The Academy

A week has passed since we have come to Galdur. During this week, I have been familiarizing myself with the city. Fay already knew this city like the back of her hand. So I took her help.

It's a big city. A little bigger than the capital and it's way livelier than the capital. I think the capital was a bit too gloomy. But Galdur is bustling with life.

However it has its fair share of darkness as well. Because there are too few demi humans in this city.

I have seen some. But they seemed like slaves. I guess the discrimination is severe in this city.

Whenever Aura and Hazel were with me, I got weird stares. I even caught some of them whispering.

"Isn't he too lucky to have slaves like those?"

"But they aren't wearing any chains?"

"And they are probably treated well. Look, their beauty is almost on par with our most beautiful women."

"But they are wasted on a wimpy guy like him."

Such conversations did enter all of our ears. I was calm. Aura and Hazel tried to ignore those but somehow it got on their nerves.

I had to work extra hard to calm them down.

"The reason why the discrimination is severe in Galdur? It's simple. Students constitute most of the population here. And they are mostly nobles. So you can already guess that they are just rich brats with a hard head." (Fay)

Fay spewed poison like she really hated those hard headed nobles.

On a side note, Levi has begun his training under me. Well, I just introduced him to Aldo first. Since both of them are my disciples. Then I took him to earth and introduced him to general Louis and Trevor.

He nearly fainted when I said that we are in another world. I had to break it down to him so he would stop freaking out so much.

Now, he is slowly training his body. His mind, it's still a bit weak. But I have him meditate for half an hour a day.

He has to deal with his own emotions. I can do nothing about them.

I asked him if he was feeling any better.

"I can think calmly now. I think what my mother did was wrong but it's not my place to judge. Besides, it happened because of me. So, I have to change myself if I want to protect myself and my family." (Levi)

A very sharp development. I guess general Louis and Trevor had good influence on him.

He is steadily working to improve himself. I told him to not push himself.

Now, we are going out. Me, Hazel, Eden, Aura, Fay and Levi, we are all going to the academy.

I wanted to see the academy at least once and Fay wanted to meet her old teachers too. I asked Levi if he could arrange for a meeting with his aunt.

"Leave it to me, teacher." (Levi)

"I told you. Don't call me teacher. I am not even teaching you anything."

"No. You have taken the effort to fix my cowardly personality and indecisiveness. You are more than my teacher." (Levi)

He has come a long way since a week ago. But he still has trouble talking with strangers.

"We are here." (Levi)

I stop my monologue and look ahead. A grandiose building. It's big. Probably the same size as the White House.

This academy is located at the very center of this city. So this is the academy. There are a lot of people around us. Most of them are murmuring about us.

"Does it bother you, Levi?"

He is a dropout. And the noble kids are nasty. They must have bullied him a whole lot.

"It…is a bit unnerving. But I have to face them head on." (Levi)

We enter through the main gate. I see a tidy lawn. There are students all over the place. The uniform looks weird.

"Fay, is that the uniform?"

"Yes. It's rather boring, isn't it? You just wear a shirt and pant or a pleated skirt. There are no accessories and you can only wear a hooded cloak on top of it. More than that, it's just a white shirt and black pant or skirt." (Fay)

That does sound boring.

"Did you ask your aunt about the location?"

"She said to go to her office. But that's in the main building. Let's see." (Levi)

We go to the gate of the main building. There's a guard. He stood up seeing us.

"You cannot enter unless you have permission."

That's normal and I had already predicted that.

"We are here to meet Professor Sierra Hartman." (Fay)

"Let me check."

He checks a register and lets us pass through.

"It seems that she has informed them beforehand." (Fay)

"Yes. She is rather punctual and likes to work flawlessly." (Levi)

We are walking through the main hall of the building. There are many doors around us. The hall is well lit. It has red colored walls and marble floor. Marble floor? That's odd.

But anyway, I will accept it no matter how absurd it is.

"Brings back memories." (Fay)

"Does it now? When did you graduate?"

"When I was about to leave for earth. So two years. I was graduating anyway but they just gave me my certificate and told me that I have already graduated." (Fay)

"So you couldn't attend the graduation ceremony like everyone else."

"It doesn't matter. I may be a princess but that's in name only. Many people mocked me calling me the false princess or the leftover princess." (Fay)

That's how it would normally go. But Aura and Hazel have been real quiet.

"Aura, Hazel, you two have been quiet the entire way. Is something wrong?"

"No. We are just containing our anger. The people have been insulting us and you at the same time. So it's taking us our all to contain ourselves." (Hazel)

"We are here." (Levi)

Levi softly says. I guess he can't say anything to appease them so he just announced our arrival.

Eden is holding my right hand. Normally Aura, Hazel or Fay would be holding my hand. But whenever Eden is with us, they give up on holding my hand.

After knocking on the door, we got permission to enter. Levi opened the door and entered. I let everyone else enter before me and I entered last with Eden.

The office is simple. The outside is all too gaudy but this office focuses on efficiency.

"I presume that you are Clive Belmont, the teacher I have heard so much about from Levi." (Sierra)

A woman in her early thirties spoke. She has wavy brown hair, green eyes and a fair complexion. She is wearing a white oversized shirt. Probably it's a lab coat.

She is wearing glasses. I think it's some sort of magic tool.

"Yes. I am Clive Belmont. Currently I am an S rank adventurer. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. And this is my family."

"I have heard much about you from my nephew. You must be Hazel?" (Sierra)

"Yes. I am Hazel Belmont. I am an A rank adventurer." (Hazel)

"Then you must be Aura Belmont and Eden Belmont. And it has been a while, Fay." (Sierra)

She recognized all of us just from the descriptions she heard from Levi. Well, Hazel has dog ears and tail. She resembles a dogkin greatly so it's easy to recognize her.

Same goes for Aura and Eden as they resemble bearkin.

She tells us to sit down and she goes to the tea stand to make some tea.

"Thank you for helping my nephew." (Sierra)

"It wasn't much. I was just annoyed that someone was blocking the road. So I just got involved and fixed the problem. It was nothing much."

I just give her my real thoughts. She turns towards me with a surprised smile.

"You are blunt, aren't you?" (Sierra)

"I just like to have a frank conversation."

She brings us tea and sits on a chair.

"So, how is life, Fay?" (Sierra)

"It's well. I am pretty happy with my darling and friends." (Fay)

"Darling? Are you perhaps with Mr. Belmont?" (Sierra)

"Yes. He is my benefactor and the one I love wholeheartedly." (Fay)

Must she say those things with a big smile on her face? Professor Sierra is staring at me. She is smirking like, 'Good for you!'

"Professor, I heard that you teach magic technology."

Let's try to change the topic. I can see that Hazel and Aura are getting fired up like they will join Fay start gushing together about me.

"Yes. Are you interested?" (Sierra)

"I am actually. You see, I come from a world that had no mana. We developed a different technology. So, it would be interesting to see what magic technology actually is."

She was going to say something before she stopped. I guess it's another explanation time.

"You said a different world, didn't you? Are you a summoned hero?" (Sierra)

"No. I wasn't summoned. I came here with Fay or more like I had to come here because she was from here."

I basically had nothing to do back then and it didn't matter where I went. So, I decided to just invade Jupiter.

"I see. Levi did say that you were unusual but you are completely different from us. It's interesting." (Sierra)

I see. I can see that she is curious about me but I have to slow her down. Otherwise, we might derail from our main topic.

"Ahem.. I lost my composure for a moment. Pardon me. If you are interested, why not attend my class? I have a class in 10 minutes." (Sierra)

That's a good offer.

"What do you all think?"

"Why not? I am also interested in magic technology. It will make things easier to understand." (Hazel)

"Might as well. But a class containing noble kids, I am not a big fan." (Aura)

Fay agreed as she wanted to attend another of Professor Sierra's class.

"What will you do, Levi?"

"I would like to pass on this opportunity. Teacher, may I go to the gym?" (Levi)

I just opened a portal to the gym. Trevor is there anyway. Nowadays, Trevor spends most of his time there. Gwen is rather irritated that she has to open portals for him.

"I have a lot to ask you as well. Then, I shall lead you." (Sierra)

First day at the academy and I am already attending a class with my family. Eden is especially interested so should I consider enrolling her here? Maybe I can discuss it with everyone.