The Regression


The only thing visible for as far as any specie's eye can see. Somewhere, a throne can be seen dangling a bit to the side, evident from the broken pillars that supported it.

A man can be seen walking towards it. Limbs scattered everywhere, joined with the decapitated heads. Scorched bodies and mutilated corpses of the one's once revered as literal gods and deemed deities.

The man who walked towards the throne carried a head gripped with enough force to not to let it drop from its white hair. The once shimmering purple eyes, now having lost all of the life and royalty they once emitted. It was kezzes. The once revered king of self proclaimed GODS.

Placing the head on one of the spikes that emerged on the back end of the throne, the man or the boy sat slumped down. Reminiscing over everything that happened to him and those around him. He started playing the same annoying "WHAT IF" game in his mind trying to figure out what would've happened if he wasn't complacent.

"You know, you did everything you could" his shadowy companion said, his voice laced with concern replacing his usually sarcastic voice. But in the end the man could do nothing but blame himself for all the suffering.

Not his own but to the ones he put those close to him. Only one thought came to his mind "THIS IS NOT HOW I WANTED IT TO END" and the dam broke. He let his emotions run rampant, his intent let loose covering every part of his surroundings.

He wanted someone to react. At least even show dread

towards him but was met only with silence, after all there was no soul aside from him and handful of humans and elves left anymore.

"What is the use of this power?" was the only thought that came to his mind. The survivors left could be counted in one breath. "Maybe the Fate rune of yours can help out" His companion, Regis, said.

"I know what you're thinking, but I don't have enough insight. Also what will become of this timeline? Should I just abandon them after getting them in the middle of my death march against the asuras?"

Arthur replied, annoyed by his hair covering his face, hiding his swollen red eyes.

"Like anything can be done now! O' my idiot master do you even realize the state in which the world is? People won't even survive a few years" Regis replied , once again, nothing but only an eerie silence, as Arthur just kept staring forward. His eyes are devoid of any thoughts and emotions. Like an empty husk or a fragile shell which'll break at the slightest of touch.

"There's nothing else to lose, Arthur. At least, We can give it a try unless … given your masochistic nature is to wait for all eternity for something good to happen to our ever-unlucky life" He felt happy. Even if it was an insult, still being called that name by the one who never left his side was like a warm breeze for him amidst the death that shrouded the world.

"You're right Regis, expect the worst and hope for the best, but are you sure? I think you wanted to go after more of the hot girls since you can now have a human form too" Arthur said with genuine concern which surprised Regis. After mastering aether to a certain degree, Regis was now able to manipulate his form to almost anything except Dragon form. The reason behind it was still a mystery to both of them.

"Rude ! While I do admire the beauty of every fine lady I only want to go after my night goddess" Getting the answer, Arthur scoffed and activated the incomplete Fate godrune.

A symbol appeared on his forehead. The design so intricate and complex that puts most artist and

rune makers to shame, exuding a sense of a sentient transcendent it glowed brighter. Arthur began his utmost concentration, combining it with the edict of Aevum and Spatium , he began his work.

After what felt like an eternity he could feel it. The laws being bent and the very fabric of reality being molded to his needs. A smirk formed on his face.

"It's almost done now. This time I will deal with everything my way. No one is to get in my way. It's my war and I will end it without losing anyone. I don't care going back to my old ways as long as my family and SHE is safe" Arthur said, seeming resolute.

"Just so you know whatever method you regress to, I'll always be by your side. I'll see you on the other side given we survive this"

Both of them steeled their resolve for the one last time unaware of what awaits them.. And then an amethyst light enveloped them and pulled them into the void.

:Arthur Leywin POV:

After I activated my FATE godrune, I felt the very fabric of reality bend and twist struggling to break free from the foreign intervention. After what felt like an eternity of constant utmost concentration and then as the light enveloped us, I passed out.

I woke up after GOD knew how much longer I found myself in a very familiar Forrest. It was the Elshire forest. The time when I got seperated from my parents after the bandit attack and when Sylvia took me and gave me the dragon will. Sour memories flushed my head knowing I couldn't save Sylvia again .

A sudden realisation hit me as I desperately searched for my dimensional rune. Sylvie's stone was still there with cracks indicating she would be out soon. Even after all the hell I put myself in, I couldn't revive Sylvie but due to the sheer amount of aether in the void, her stone was near to breaking and her reviving. A warm feeling spread through my heart, Finally...Out of curiosity I touched my pockets only to find another rainbow coloured stone. They should've merged, where did it go wrong? Does that mean I'm a doppelgänger of myself in this timeline? Many questions arose in my head as panic overtook me.

Suddenly a snarly voice sounded in my head. How? Was all I could utter. In front of me was my companion with the same vulpine smirk on his face in his puppy form "That's because I am OP as fuck O'my pitiful master, It's sad that I can't call you princess anymore" Regis said his voice tinged with … sadness?

I summoned a slab of ice to watch my reflection. Happiness and sadness filled my heart at the same time. Happy because I shared the same features with my only parents in 2 lives. Sad because the proof of my bond , my surrogate daughter sacrificing herself to save my life as I kept pushing myself now gone.

"What's with that lame ass expression? We are so close to reviving her and who knows maybe you can get another one of her from the other stone" Regis said trying to console me.

"Mhmm" was all I could say. I still had my godrunes but for some reason, the majority of them won't work. Regis explained that due to me exploiting the FATE rune, so much I might have retained the memories of the future but my core and powers have regressed. I don't need the insight but since my aether core has gone back to one layer, it couldn't activate the more complex godrunes. I also retained my mana core which for some reason didn't excite me much. I shared my plans with Regis when I heard an all too familiar scream.

"Mom, dad, grandpa help me". I guess it's time to get to work, I said. "Aye aye captain" Regis replied and I god-stepped to the nearest tree. Landing on a branch, I felt my balance off when a sudden realisation hit me along with a pang in my thigh. Before I had time to react the aether started healing it. Regis explained that since my powers regressed my body regressed too though it's still draconic but it is that of an infant asura. So usage of more complex godrunes will damage it. The god-tier healing that put the best healing aether arts of Myre to shame was still there but since in a battle every second counts I considered using it only in dire cases. "You can still use burst step though it must be limited to 6 times a day before totally wrecking it, that is if your healing doesn't kick in. Using it in a 15 minute interval should be the best plan" Regis explained with a solemn expression. I stared deadpan at him. Is this guy really Regis?

I sat down and started meditating since there was some time before the attack on slave traders. I started to remember the people who were by my side through every thick and thin. My thoughts immediately trailed off to a single girl. The one who made me understand the difference between like and love. The one who wasn't around me just to depend on me and with the expectations that I care only for her emotions. No.. she was the only one who was there when I was down bad. The only one I could rely on even if the whole world cursed and rejected me. Yes... her…. I wonder how she is doing.!!!!!

My trail of emotions suddenly glitched as I sensed a massive spike in aether. I stood with Death's ballad (aetheric copy of dawn's ballad laced with edict of death) but the edict of death was still incomplete due to my weak core as I couldn't fully harness the power of death god-rune the one which made my triumph over Asuras successful. I was ready when I saw a boy my age In Front of me. Sharp features with beautiful amethyst eyes and curly purple and ash coloured hair coming down all the way to his eyes. The most distinguishable thing were his 4 horns. 2 protruded from the side while two in front of his head. I was totally baffled when a voice woke me out of my stuppor "Stop staring pervert I'm straight and my heart only belongs to my night goddess" (Think of Regis human form as this one with two extra horns In Front of his head)

Taken aback "REGIS IS THAT YOU? HOLY FU–" Just as I was about to finish the slave traders heard us and started to move towards us. "Well played princess" Regis complained "Well anyways I get to test my new appearance and limits" and with that, he lept off and I just prayed for the slave traders for the worst of torture they are about to experience. I followed him soon after I could see Regis a few centimetres smaller than me with a maniacal laughter on his face, as he lunged his hand into the last man and took his still beating heart only to place it back in the owner's palm "Wow now that felt refreshing" he stated beaming.

I stared deadpan at him. Imagine a 4 year old boy saying that while drenched in blood. "SCARY SADIST" was all I could think of.

Concentrating back on the task at hand. A part of me wanted to leave her, but she later became an important asset in the war despite being the naive shit she is, she still had her uses. In the original timeline, Tessia was still among one of the extremely few who remained alive. After forming a synthetic body for her using creation godrune, I wanted to withhold the promise I made after telling her my secret of reincarnation. The results were obvious as day. What was I expecting from someone with mental health of 2 years old?? Only her. She was the only one who accepted me aside from Ellie. I hope I'll meet her again soon.

If you're done with your thoughts about her, can we concentrate on the task at hand. And when did you become an ass like that ? Regis quipped with annoyance tinged in his voice "What do you mean?"

"Of course you know what I mean you doofus. She's just a child right now and tell me how many times have you acted like a real child throwing tantrums despite being 50+ mentally. Look what I mean to say yeah she was one of the most immature and dumb people I ever saw based on your memories but that doesn't mean you have to harbor malicious feelings towards her. She's still the granddaughter of the person who you see as a father figure. Cut him some face and stop. Now man up BACON BOY (ok I read this name somewhere in a ff and I liked it so don't mind if I do the same) (in mine btw lol) .

I was taken aback both by his speech and the new nickname. God I wish I could remove Uto's fragment from him. Rolling my eyes I went towards the cart and rescued Tess. Unlike the original timeline, this time I kept my distance but not in a way to make her feel anything suspicious. Not that she has the brains to understand that but anyways. We continued our journey this time a little faster coupled with my understanding of the forest we reached the portal faster than the original timeline. Moving through the portal the same nauseating feeling engulfed me "Ughh this Never gets old"

In Front of us was the the ever so beautiful elf city kingdom of elenoir, the capital is Zeltier City (I forgot it's name) . The soldiers were surprised and scared at first as i forgot to suppress my pressure. "Look at their faces. Never seen a GOD before?" Regis said while earning a mental eye roll from me.

Looking forward Aludin and Merial came dashing over to tessia hugging her and then tearing up to see their stup– dear child. I really did a good job acting like an idiot who didn't know she was a princess until an all too familiar figure came. Hair held back with his posture straight and every step exuding such immense confidence. I felt so happy seeing the old bat again after seeing him die protecting his granddaughter. He glanced at me and for a moment frowned and then turned his attention to tessia. I wonder what happened I thought . "Stop staring him like that buahahaha he might think you're a gay" Regis said still inside my core while I mentally slapped him. " *Cough cough* i was just excited to see him again you know he meant a lot to me". After the reunion, which felt like an eternity, we went to the king's office to discuss what happened.

Everything happened according to the original timeline. When I told them I had awakened at such a young age and killed the slave traders, which had captured Tessia, which originally I didn't killed, one of the soldiers tried to attack me.

"How dare you lie in front of the king and queen" one of the guards said while augmenting his sword

"They never learn, do they" I thought. But this time virion didn't stop him. Maybe after seeing my core at solid orange refined by my aether core he wanted to test me by confirming my abilities seeing them first hand.

Suddenly an overwhelming pressure filled the room. Since it also affected me I knew who it was. "I'll advise you to keep your filthy hands off of my master. You can still try but let me tell you the results will be far away from your worst nightmares' ' Regis said In a childish voice with his hands tucked at his back hovering above us slowly descending, landing softly. "Tone it down Regis" I said in my voice authoritatively. The guards had already fainted , merial and Aludin were like they'll faint any second. Tess was somehow ….unaffected? while only virion was at his feet.

"I apologise on his behalf but it would be better if you tell your guards not to attack at every word I utter. I'm not here to cause trouble and my companion has been a bot on edge since all the hardships we had to face upto this point". And then the pressure faded away like it was never there . Regis sat in a corner like a disciplined child would and made the best possible cute face he could. He looked at me obviously asking about his 'PERFORMANCE' . "That was cool as fuck" earning a proud look from him and with that we continued our awkward conversation.