The Battle At Elenoir (Part 2)

(Account usurper's note:: A bit of  gore ahead... just a pinch if it. Still, you've been warned. Who am I worrying for, I know ya sadistic mfs enjoy it)

3rd person POV

The battle in the forest of elenoir was at its peak right now. Uptil now the alacryans were at a tremendous disadvantage due to the forest mist and Arthur's training regimen making each soldier strong enough to hold of against multiple emblem holders.

However, the problematic things wasn't the battle between foot-soldiers. The generals of both sides were involved in a heated battle. Scythe Melzri of Alacrya and Lance Aya of Dicathen exchanged blow for a blow inflicted a wound for a wound. In terms of pure battle prowess Lance Aya was leagues above the scythe however due to her recklessness of performing an advanced mana art amidst the battle, made her vulnerable enough to almost loose.

She was constantly being pushed back. As despair enshrouded her being, a bright portal shimmered to life as 3 figures stepped out of it. A young pre-teen girl with wheat blond hair, and two other men. The white haired man had a divine look to him making him look like A god who descended straight from the heavens. Another man with a black-purplish left eye came out while being dragged by the white haired man.

"You'll have a lot of explaining to do once we get rid of things here, Regis" the white haired man said, his voice tinged with frustration and his face beaming disappointment.

"Uncle Regis can handle things here papa. We should go back and relax." The wheat haired girl said.

Arthur only nodded and the portal appeared again and stepped on the other side. His daughter followed suit, but stopped for an abrupt moment

"I knew you were cheating on her. You're the worst, uncle Regis!" She said before leaving making Regis flinch.

Letting out a deep sigh Regis looked around and scanned the whole area. His eyes locked in a particular place as his eyes widened. An uncontrolled amount of bloodlust escaped his body as the surrounding trembled. He made him way to that particular location.

Arriving there he saw Aya about to faint. With one swift moment he arrived just in time to break her fall. Holding her in his arms he slowly placed her down nearby a tree. He tucked her messy hair behind her ear as slight smile appeared on his face, and disappeared the next moment.

He got up and looked upwards towards the scythe, dead in her eye.

"You're the one, right? The one who made her like that?" He asked in a simple tone, with no malice dripping from his tone.

"Yes....and you'll be following her soon enough" the scythe said full of confidence and pride.

"Hmm? Oh about that. I highly doubt that. Why don't you try and see." Regis mocked, his eyes now glittering as darkness started to envelope the whole battlefield.

The scythe looked around in a panic but quickly recomposed herself.

"Is that petty magic supposed to scare me? Haha, come one this ain't a kid's magic sh...."

She was interrupted as Regis delivered a punch to her diaphragm. She winced in pain as all air left her lungs for a brief moment.

"Rule 1: Only I get to trash talk my opponents"

He punched her again in the face making her crash into a tree.

"You know I'm pretty much already on the edge."

Just as he said that soul fire enveloped the scythe as she attacked Regis with all her might. Coalescing Aether around his hand Regis stopped the sword with hair bare hands.

"You see I'm stuck with a hundred year old guy in a kid's body and a cocky dragon princess. It's really infuriating when they just order the majestic af me, while they keep doing their stuff comfortably."

A small purple flame ignited from Regis's fingers, and mixed with soulfire. The amethyst flames ate soulfire like a hungry animal and devoured it completely. He retracted it afterwards, and interlocked his fingers with the scythe.

"What's wrong with sleeping another woman? I'm still committed to my first girlfriend . It's not like I'm a horny dog who runs after everyone...... well you know there was a time I was like that but now I'm committed to both of em"

He put more pressure on their interlinked fingers


The scythe let out a shriek as her fingers bent at an impossible degree. He pulled her from the same hand and delivered a knee to her abdomen knocking the literal air out of her.

"Political issues my ass. So what if she's the human queen."

Regis kept ranting about how Arthur punched the living hell out of him after watching him and the human queen together.

He held the scythe by her pure white hair and brought her closer.

"You too think I'm being treated wrongfully. Right? Right?"


He got no response as her eyes had lost its colour and only a moan escaped her mouth.  He shaked her head violently in a nodding gesture.

"I knew it. You'll understand me. These damned masters of us never let us enjoy ourselves. I mean look at you. Such a beauty and still fighting for that snake. What has he ever done for you? Huh? Hey i'm talking to you. Don't ignore me like that"

He lit her arm with destruction flames. She started screaming as her arm got obliterated. He stopped the flames before it could spread more.

"Feel like talking to me for a while more now?"

The scythe said nothing and just nodded. Just as she nodded Regis punched her face breaking her nose.

"Why would a majestic being like me talk with a lowly hybrid mutt like you?"

A smirk formed on his face as he ripped her arm with his bare hands. A heart wrenching scream escaped from her lips, contrast to her almost dead state from a while ago.

The scream resounded even more. Without Regis knowing, everyone had left their battle a while ago. There was an eerie silence. Everyone was looking at their battle for a while now.

"What? Want me to play house with ya peeps too?"

The already terrified faces of alacryans after seeing their scythe being played like a toy turned into a face which had lost all hope. Strength left the feet of many as they fell down and started sobbing. The others who still had some energy and wits started running away.

Bairon and alea were about to follow them but Regis stopped them.

"Let them run. I'll hunt the ones who escaped myself. Just arrest the ones who gave up" Regis said licking his lips, like a predator who enjoyed killing fleeing preys the most.

"Oh sorry pretty lady but I've got an another livestock to look after. Guess we will have to stop our session here."

Regis said as her whole body was caught on fire and was eradicated in a matter of seconds leaving not only ash behind.

Beads of sweat rolled down alea's and bairon's face. They knew they were strong. But to be able to do THAT while ranting about your mentally sick master was something else. He walked towards them and both of lances instinctively took a step back

"Take care of Aya. And no need to tell her the details. Nope I'm clear" Regis said with a smile that didn't reached his eyes.

"Understood" Bairon said standing in-front of alea.

"Good enough. Now I'll excuse myself since I have some mutts to discipline."

With that Regis disappeared in thin air like he was never there. Alea slumped against a tree trunk as Bairon let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?" Bairon asked sitting beside her catching his breath. Alea looked towards him, his blond hair was covering his forehead as he wore a tired expression.  She felt her face burn.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" she replied, stuttering

"Are you sure? You look quite flushed" he asked with genuine concern.

"Yeah I-I'm totally fine." She replied before an awkward silence built up amidst them.

"Well we should take the prisoners to their respective prisons." Bairon said breaking the ice.

"Yeah let's go." Alea replied, getting rid of her blush and rapidly beating heart.

Meanwhile On the other side of forest maniacal laughter echoed through out the area followed by heart wrenching screams of people. Corpses everywhere. Bodies missing heads and limbs were a common sight. People screaming in pain, some having their faces burned, some others alive with gaping holes in their abdomen. Some had their chest area opened their rib cage shattered which protruded out of the flesh making their beating hearts visible.

And the source of all of this was sitting with yet another one of his prey around a fire and ranting a story of how his master is an ass.

".....And that one time. He punched me so hard my vision escaped my eyes for a whole minute. Can you believe that?"

Upon getting no response, a scowl formed on his face as he beheaded the man before he could even breathe his next breath.

He walked towards the last prey he had kept. He loosened the ropes and walked her towards the fire. He sat her down as he sat on the opposite side.

"You're a girl so I'll let you go if you accompany me in cursing my master, okay?"

She nodded frantically.

Regis started again "You see....." he continued his rant indefinitely and the girl just kept nodding. After a while passed and they got easy with each other. They even started to laugh.

"I must say sir, if your master is as you say, he's really a scum" just as she finished her sentence she felt Regis's face next to her, his hand through her chest.

"Rule # 2 : Only I get to call him scum." He said as he crushed her heart and she fell with a thud.

He got up and walked to a nearby water source. The water was crystal clear and cold. Regis stripped as he dipped in the little pool.

"I better explain everything to him and aya. Man it's going to be a pain." He said ignoring the moans and groans of people he tortured but were still alive as he felt his consciousness fade away into the bliss of the fresh pool bath.


That's it for today. Hope you all enjoy the chapter. Happy reading stay blessed and I'm out