Chapter 6

(A/N Notes: It's time for the date chapters! And to make Daichi suffer mentally even more!)

A week has passed since Yuriko and Takeru first met, and so far their current relationship hasn't changed all that much, with the only big thing that changed was that their usual spot for eating lunch now had a wooden pergola roof that provided a decent shade, and they were enjoying the shade on that particularly hot day


"What's wrong?"

"Remember when I told you that I found some spy cameras in the girls changing room?"

"Yes, I do. And I guess, you still haven't found the culprit"

"Yeah, I don't have any other leads aside from the cameras, and no one would ever openly say that it was theirs"

"I see… Well, good luck with your search"


And Yuriko petted Takeru's head as a reward to him, and Takeru simply blushed as he let her pet his head

"… Now that I think about it, I never apologized to you for what happened during the basketball game"

"No, there's no need for it, really"

"I insist, as an apology… How about we go on a date? Just you and me"

"A date?"

"Yes, a date. Since today is Friday, we can go on a date tomorrow, since that is also my form of apology I'll be the one paying"

"Well, I already have something planned for Saturday, so can it be another day?

"Is that so? Then how about Sunday?"

"… Okay, that works for me. I look forward to our date"

"Yup, me too!"

Yuriko showed a radiant happy smile when Takeru agreed to go on a date with her this Sunday. And after spending a few more minutes on the rooftop, they left so that they could go back to their classrooms


Some hours later


Yuriko sat on her chair as she made a troubling thinking expression and pose, her arms were on the desk, while both of her hands were under her chin supporting her head

And her thinking face was replaced by a happy one. Then the door to the student council room was open, and Daichi came inside

"Ah! Daichi-san, have you been following my warning?"

"Ah! Y-yes, I have"

No, he hasn't. Instead, he had been hiding his dark circles with his sister's makeup


Yuriko stared in silence at him, somewhat suspicious of his words

"… … … If you say so, I'm going to believe your words for now, but if I find out that you were lying there will be consequences"

"I-I see"

Daichi was screaming inside his head because not only he had been lying to Yuriko for quite some time now, but he also noticed that she has stopped trying to approach him recently, and he has done… Absolutely nothing! To get closer to Yuriko. And his desperation only grew now that he worried that another boy was getting closer to a Yuriko

And even now, knowing all that, instead of using this moment where there was only him and Yuriko inside the room, he stayed silent as he organized some documents he had brought with him

<… This can't stay like this! I already spent an entire year following after her! Now I should do what I can to actually get her!> "H-hummm… I-I-I've noticed that you looked troubled these past few days"

"Yes, I've been troubled because I can't find any leads about the suspect who put spy cameras in the girls changing room"

"!?" *Stops*

When Daichi heard Yuriko say that, he completely freezes on the spot stopping what he was doing as his eyes opened in shock as he kept looking at the documents in his hands


Then when he moved his eyes toward Yuriko, he saw that she was staring at him

"Daichi-san, is there something wrong that made you stop organizing the documents at hand?"

"… N-n-no… There isn't"

"Is that true? Don't you perhaps know something about… The spy cameras?"

Yuriko was releasing a very intimidating aura as she smiled with her eyes closed, but that smile wasn't from happiness

"O-o-of course, I don't!…"

"Heeeeeh… Is that so?"

Yuriko's tone was still filled with suspicion about Daichi


"… I've noticed that you looked quite happy during lunch break, did something good happen?"

"Lunch break? Ah! Yes, I actually during that time I managed to…"


Daichi sighed in relief inside his mind, as Yuriko's intimidating presence was quickly replaced by a happy one as she talked about what happened during lunch break, but her next words quickly destroyed his relief

"… invite a friend for a date on Sunday"

"… A what?"

"A date with a friend"

"Ah… A date with a girl friend, right?"

"No, it's with a boy that I've recently become friends with"

"*Gasps* !?!?!?"

Hearing that was so much of a shock to Daichi that he even turned white

"*Mumbling* A-a-another boy… O-o-on a date… W-w-w-with… Y-Y-Yuriko-san…"

As those words repeated in his mind and mumbled, he would take more mental damage. But the door was opened, which broke him from that cycle

"… Hmmm… Nanami-senpai?"

And a boy with a rather cute look and an unusual appearance looked inside as he called for Yuriko

"Tanaka-san? Is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to know if you're still busy"

"I see, but no, I'm not busy"

"Then… Do you want… To go home together?"

Takeru's face grew embarrassed as he said that, while Yuriko made a surprised face at seeing him do something that he usually didn't, but the fact that he had stepped out of his to invite her out of his own accord was enough for Yuriko to feel happy

"… Sure!"

And Yuriko showed a bright smile as she accepted Takeru's invitation

"Daichi-san, can I leave it to you for locking the room and returning the keys to sensei?"

"Ah… Sure…"


Yuriko grabbed her bag and left the room to join Takeru on his way home. Now that he was alone, Daichi began to tear up and cry due to the feeling of defeat, after he finished organizing the documents with difficulty due to his tears getting in the way, he did exactly as Yuriko asked him to do, and returned home. Once at home, late in the night he relieved himself once again as he looked at the photo he had received from Yamada


Morning of that week's Sunday



Yuriko was waiting for Takeru right in front of his apartment door, she wore a stylish but light white shirt, with a long and comfortable light brown skirt. And although she tried to not show it, it was clear as day that she was excited, then the door opened and Takeru appeared

"Good morning, Takeru-kun!"

"Ah! Good morning, Nanami-senpai"

He still looked somewhat sleepy and uninterested, but she could see that he was also looking forward to the date, as he was wearing a red summer shirt, with light brown cargo shorts, that looked quite good on him

But instead of making a happy face, Yuriko made an angry pouting face instead


"? What's wrong?"



Takeru inclined his head to the side in confusion as Yuriko said her given name

"I greeted you with your given name, shouldn't you have done the same to me?"

"Ah! Then… Good morning, Yuriko-senpai?

"… Yes! Good morning, Takeru-kun!"

Hearing Takeru call to greet her by her given name, Yuriko changed her angry pouting face to a happy one

"Then shall we get going, Takeru-kun?"


"Then let's go!"

Yuriko gently grabbed one of Takeru's arms and hugged it with one of her arms, then she led the way toward their date


(A/N Notes: They're cute together, aren't they? *Loads gun* Say that they're cute together)