First town

We have been walking for a while. I mean A WHILE. Because it has been about 5 days since we started. These five days have been nothing too special.

Just stopping to spend the night at random places and hunting on the go. There has been no major problems with that plan. The mystic wolf is still healing. However it sure is feisty. At first, it lashed out at me.

It took a while before it stopped lashing out. Now it is a bit used to seeing me. On the other hand, it has been getting along with Nora. It didn't lash out at her.

"Mystic wolves prefer women in general. They are a greater evolution of the magic wolves and only female wolves can evolve. So they prefer females rather than males." (Nora)

She gave me that explanation. So it's a women only situation. Must be pretty rare then. I thought it would not like me at all. But it is now used to me.

That's good. We are still walking on the road. I think we are getting closer. I didn't even rush to the city. I am just moving leisurely.

"Will we reach today?"

"I think so. It takes 2 days on a horse carriage so it can't take any more than this. It's only afternoon. If we make a little haste, we can enter the town before night." (Nora)

"Then what will happen to this wolf? Can it actually enter a town?"

This wolf is a monster or a magic beast. I guess it isn't allowed within the town.

"That's the problem. The town itself probably won't stop it but it can be stolen or abducted. It is rare so it sells for a lot of money." (Nora)

What can we do with it? Maybe letting it go is the best idea. But it is still young. And it was injured to begin with. I want to keep it with me since it might prove useful later on.

"How about you try to name it?" (Nora)

"Name? Does that change anything?"

"Naming a monster sets it apart from its group. It means that it has been recognized as an individual rather than a part of a collective body. It ascends them to a higher level." (Nora)

That is certainly true. Names are unique as they set everyone apart. It gives one an identity. Existence becomes concrete and you become more significant.

"Do you want me to name you?"

I ask the wolf. It is used to me now. Maybe it won't mind. But can I even think of a name?

Since it is a female, giving her a feminine name is the best choice. A white wolf with blue marks, soft and fluffy fur, blue eyes and an especially fluffy tail. She would be very popular for her looks.

A name for a wolf? A good name for a wolf? This is fairly hard. I have names with me. But choosing a good one is hard.

"How about Masha? What do you think, Nora?"

I ask Nora to check. She just shrugged like it's okay.

"You shall be called Masha from today onwards."

I try to say dramatically. I was just trying to replicate a scene in my head. However something odd happened. Masha started glowing. If she was in a snowy land, she would have disappeared.

But the area is green. She sticks out. Her glowing white is peculiar. I am feeling rather weak.

"Her name has been registered. You are now her owner." (Nora)

"I thought it was just a normal naming situation. Why did she glow all of a sudden?"

"The codex records everything. Her existence was in the codex but she was nothing but a mystic wolf. However with her being named, she is now recorded as an individual rather than a component." (Nora)

So my name has given her a definite existence. Nora did explain it earlier but I thought that was for just drama.

I look at Masha. She is grooming her fur without a care in the world. Let's just give up for now.

We resume our walking. Walking a bit faster than normal, the town came into my view. It's afternoon. Almost evening.

"The town is just there. However we have no money. I don't want to become a fugitive. If I am already not one! What should we do?"

"We can rob someone." (Nora)

"You sure have some dark ideas. Let's keep that as a contingency plan. Any more bright ideas?"

Masha just nod her head sideways. She can understand me and she said no. Nora can't even think of anything else other than robbing people or just looting them.

The town is still some distance away. It's covered by a not so tall wall. Should we just sneak in? Climb the wall, rob someone and book a room in a hotel or an inn?

Wait, I am thinking way ahead of me. Let's just calm down. This world is totally unbalanced.

"Nora, Masha, let's just go through the front door. I have a feeling that it would go well."

Optimism is the first step. If anything goes south, genocide is a viable option. If violence doesn't solve anything, you aren't using enough of it. That's one of the best quotes. At least to me.

With that in my mind, we all go towards the town gate. I hope I don't have to destroy an enitre town after just arriving at it.