Chapter 10

We had only just made it to the motorway when a trio of black clad riders appeared on our tail.

"Fuck, they must have been waiting for us." I knew Keri couldn't hear me, but I continued cursing anyway. I had planned a snaking route to keep us from stumbling into the path of… well anyone, but it was clear that we'd have to take a more direct path and hope we could outrun them.

I hugged my body close to the tank, and felt Keri lean into me, trying to streamline as much as possible. I watched the needle edge up towards 95.

Checking the mirrors I could see our pursuers were maintaining a steady distance behind us, but hadn't made up any ground. I pushed us over 100, swerving between rusted out cars and piles of twisted metal debris.

There's not much to say except it was a long and tense ride. For over 2 hours we played cat and mouse, the bikes behind creeping up on us, followed by me pushing my poor bike to levels it would have struggled with before a three year stint in a damp garage.

There was only one road into Brighton, Jessie had made sure that was the case. It had taken the better part of 2 years for her followers to block off roads and erect walls, but when it was finished, it had ensured the female residents a level of safety that couldn't be rivalled. I knew patrols and guards were active almost 24/7, and it was this I was counting on as we swung onto the A23 only a handful of miles from our destination. I fumbled with one hand at my helmet last, trying to expose my face; the protection I was counting on was dependent on being recognised by these women as quickly as possible.

I had unintentionally slowed while wrestling with my headgear, enough that I could clearly make out hidden bodies in the treeline as I finally freed my head. Our pursuers had closed the distance again, but I felt a well of tension release. We were going to make it. Over the horizon I saw two trikes heading towards us. In my mirror, half a dozen Harleys pulled out behind the bikes following us. I could see the rider in front swivel his head, suddenly aware that they were outnumbered. We shot between the trikes and over the crest of a small hill.

Our pursuers didn't reappear in my rear view.

A large gate loomed in front of us, and I could see it open just wide enough to allow us to glide through. We skidded to a halt as I heard the gate boom shut behind us.

I looked up to see a wide semi-circle of women beginning to form around us. Keri dismounted slowly behind me, and I followed her example, then set the bike on its stand. I put my hands up in a calming gesture.

"I need to speak with Jessie. Is she here?" A murmur went through the crowd; a hundred voices whispering between themselves. It was deeply unsettling. Finally the women parted, and a familiar face sauntered through them and into view. I sighed in relief.

"Jess! Long time no see!" I tried to keep my voice light and friendly, although in truth I had no idea how she might react to me rocking up with an entourage. It was hard to admit, but I had used her to try and get over Keri, and when it had become apparent that wasn't going to work, I had up and left with barely any explanation. Then I had steadfastly avoided her for several years. I had to admit, it could go either way.

Jessie had fully embraced her self styled role as Queen of the Amazons. Her waist-length black hair was braided into a hundred tiny plaits, swinging wildly with each step. She was dressed in light brown leather, tight fitting and contrasting against her dark skin. Her face was covered in a tribal style warpaint, but in neon pink and green. She looked phenomenal.

It was a tense moment while I waited for the reaction I could see her weighing up as she approached. Finally I saw her come to a decision as she stopped a few feet from us. Instinctively I moved slightly to put myself between Jessie and Keri.

I saw Jessie notice this, but she didn't mention it. Instead her face broke into a wide smile and she spread her arms wide in a welcoming gesture.

"Well, well if it isn't the guild's golden child! Or perhaps I have it wrong - those men didn't seem like a friendly escort."

I bowed my head respectfully. She had a role to play here, in front of all her subjects, and I suspected it would go easier for us all if I played along with that.

"As sharp as ever I can tell. If I ever was the guild's golden anything, I certainly am not any longer. There's a story behind it, if we could be permitted a private audience?"

"Always so formal." She tutted and closed the distance between us, then kissed each of my cheeks, but I could tell she was secretly pleased by my performance.

"Come, let us find you somewhere to freshen up, then you can tell me all about it over some lunch"

She turned, clapping her hands twice as she walked away. Like something out of a film, the crowds began to disperse and we were suddenly flanked on each side by guards, heavily armed and much less friendly looking than our host. One of them gestured in the direction the crowd was heading.

"This way." She muttered and then took off walking, not waiting to see if we were following. Keri and I scrambled to collect our bags but then I hesitated, looking at my bike for a long moment. The other guard noticed, her tone was a little less harsh than the other's.

"It's okay, we'll see that someone takes care of her." With that I had no choice but to be content as we were ushered down a narrow street and onto a wide avenue, lined with large period homes that looked remarkably well maintained. It was into one of these we went through an unlocked, polished mahogany door twice my own height at least. Then up a sweeping staircase framed with portraits of aristocrats from centuries long passed and into a large room swathed in red and gold velvet. Against one wall was the largest four poster bed I had ever seen, clad in the same deep crimson as the walls and carpet. Another wall was entirely lined with tall leaded windows, framed with golden satin curtains that pooled on the floor. To our left was a comfortable and slightly worn looking three piece suit and I could see an ostentatious looking bathroom through a door next to it.

"There's no hot water this late in the day." One of the guards had followed us into the room and stood awkwardly just inside the doorway. "But you can freshen up here. Someone will be by to collect you in an hour." She said all this without meeting either of our eyes, then beat a swift retreat, closing the door behind her.

For the first time since we arrived, Keri spoke.

"Well I was expecting worse." She walked into the middle of the room and spun round a couple of times, her arms outstretched. "They certainly know how to decorate." She smirked at me.

"I half expected to be shot on sight, so I'll take it."

"Mmmm it did seem a bit tense to start, didn't it? Do you suppose she's forgiven you? What exactly did you do?"

"I don't expect this will be an easy dinner, if I'm honest. But I'm hoping I can convince Jessie we have a common enemy." I sighed and swung myself up onto the bed, sitting cross legged and facing Keri. I sank several inches into the downy quilt and for a second I desperately wanted to curl up in it and sleep this all away.

"I wasn't great to her. I was pretty cut up over you." Keri averted her eyes from mine, a slight blush rising up her neck. I tried to ignore it.

"I stuck around here for a few months, and we got pretty close… it was harder then, far fewer people to trust. When I realised that it wasn't helping me to get over you and I just up and left… well it probably cut her deeper than she will want to let on." I grimaced. "I owe her a huge apology."

Keri's expression was similar to my own. "Well I suppose we had best get ready to make that happen."

Truth be told it didn't take us very long to get ready, so few possessions we had actually managed to bring with us. By the time a guard arrived to collect us, we were both pacing impatiently.

We descended back down the spiralling stairs but this time we were led further into the house, down a dark, close corridor, and into a dining room that made the bedroom look shabby and uncared for. In the centre of the room there hung a hugely decadent chandelier, a thousand tears of crystal reflecting a thousand shards of light from the candles that lined every surface around the room. Below it was a dining table, I quickly counted six place settings with a dozen pieces of cutlery each, surrounding what could only be described as a feast fit for a king. There were delicate China bowls filled with vegetables and fruits I hadn't seen in half a decade; broad beans, spinach, peppers, pineapple, mango, strawberries and more. The centrepiece was a full pig, spit roasted and complete with an apple in its mouth, and I could see several decanters of wine dotted around the table in between the dishes. My mouth watered involuntarily.

We were shown to our seats along one of the long edges of the table. I recognised our two guards from earlier as they took their seats at either end of the table and realised they must be Jessie's next in command. Directly in front of Keri and I were two remaining empty chairs, and we glanced nervously at each other.

After several tense, silence filled minutes our host arrived, alone, and took her seat opposite us. She smiled warmly and gestured to the table between us.

"Apologies my friends, I didn't mean to keep you waiting. Please, have a drink, tuck in."

I eyed the empty chair beside her but she paid me no notice, instead gesturing behind me to a woman who stepped in between us, filling both of our glasses from the closest bottle and then stepped back unobtrusively.

I sipped at the wine, savouring the rich flavour before I swallowed it. It was clear that Jessie was doing very well for herself here, I hadn't had wine this good, probably ever. I took another mouthful and told her as much.

Jessie took a small bite of melon and washed it down with her own wine. "We do a lot of trade up and down the coast, and we have been very lucky." She smiled at the woman to her right, then returned her gaze to me. "I will admit I have been saving this particular bottle for a special occasion. But what could be more special than seeing my old friend once more hmmm?" Her eyes flickered to Keri, but showed no hint of emotion. "And to meet a new one too no less. Now you must eat, and tell me why you have come here, and being chased too no?"

I savoured a mouthful of roast potato and pork as Keri began to divulge her part of the story, from seeing her brother through to waiting anxiously at the guild to see if I would arrive.

"...When Ali walked into Jonathan's office well I…" her voice trailed off and for a second I thought she had lost her train of thought, but when I looked over at her I could see her eyes were unfocused and she had her hands held up in front of her face. "...I'm sorry I don't feel so…" Keri slumped forward in her chair, a stray arm sending her wine cascading over the tabletop. I went to go to her but found I couldn't make my legs move forward. I looked to Jessie with panic in my eyes.

When I found her face I realised she was no longer seated alone. A face I'd seen a thousand times in my nightmares swam beside her. I felt sick.

"How can I ever thank you for returning my kidnapped wife to me, and with her abductor too!" I struggled to keep my eyes open as I gaped in horror at Ben's leering face.

"It will be as we discussed, yes?" We will be left alone here when you march on the south?" I could hear Jessie's honey-rich voice, but I couldn't take my eyes off his.

"About that…" I could make out shadows swarming into the room behind them as my vision narrowed and I gripped at the table edge to stop myself from falling. I couldn't breathe. On either side of me I head a short scuffle, then a thud. Ben's men had taken care of our guards.The last thing I was aware of was Ben's arm sweeping up behind Jess as if he were going to embrace her, but then his arm was gone and a deep crimson stain blotted my vision. Her hands shot to her throat, shocked, before crumpling to the floor. Then the floor rose up to meet me too and darkness consumed me.