painful experience of my life till now. Master really is admirable. Even as a normal human, he was out of the ordinary." (Doris)

"He certainly is an intriguing man. That's why I chose him as my master. His strength isn't just his powers alone, but his mind as well." (Amaryllis)

Aera didn't say anything. But I asked her if she think the same.

"I couldn't feel the pain. I sense everything as data. Even sensations are transmitted as data. His pain was so intense that our line was severed. I couldn't receive any data from master during that time.

It overloaded our transmission line. So that pain must have been over my data transmission threshold. (Aera)

So Aera couldn't even feel the pain due to its intensity. Truly, my husband is a monster.

"Now let's get to the next part."

"Yeah. When we were leaving, we linked ourselves to Fay and master. It's odd that we didn't need permission. We just connected with them." (Hazel)

"It's due to you all serving Clive."

Samantha suddenly dropped in. She disappeared after we all left together.

"Where did you go?"

"I had to go back to take care of a little problem. But it won't be a problem anymore. I have shut the noisy people up. So let's continue." (Samantha)

She sits next to me. I look at her again. Last time I saw her, she had a petite body. Her features remain the same but her size has increased.

"Question for you, why were you kissing and nibbling on Clive?"

"Why? Because I am the same as you. He may treat me like someone special but believe me, I am just another woman in love with him." (Samantha)

I find that hard to believe but I will let it slide for now. Oh..Gwen returned to the castle. She said that she wanted to train a bit more so she can stop Clive before something like that happens again.

"But why are you looking so different?" (Hazel)

"What are you saying? This is my original form. I had to downsize before to protect you all. If you witnessed me in my real form, you might have gone insane. And this world could have collapsed as well.

Which is why I needed Clive to become stronger so we all can balance it out. Now the world won't be destroyed even if I show up in my original form. My powers are restrained though." (Samantha)

So she always looked like that. Even as a woman, I have to admit that she is beautiful.

"I was kissing Clive because I was jealous. All of you have kissed Clive but I haven't. So I kissed him. But I wanted to take back what I spent to fix his mess as well. So I took a little of his through some mild stimulation." (Samantha)

Why is making a silly face? Did she make a joke? But she looks cute so I will let it slide.

"Fay didn't go all the way, did she?" (Hazel)

"No. If she had, we also would have lost our first time as well. So I can say that she hasn't."

"It's an amazing and idiotic idea at the same time. When Clive decides to go all the way, he can take all of our first time at once. Simple yet unrealistic." (Samantha)

"I just set that condition as a joke. But it would have happened if he had done. I would like to give him my virginity in person." (Aura)

"Didn't you give birth before? Are you sure you are a virgin?" (Hazel)

Hazel snickers and makes a funny face.

"I am currently a virgin. Because this body is yet to be tasted. It was my bear form that has given birth to Eden. But now that I have a human body, I am a virgin again." (Aura)

"Well the concept of physical virginity is meaningless to us anyway. Because we can just restore our body back to its original state if we want." (Samantha)

"I would not. I would like it if Clive gives me a permanent wound. It would mean that I belong to him and only him."

"Pretty bold, aren't you?" (Hazel)

"I am his wife. I can't skimp out on this, can I? Besides, don't you want him to make you completely his?"

"I do. And Fay was thinking of that the entire time. But she got a little too competitive and did some pretty daring and naughty things." (Hazel)

"She wanted to cover Clive in her smell. So she really covered his nook and cranny in her smell. If she hadn't stopped, they might have just become animals at that point." (Samantha)

Fay had her day. Now it's our turn. We all let Fay have the first dibs. Now, it's me.

"Then I call dibs on him next."

"Fine. I can wait a little longer." (Hazel)

She looks dissatisfied and puffs her cheeks.

"How about you two?"

I ask Doris and Amaryllis.

"We don't mind. Besides, we were originally incorporeal beings. We had no physical body to begin with. Are you sure he won't mind us?" (Doris)

It seems that they are bothered by it.

"I was a bear. Hazel was a dog. But he still accepted us. Not in our current form. But he accepted us when we were nothing but animals. So I think he wouldn't mind you two. And he is a pretty liberal man.

That's why, we need to keep a tight leash on him. Otherwise, he might be deceived by some crook."

It sometimes worries me. He is a little too trusting. Well, no one can do any harm to him but being deceived doesn't feel nice. So we as his priestesses need to manage him well.

Our discussion went on for a while and eventually Fiona came back.

"Ara, all of you are here? Where is Fay and Clive?" (Fiona)

"They are sleeping, embracing each other tightly." (Hazel)

Fiona flashes a smile. She isn't bothered by it.

"That's why this house smells so good. It seems that Fay is pretty happy. It makes me happy seeing my daughter slowly climbing the stairs to adulthood." (Fiona)

She says and goes upstairs. But I am a bit surprised.

"Hazel, can you smell anything different?"

I can't smell anything different from usual.

"I can smell a faint smell. It's sweet and resembles the smell of honey." (Hazel)

Well, I will ask Fiona about this later. For now, we can say that our main objective has been achieved. Apollo has already been defeated and Jupiter won't be doing anything rash. So let's start planning for our travel. First is the trip to Galdur.