Mindless beast

Clive is all healed up. The weird creature has fallen asleep. It used almost all of its power to heal Clive from the verge of death. Well, Clive did die but he was revived and healed by it.

Clive ate and went to sleep to recover further. Now, he is all ready.

"I will leave everything here. Because even now, I have no idea if I can win or not. If I win, I will come back. If I don't, that's it."

He gives himself a littile pep talk and hypes himself. His arsenal is rather limited so he will only carry the bare minimum with him. It will be the rod that Keith gave him and the knife that he got.

Nothing else. No water or other stuff. Just these two weapons and him.

He gets up and does a last check. Everything is in place. He saw no monsters nearby so he won't have to worry about his stuff being stolen.

"It's the second round, however I am more nervous than the first time."

He is afraid. He has always ignored his fear. But this fear is far greater than his previous fears. His body is positively shaking.

He would have run away if given the chance. But he knows that he has no other options. That's why he is going to face such an adversary.

"I guess this place is teaching me how someone truly weak feels when he can do nothing against the strong."

He managed to some win against the Naga somehow. That could be called a fluke. Not a fluke but he believed that he would win. And he did win. His belief led to his victory.

This time though, his belief is shook. He is hesitant. His hesitation is going to hinder him. He keeps walking towards that same cave where the Naga was.

"Ahh…I still don't want to fight that thing. Let's see."

He looks ahead and finds the gorilla. It is looking at him. So, it noticed me a while ago, he thought.

I gives up on trying to run away and prepares for the ensuing struggle. The gorilla smirked. It is intelligent. That's the vibe Clive got from it.

Clive holds the rod which has become a light saber now. It's probably a photon saber, Clive thought.

The gorilla moved first this time. They were about 20 meters apart but it closed the distance in no time. 4 hands were coming to grab Clive.

He decided to jump. He evaded one but there were still three more left.

He swung the sword towards those hands. It was hindered at all and went straight through the hands. Three hands were punctured.

The gorilla retracted his hands. It has a shocked expression. It never expected some sort of resistance from Clive. But soon a smile appeared on its face. Like it has found a worthwhile toy.

Again a flurry of hands were incoming towards Clive. What's worse, 12 hands were coming from all directions. Clive is trapped.

So he decided to give up his defense and started running. His target was one of the hands. He noticed some weakness in one of the hands.

Animals have all a better side. Be it left or right, one is always dominant. Ambidextrous animals are rare to begin with. Clive took a bet. He believed that this gorilla isn't ambidextrous.

So evaded the hands before the gap was closed and cut through one of them. The hand was detached from the arm.

The gorilla let out a painful scream. Clive thought this was his moment. He decided to grab the arm as the gorilla was retracting them. A head start in his opinion.

The gorilla noticed Clive on its arm and tried to grab him. Clive this time, pushed his saber through the arm and turned it back to a normal sword.

That was his way of getting on top of the arm.

The arm was wide enough for Clive to stand on and run.

The gorilla is still kinda confused. He took his chance and started running on the arm with his sword now turned saber. He is carving the arm until he was shaken off.

He fell to the ground but managed to land without a big injury.

The gorilla's look has changed. At first, it was looking at a prey. It wanted to toy with Clive before devouring him. Now, the situation has turned. The prey is resisting the hunter and even hunting the hunter.

Clive felt a chill down his spine. So he decided to get some distance. The gorilla started changing. The purple green skin is now turning back.

The eyes are becoming green and it lost its tusks.

The current gorilla has transformed. Even the injuries Clive had inflicted were healed. It even lost some of its arms.

After the transformation, the gorilla is a black gorilla with green eyes and 6 hands. It has lost 6 hands and those 4 tusks.

"So, this thing is finally getting serious. I guess I have to watch out as well."

However it didn't go as planned. The gorilla is now trying to kill Clive. Losing its arms didn't mean that it lost power. It became faster.

The gorilla was fast but not fast enough to catch Clive in one go. This time, Clive has to focus solely on dodging. Let alone attack, he can't even properly dodge. He is somehow just not caught.

The size is the same. The hands are 6. And it's now black. Clive was being cornered. Slowly he was being pushed towards a big wall. Clive noticed that as well. But he couldn't get away from it.

"This is it. I guess I have to become a beast as well."

Clive decided to do something counterproductive. He knew that he couldn't use any powers. But his mind was another thing. He gave up control and embraced the inner beast. Like losing control for more power.

How did he do that? It's a simple suggestion. He fooled his brain into thinking that he is so much danger that he will die. Danger triggers a new strength in human body.

He was overflowing with strength. But he has lost all reason in exchange. He rushed towards the gorilla again. This time, he was faster, sharper than before. He jumped. His jump was also unusual.

He stabbed his sword in its stomach and slid down from there. He slit open its belly. Blood was gushing out. Clive was drenched in blood.

But he didn't stop there. He slashed at its knees exposing the bones. He went around and cut the back of its knees. It fell down.

Clive wasn't waiting. As soon as it fell down, Clive pushed through the sword it's back where the spine is normally at. The gorilla stopped moving.

He changed his sword to a katana and climbed on its back before slashing at its neck. The head was totally cut but it was a deep cut.

He slashed again and this time, the neck fell dowm. The body fell flat on the ground. Clive wasn't in control so he just kept hacking at its lifeless body.

Until he found a big gem. It's blood red in color and it octagonal. Size wise, it's as big as Clive's head.

He just took it out and kept slashing until he passed out from exhaustion.

The gorilla is down but it cost Clive his reason and his body. His body has been thoroughly destroyed due to going beyond its limits. He will have to recuperate again.