Interlude: the conference

A day has passed since Clive completed the S rank job. The guild masters have gathered at the capital. Currently, they are having a monthly discussion. The guild masters from every branch of the kingdom has come.

The leader is Christopher as he is the one who governs the guild. His assistant is Maria. There are a total of 14 people present in the room. 7 guild masters and their assistants.

Before Christopher could begin, the guild master of the port town, Vyshak, raised his hand.

"Christopher, I have a question."

"How many times have I told you to call me, director? So what is it, Arnold?" (Christopher)

The guild master of port town Vyshak, Arnold Chase, stands up.

"Aren't you giving a particular adventurer preferential treatment?" (Arnold)

The others nod at his question. Clive has caught the attention of many people. He just doesn't pay attention to them.

Christopher clears his throat.

"I am not giving anyone any preferential treatment. He deserves more than he gets. Which is why I am pushing for his promotion." (Christopher)

Another person raises their hand.

"Yes, Ms. Yuri. Do you have anything to add?" (Christopher)

"Director, you said you are pushing for his promotion. But it takes a long time. Unreasonably long time to be promoted to SS rank from S rank. How are you planning on doing that?" (Yuri)

Yuri Agnes is the guild master of Galdur. She is the only current female guild master. The others have retired.

"Well, you need to complete 15 S rank jobs to be eligible. And Clive has already completed one. Only 14 more to go. So 2 weeks at most." (Christopher)

"You are out of your mind! How can an adventurer who wasn't even a full fledged B rank, complete an S rank job so easily?" (Arnold)

Christopher breathes and tells everyone to calm down.

"Let me give you an example. Do you truly believe that I am the strongest among all of you?" (Christopher)

Everyone nods. Christopher became the guild master of the capital due to his wits and extraordinary strength. And other masters acknowledge his strength.

"When Clive first came to register, he brought Princess Fay with him. Then he proceeded to break the magic ball. His mana was too overwhelming and he could control all elements.

So he was detained. He didn't struggle. He just let us detain him. We strapped him to the magic sealing chair and thought that his mana was sealed.

But it wasn't the end of it. When I was done questioning him, he got up and left. Like that chair was any normal chair." (Christopher)

Christopher recounts the day Clive became an adventurer. It was a day full of surprises for Christopher and Maria.

The other guild masters haven't said a word. But Yuri suddenly shakes her head.

"I didn't know you were a storyteller. You told us a good fantasy." (Yuri)

"This is no fantasy. That person indeed exists and he has done those things. I have done some digging.

He comes from another world and is strong enough to come here on his own without any help. Princess Fay has warned me about him.

As long as we don't do anything foolish, he won't do anything. But that doesn't mean he hasn't." (Christopher)

Everyone gulps. Christopher proceeds.

"You all know criminal syndicate called The Black Scorpions. They were eradicated some time ago. All members were dead except their leader who has become an invalid. Clive is the one who caught and killed them." (Christopher)

Blood drains from everyone's faces. They all know the gravity of this statement.

"A few nobles and adventurers had sent assassins to kill Clive. But the assassins were in turn, killed. Only one survived who committed suicide by biting off his tongue. He said that he doesn't want to remember the horrors of being hunted by Clive." (Christopher)

Christopher is telling them what Clive had done in the last few months. Every guild master gulps.

"I hope you all understand, he is a disaster. But he is docile enough to be reasoned with. And he is very protective of his family and friends. So be careful if you ever run into him. By the way, Yuri?" (Christopher)

Yuri slowly looks at Christopher. She is trying to process all the things Christopher had said.

"Clive said that he will be going to Galdur. So you be a bit careful and try not to anger him in any way." (Christopher)

Yuri just fell back on her chair. Like a dead body, she stared into the blank. Her assistant checked on her.

She was unconscious with her eyes open.

"He might sound vicious but he is like any other young adult. And he is normally polite. You can expect the minimum amount of respect from him." (Christopher)

"Respect is the last thing we will want from him. If he really is how you described him, I think anyone would be happy enough to escape alive." (Arnold)

Another of the masters, Rowan Herringbone, raised his hand. He is the current youngest guild master. He governs the branch of Kardiff.

"Director, is this guy a solo adventurer?" (Rowan)

"Mostly. But he has formed a party. He said that his family members have joined his party as adventurers. Maria.." (Christopher)

"Yes. His wife, Aura, his partner, Hazel, Princess Fay, his spirit weapon, Aegis and he himself. Before it was a C rank

party. But upon their promotion, it has been updated to S rank." (Maria)

Rowan made a surprised face. Because an S rank party is almost as strong as an armored platoon. Sometimes, it's stronger than that.

"I didn't know that. Did anyone do something?" (Christopher)

"Yes. Hazel and Princess Fay have been completing jobs nonstop. So both of them have been promoted to C rank. Aura is doing jobs occasionally as well. She is also a C rank. Aegis is a bit irregular but she is a D rank. Combined with the S rank Clive, their party has become S rank." (Maria)

There aren't many S rank parties. So they are part of the rarity.

"Christopher, are you sure this adventurer is safe?" (Arnold)

"Yes. He himself said that he just wanted to live in peace. So, I hope you will cooperate with me." (Christopher)

Arnold and Yuri promise to cooperate. Rowan stayed neutral. And other 3 have no opinions about this matter. Even so, Clive can at least travel to two towns without causing any commotion.

Christopher wipes the sweat from his forehead. Maria hands him a towel. Everyone has left. It's only them in the room.

"Maria, do you think Clive would not become a threat?" (Christopher)

"Father, how many times have I told you that he won't. Besides, he has visited Duchess Aves yesterday. And it seems to have been a fruitful venture for them." (Maria)

Christopher thinks. Clive has become too strong is such a short amount of time. He may not notice it but a lot of behind the scenes events have happened. The one which directly affected him was the assassination incident.

Christopher heaves a sigh.

"I just wanted to retire peacefully and have you succeed as the guild master. But now is not the time for it." (Christopher)

"I know that." (Maria)

As the daughter of the guild master, she has a huge responsibility on her shoulder. She has to make sure that Clive stays docile. It's like they are dealing with a wild beast.