It has been 7 months and 22 days since James started his work. Today he was working on something, he was on it since morning. When he finished some of his work, he went for a rest. When he was resting, Jack come to him and asked him: (Father, are supernatural creatures like ghosts, vampires and werewolves real?) James said: (The vampires and werewolves are only legends, but ghosts are unknown, some people believe they are real and some people not. You know about all these three, right?) Jack said: (I would like you to tell me about them.) James started: (The vampires are creatures with sharp fangs, their leader is count dracula, dracula has superhuman strength, speed, agility and duraility and is very strong. Dracula can hypnotize people and make them do what he wants them, the vampires use their fangs to suck the blood out of people and this can turn them to vampires too. The vampire's shadow doesn't appear on mirror. Dracula has great wisdom and cunning. Dracula can command beasts like bats, owls, rats and... but this is limited. He also can control weather. The vampires have weakness, including: wood which stabbing through his heart, another is garlic, they doesn't like garlic, another is strong light, they are vulnerable to daylight and they get weak when they are in daylight and last one is that they can't resist against holy items like a cross and holy water. Werewolves have great strength and agility, if they bite someone they can turn them to werewolves and this happens when a full moon appears in the sky. Their most important weakness is silver and iron, anything made of silver or iron including can put fear in them.) After that James said: (Okay, that was enough, we will talk about rest of them later.) Then they went to eat, after that James went back to his work.