The relaxation trip

Clive sent everyone on a relaxation trip. And by everyone, literally everyone. Except him, Eden and Clea, all of them are enjoying the trip.

He did some research and found out that there's a good volcanic hot springs near the border. It's a famous place. He managed to book a few room at the nearest hotel and arranged the trip.

The trip had no troubles whatsoever because he teleported them directly. The journey alone takes 15 days but that wasn't a problem.

Fiona offered to guide everyone. That was the agreement and they would return soon since Clive would be alone. Handling Clea and Eden would prove to be tough since even Aera and Aegis aren't with him.

The women are in the bath now. His father is napping in his room.

"What is he doing at this moment?" (Aura)

"Maybe sleeping. It's pretty late at night." (Fay)

"Why don't we check?" (Hazel)

Hazel suggested that they check on Clive. Everyone gathered. There are a lot of them. So the bath is overcrowded.

Aera starts her projection. Clive is sleeping with Eden on his chest and Clea right next to him in her crib.

But he looks a little weird.

"Why is wearing makeup? And it's bad." (Fay)

"Look.." (Hazel)

Hazel points at Eden's hands. Her hands have makeup on them.

"So, she was doing his makeup. Maybe we should save this moment for now." (Claire)

His mom said. Aera takes saves the current scene in her memory.

"I thought he would have a harder time but it seems that he is getting by pretty well." (Fiona)

"Must be because of Eden. She is pretty enthusiastic about taking care of Clea." (Fay)

"It's a good thing though. We get to relax a bit." (Samantha)

They all breathe a sigh of relief. After the entire conundrum, everyone except Clive was in chaos. They were having a hard time accepting it.

"It all seems pretty funny and pointless now that I think about it." (Samantha)

"You are saying that now?" (Fay)

Fay for some reason gave an answer that is totally not her.

"But who was it that appeared during your wedding?" (Aegis)

"I don't know. I have never seen him before."

"He's my partner."

An unfamiliar voice answered. Everyone looked towards the source. Someone has appeared in the bath.

"Lady Chthulu, why are you here?" (Samantha)

Samantha asked, calmly. The person in question is a petite female. Has tanned skin, purple hair, black eyes with yellow pupils and a smirk on her face.

Her name is Chthulu.

"Well, I just thought I should clear up the misunderstanding. I dropped by your home, Samantha earlier." (Chthulu)

She said with a smirk.

"You can call me by my name too. You know it." (Samantha)

"I am just playing along. Besides, this name is nice too." (Chthulu)

"Samantha, who is this person?" (Claire)

It's only natural that they are curious. Because, an unknown person appeared out of thin air and is having a friendly chat with Samantha.

"This is lady Chthulu. She is also an administrator." (Samantha)

"Well, nice to meet you. You all may be meeting me for the first time but I know all of you. After all, Clive is the hot topic among us." (Chthulu)

"So, you said you are here to clear up the misunderstanding. Who was it?" (Samantha)

Chthulu stops and clears her throat.

"The person who appeared during dinner at your place, Samantha, was a creator. And the first creator at that. And my husband." (Chthulu)

The last part, she said with a big smile.

"The first creator? I didn't know about that." (Samantha)

"Yeah, he is a bit of a recluse. So he doesn't go out often. This is the first time he went outside after 250 billion years. And that is in earth years." (Chthulu)

Everyone is silent. Because they don't know how to react. The scale is totally different.

"Why did my father act the way he did? He was a little too obedient towards him." (Samantha)

"Because to your father, he is a god. After all, your father read his exploits in the library and that inspired him to become what he is today. My husband may be a recluse but he is still the first creator. He is more than just a god. He is the creator who opened the path to out existence." (Chthulu)

Fay decided that it wasn't polite to stay silent all the time.

"Lady Chthulu, what actually happened back then? You husband, why did he appear at the Free World?" (Fay)

"He was sent a summons from the court. He thought that he would answer to the summons. But he got lost on his way. He just wanted directions from your world, that's all. But his appearance changed a lot of things. And he is genuinely sorry for what happened." (Chthulu)

She bowed to Samantha.

"Please, lady Chthulu, you are embarrassing me. Raise your head. You are higher in both age and status. You should not bow down to me." (Samantha)

"I don't mind. I am not like the other older administrators. Those bunch are a little too stuck in the past." (Chthulu)

That matter was over. But Claire decided to ask her something.

"Lady Chthulu, how did you marry the first creator? If he is the first, doesn't that mean he is older than you?" (Claire)

"Yes, he is older than me and even my father. But I have known him since birth. He is the first creator but he is nothing more than a timid man. The things he did and how he became the first creator, he is ashamed of all of it. But he can't go back. That's how he became the creator and decided to just ignore his position.

Until recently, he was a total recluse. If it wasn't for the other creators who joined together and decided to confront, he wouldn't have changed in the slightest.

That's how I got to marry him as well. I always wanted to be with him but knowing him, I couldn't be pushy. When the chance presented itself, I just took it." (Chthulu)

"In that sense, Clive is similar, isn't he?" (Aura)

"All the creators are the same. They have too much time. That's why they just keep procrastinating." (Chthulu)

She sounded a bit annoyed. But the conversation ended there and they just relaxed a bit more before getting out. Chthulu went back. She told them that they would formally meet again.

"That was another big dump of information." (Fay)

"We have gotten used to the spontaneity. Let nature run its course." (Hazel)

And like that, their first night ended. Clive wanted to book the entire hotel but they were against it. They said that five rooms would suffice. So they went to their rooms and ended the night there without any further troubles.