Tying loose ends

The second one is a hunting job. The place is near the forest where I busted those fake ogres. Are they back again? Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they are back again.

I just cut off one end but I didn't uproot the root of the problem. So it will grow back. Currently I am propelling the barrier I made. I might look like we are flying but all we are doing is just standing straight on a barrier.

The barrier has railings as well so it's safe. The view from up here is good. The setting sun is pleasant to look at. This place is packed with nature so it's refreshing to look at.

The people down on the ground won't notice us.

"She looks really cute." (Eden)

Eden is leaning towards Clea who is sleeping in her stroller.

"She sure does. But I have to contain myself or I might just spoil her."

Even with Eden, I had to stop myself consciously from spoiling her. I don't know how I would have done it but I probably would have done weird things.

I can see the location. So I descend a little away from the spot and search the area. There are no intelligent presence around but a lot of animals.

I am having a hard time differentiating between animals and monsters nowadays. Because the amount of mana they have is so minuscule that it slips under the radar.

"Eden, stay here and watch over Clea. I will be back in a jiffy."

"Papa, let me do it. I have a few things I want to try." (Eden)

She stopped me and asked me to let her do it. I sense no strong monsters so I think it should be fine. But my strong might differ from hers.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am sure. I have learned a lot of things from the theories but I need to test them as well." (Eden)

Hmm…that's true. So I take a step back and let Eden take care of it.

She walks ahead and lets out a small burst of mana. It won't do any damage and most humans won't even notice it but monsters are sensitive. They will come rushing towards her now.

But Eden isn't perplexed at all. She is calmly assessing the situation. I can see a few moving things coming our way.

The monsters are new to me. Maybe something new. I didn't read the flier so I don't exactly know what they are.

They oddly resemble the Tasmanian devil but a wee bit bigger than them.

There's fog suddenly. But the fog is only covering the monsters and they are a lot slower now.

The fog must be a paralytic of some sorts. Then there are sparks in the air. Eden is generating electricity around those monsters using the fog as a medium.

Soon they were fried due to the high power output.

"That was splendid. Did you use the air current to generate plasma?"

"Yes. There wasn't enough air so I had to use fog and vapor pressure to facilitate with the generation of plasma. It can't become high density plasma but it's enough to produce a high energy electric bolt." (Eden)

That was splendid indeed. Her understanding is solid and she can use natural forces to generate stronger effects. And that was with minimal mana waste. I drop those monsters in my singularity and we depart for the guild.

"What were they called, Eden?"

"Kurat. They prey on smaller monsters and sometimes humans. They aren't that dangerous on their own but they always hunt in packs." (Eden)

"I can see that. There were quiet a few of them. I didn't count but I think there were more than 30 in that pack alone."

Those things aren't that big but there numbers are problematic. Eden is pushing Clea's stroller and we walk until we are on the road. I can see the lake.

Been a while since I came here. This place looks pretty serene. If there weren't any monsters in the forest, this place would be a perfect spot for relaxing.

"This lake has a pretty view. Is it the Yves lake?" (Eden)

"Yes. I came here once before and found The Tomb at the bottom of it. But this place didn't look this good back then?"

I remember the first time I saw it. The water was polluted. Miasma did a lot of damage to it. I asked a spirit ti purify the lake.

"Papa, something is approaching us from underneath." (Eden)

"Let's see."

I always have a barrier around Clea and Eden so I don't have to worry about any hostility.

But that wasn't the case. What appeared before me was just a small water spirit. It's dancing around me.

"You did a good job. Thank you for purifying the lake."

The spirit rubs itself against my face before diving in the water again.

"Eden, do spirits have a physical body?"

"No. Lesser spirits like that don't have a body. And they can't understand speech either." (Eden)

"It seems that I have started another evolution. Well, we'll come back later to check on it."

With that we depart for the guild once again.

The road is the same as always. Nothing of note has happened around here. But I see a group up ahead.

They are probably an adventurer party on an escort mission. The merchant caravan is just behind them.

But one face seems familiar.

She has noticed me as well and is fidgeting a lot.

"Eden, do you see that group? There's one of my former classmates in that group."

"Isn't that awkward? Considering how they react to you, this might lead to a drama." (Eden)

My girl understands it.

When we were face to face, she chose to talk to me.

"It..has been a while, Clive."

"Yeah. Been a while, Monica."

Yes, it's Monica. The one I frightened the most. They stopped.

"Do you know this guy, Monica?"

A man, in his late twenties asks her. From his gaze, he is underestimating me. My face isn't that well known so I guess he is thinking of me as a normal person.

"Yes. An acquaintance. We went to the same academy. How are you Clive?" (Monica)

"Fine. I didn't think you would talk to me."

"My behavior has been childish. It caused a lot of trouble for me and everyone around me. So I am trying to change. I hope you would also forgive me for my past actions." (Monica)

"I don't cling to the past. I live in the present. I heard that you all got jobs. Are you an adventurer?"

"Yes. I am still a newbie and C rank. I heard from Trevor that you got promoted to S rank. Congratulations." (Monica)

This statement caused the others in her party to stare at me. Disbelief, most of them are giving me that specific stare.

"Yeah. Just finished two jobs. I'll also leave for an escort mission tomorrow. Are you going to Galdur?"

"Yeah. Where is Gwen? Ever since she started living with you, she started contacting us less." (Monica)

"I sent my family on a trip. It's only us three at home."

Monica looks at Eden and Clea.

"Who's the baby? Don't tell me Gwen is already a mother?" (Monica)

Was she always like this?

"No. That is my sister, Clea. And my daughter Eden. You haven't met my entire family yet. Maybe Gwen will tell you next time."

We finished our talk and went our separate ways. She sure has calmed down a lot. Everyone changes. I guess she has as well and that's an welcome change. I would prefer to get along with my fellow earthlings.

But Eden is just staring at me.

"See, people change. She can't live while living in fear of me. She is facing forward and tackling her fears. You need to have a similar outlook as well."

"I understand. That was a good lesson." (Eden)

And we reached the gate. I guess we can just take our rewards and head home. This day was pleasant enough. Then we'll head to Gilbert tomorrow.