Earth branch of space

I made a portal to earth and went through it. Aldo, Trevor and general Louis came with me. I made the exit near my house. Better to stay in the town.

It's daytime. I can see the sun shining in the sky. Trevor looks around after coming out of the portal. General Louis is curiously looking around. He is breathing slowly. I think the atmosphere is slightly different from Jupiter but it shouldn't bother him.

"This town really is destroyed." (Trevor)

"Well, it looked surreal when I came up. Everything had been turned into rubble. The ground was smeared with blood and it was burning. Mangled, dismembered bodies were everywhere. The scene was straight out of hell."

I gave a brief rundown of the situation after the attack. I still remember it vividly till this day. Only 2 years have passed but that event changed the course of history.

"Where are we?" (Trevor)

"That's my apartment building. I used to live here. We aren't that far from the McCarthy manor. Look.."

I point to North and Trevor looks at the direction. Their stands a destroyed building not too far from our current location. It's a big building. That is the McCarthy manor.

Trevor looks a bit sad. Well, his house is destroyed and his parents are dead. I think it's normal to be sad.

"There really are no humans left!" (Trevor)

He says as if to console himself. But general Louis asks me.

"How did you survive the attack? I don't think you could have survived an attack from the mother ship." (Louis)

"I was underground. I was mining and forgot that my shift was over. When I came up, everything had become like this. Maybe I was lucky."

General Louis is flabbergasted. He is probably having a hard time accepting that I didn't die. I was about to go to check on my bike. I better take it with me this time. But Aldo stops me.

"Master, why is the sky dark over there?" (Aldo)

I look at the direction he pointed at and see that the sky has a hole in it. It's the same hole I closed last time. Did I fail?

I search for life signs. And there are 10 living things on earth aside from us 4. So 10 beings have come to earth. I guess through that dimensional void.

"Trevor, want to see some aliens?"

"Aliens? What are you talking about?" (Trevor)

"Exactly what I said. General Louis, you are in for a treat. A few unknown beings have come to earth. Maybe to claim it for themselves. So let's go and throw them out."

I teleport all of us to the unknown beings. It's pretty easy as long as you can find a single point.

What I saw after that was a bit unnerving to be honest. Grotesque!! That's the word. I can see moving things. I believe those are some kind of organism but their visage is too horrendous.

Black tentacles, many green colored eyes, mouth like openings, yeah, those are numerous as well.

I see a clump of those organisms. They possess life because I can feel the life force from them. But I don't think those are sentient beings.

I had totally forgotten about Trevor and the others. Aldo had already closed his eyes. He was shaking in fear and was hiding behind me. General Louis is affected as well. He is looking away and sweating profusely.

Trevor on the other hand is puking not too far from here. I have to say, I have lost my appetite after seeing this. But let's not judge the book by its cover.

Would they understand my language? It won't hurt to try.

"Uhhh….can you understand me?"

One of the crawling organisms point its eyes at me. It's blinking like any animal would. But dozens of eyes focused on me is a hard to come by experience. I take it that it has heard me at least.

(Are you a human?)

I hear a voice. Is it telepathy?

"Yes, I am a human. My name is Clive Belmont. I am the harbinger of death, destruction and chaos."

Let's see the reaction. But again, a black clump of eyes and tentacles with mouths is speaking to me using telepathy. Who would have thought that I would meet something like this?

(A harbinger? A human is? But I can't sense any lie in that. And you do give off that unique feel. I have been very rude then. I am Tri-von-Gu. Call me Gu.)

I think Gu is a slang term in some languages but I won't judge.

"So why are you here? Are you all different or just you?"

(We are one and the same. We come from a race that has shared senses. Currently I am speaking to you through my subordinates. I had sent them to investigate an anomaly in space but they got sucked in a spatial vortex and ended up there.) (Gu)

"My bad. I was just doing some exercise when I accidentally destroyed the world barrier. 5 dimensions were breached. I thought that I had closed all of them but it seems someone got roped in. I will send your subordinates back."

(That would be most helpful. By the way lord harbinger, is that planet under your command? If not, my lord would like to make it a base for that dimension.) (Gu)

"Unfortunately, this is my home planet so I cannot give it to someone else."

(It is understandable. I hope you wouldn't mind my asking. Just doing my job.) (Gu)

This dude seems reasonable. But let's be vigilant for a while longer.

"I will send your subordinates to your location now. And send my regards to your lord. I hope the harbinger of space is doing well."

No answer came. I just sent those horrendous organisms away to their location. I had already located where they were. So it was a piece of cake.

But inter dimensional teleport does require a considerable amount of . So the harbinger of space? An ancient harbinger, one of the first few harbingers and one of the last two from his generation.

Trevor stopped puking and came to me.

"You were talking to that thing? How were you communicating?" (Trevor)

"Telepathy. I talked to their boss. It seems that they got lost."

"What was that?" (Louis)

"Let's just say they were subordinates of another harbinger. For now, there isn't any problem but it may cause a few problems in the future. Then, let's go."

I want to forget this encounter entirely. This is not for the faint of heart. The visual impact and the suddenness would certainly knock some people out.

I just grab Aldo and make a portal to the gym. I can't wait to forget about this meeting. Tri-von-Gu, it's been unpleasant meeting you. May we never see each other again.

Saying that in my heart, I go through the portal. Of course they are with me as well but let's just try to train.