Chapter 2

There hadn't been much call for 'nationalised' services in the apocalypse, but Jonathan had somehow managed to convince the warlords of the time that a protected messenger service was not only helpful but entirely necessary. There were many skirmishes throughout the UK and beyond into old France and Ireland, and a reliable way of transporting important messages and goods had proved a boon, and the protected status of the messengers was taken seriously early in its creation.

It was only a couple of months until Jonathan claimed Nottingham Castle as a neutral territory for the guild to base its operations. No fighting was allowed within the grounds, and only members were allowed to enter armed. The first time I rocked up, looking for a permanent job, it had been chaos, messengers running everywhere, sleeping in corners and behind exhibits in the museum. It was a testament to his ingenuity and vision that he had transformed the space into a well protected and organised sanctuary while wars waged on around him.

When the dust settled it did so with the guild positioned exactly between the 3 - now 2 - large settlements in the North and the more transient and smaller settlements to the south. Such had it stayed for the past 4 years, until a few days ago. The news that White Harbour had fallen to the Easterly's changed everything, and clearly Jonathan was not playing neutral if he was shielding an Easterly wife here in secret, which I was certain he was.

However, this neutrality meant I had a calm ride back, despite passing through several territories on the longest route I could think of. I knew as I approached the castle that Keri would be waiting for me. The security had been increased all around the stronghold, invisible to most but I knew what to look for. The second I switched off the engine a man shuffled out of the main building to meet me.

'Ah welcome back, welcome back. We'll see to your bike there, no worries. Jonathan has requested your presence as soon as you have had a chance to freshen up.' His tone implied that I should not take my time about that.

'Thank you-'

'Matt' he supplied.

I smiled at him. 'Thank you Matt. Please tell him I'll be in his office within the hour.'

Matt blushed and nodded furiously, tripping over his feet to back up through the door. He must be new here. I had a bit of a reputation that sometimes intimidated the newbies. I followed him in through the door and headed to my room for a well deserved bath.

An hour and a half later I knocked at Jonathan's private office door. A deep voice from within told me to enter, and I pushed the heavy door open. My boss sat comfortably beside a fireplace, a gin & tonic in one hand, body angled towards his guest. I took a couple of steps forward then shut the door behind me.

'Jonathan.' I inclined my head to him. The guest didn't move but I knew already who it would be.

Jonathan rose and came to meet me, kissing my cheeks one after the other. 'So glad you could make it. Our esteemed guest Mrs Easterly here has requested the services of you and you alone to... escort her safely to a...remote location' His cheeks were flushed and I could tell this was not his first drink of the day. This whole situation must be weighing heavier on him than I had thought. Jonathan had introduced Keri as if we were strangers, but he knew about our history. Had he forgotten?

Keri stood and turned towards me. She held a glass of white wine in one hand, her other hand came to rest on the top of the chair. It looked almost as if it were the only thing supporting her.

She was lean and muscled in places I remembered being soft, but otherwise she looked the same. Her blue eyes flashed brightly in recognition as they met mine, but she showed no other signs she knew me. I realised Jonathan must have been taking his queue from Keri, acting as if this were any other job. My stomach dropped through my arse and I felt a little dizzy.

I realised I'd been silent far longer than was normal, even for me. I hurried to squash all my feelings back into their tiny box in the back of my mind.

'I don't do escort jobs. Why have you called me?'

I had turned to talk to Jonathan, but it was Keri who answered. 'I heard you were the best. I need the best. I need to get across the channel, and the European wastes. And I need for nobody to know.'

'The European wastes? I don't even know that there's anything on the other side anymore. Nobody has heard from them in a year or more. I might be the best, and I might also be the most expensive, but I'm not the most suicidal. Why on earth would you go there?' My voice had taken on a high, trill sound that I didn't much like, but this plan filled me with dread. Keri might look like she fit this world now, but that journey was not one to be undertaken lightly.

She ignored my question. 'You've been that far and further, I know it. You can get me there.' Her jaw tensed and set in a stubborn line, she met my eyes once more, full of determination. Years of history, our history, swam in them. I'd never really mastered the art of saying no to those eyes. I dropped my gaze to the floor to avoid immediately giving in to her.

'You know we both might die before we even get to the wastes. The channel is a death sentence for most people stupid enough to try to cross'

She gave the first real sign she knew me then, saying my name with a pleading in her voice. 'Ali... please.' The last word was almost a whisper. Whatever it was she needed me to do, it was important to her. Fuck.

I turned to leave, I couldn't look at her face anymore. 'First thing in the morning. Meet me at the rear gate at sun up. Pack lightly.' I reached for the door and fled into the dark corridor for the safety of my private quarters.