Chapter 3

"Who the hell are you?" Evan asked while still holding the glass

"My name is Theo, What's yours?"

"My name is Denim, Why are you talking with me? Are you alone too?" Evan asked

"I guess I'm not anymore, if you accompany me…" Theo grinned

"No need, I just wanna be alone…"

"Two glasses of whiskey" Theo said to the bartender

"Here you go sir" The Bartender place two glasses of whiskey

Theo pass the other one to Evan

"Cheers?!" Theo raised his glass


Evan shared drinks with Theo, Evan seems to be comfortable with Theo.

"So why were you sulking a while ago?" Theo asked

"I was the best man at my best friend's wedding and I love him so badly…" Evan said

"Darn that was hard, why didn't you stop the wedding? *chuckle*" Theo asked

"Why would I ruin my best friend's happy moment in his life? I'm not selfish. He has been there with me through my ups and downs… At least he's happy and what could I do? I cannot even be pregnant, he could never have a happy family with me…" Evan said

Evan started crying and Theo felt pity for Evan.

"Denim I know you are very sad right now and scared of what might happen after your friend's wedding, you think that he wouldn't be there when you need him like you used to before but time will pass and those memories of you and him cannot be erased in your history, it will stay there, and who says everyone is happy with a family? Some families even abandon or disown their own family or children if they do not want all families to be happy…" Theo said

"Well you're right" Evan was enlightened

"I'm totally right I should write a song about that…" Theo said and start tapping his fingers

"You write songs?"

"I do"

Evan just stared at Theo, gazing on his eyes, to his nose, to his lips, down to his neck and to his chest.

"Enjoying the view?" Theo said while smirking

"No…It's hideous" Evan said the opposite

"Ouch" Theo said while staring at Evan

Evan thought for a second Theo is more built up than Mark, more handsome, more of everything Mark has.

"Uhm… Denim what you do?" Theo asked to continue their conversation

"I design clothes, measuring body, find a person that has perfect measure…" Evan said

"How about I look at your designs? It's pretty late too. I should send you home, you are much drunk than me, but I'm impressed on how you look wasted but you talk like you're not…" Theo said as he was indeed amazed

Evan stood up and almost fell. Good thing Theo catches him.

"It's my technique… can you send me somewhere?" Evan asked

"Sure just not at your best friend's place" Theo said

Theo carried Evan to his car and followed Evan's direction until they reached Fashion Perfect boutique and it was closed.

"Are we buying clothes at a closed boutique?" Theo was confused

"I can't find my key card…" Evan said as he tapped his pockets

"Let me help you" Theo offered help

Theo helped Evan find the key card, Theo's hand searched Evan's pants, it was dark inside the car, as he searched over he touched something.

"AH~~" Evan moaned

Theo was startled on what happened and on what he heard. His face started to feel hot.

"You touched the wrong card…" Evan said as he bit his lips

Evan pulled out the key card from his back pocket and Theo helped Evan out of the car.

"Uhm… so you owned this boutique?" Theo asked

"Do I look like someone who stole a key card to enter a boutique?" Evan said sarcastically

"I just didn't expect it" Theo said

"Oh like I also didn't expect you to touch me down there…" Evan said sarcastically again

Once again Theo is too stunned to speak.

Evan opened the door and Theo locked it after they went in. They went inside Evan's office and Theo was surprised at all Evan's designs and finished clothes.

"You're amazing! This is world class." Theo was amazed

"Thank you" Evan said

Theo explore the room while Evan who's dizzy accidentally dropped the small bundles of needle thread and he stepped on one and he fell, but instead being face plant on the floor he face planted on some kind of soft yet a bit stiff then he realized his face was on Theo's tummy, suddenly something poked on his neck, and to by his surprise it was a hard rock favorite food of Evan. (Theo: IT'S NOT THAT HARD ZHAGA!) It's very hard like a steel that poked on Evan's neck.

Evan was surprised but he then got excited, he started to unzip Theo.

"Wait Denim!!" Theo as he holds Evan's shoulder

Theo tried to push Evan but Evan still continued to open Theo's zip.

"Let me have it…" Evan said with his begging eyes

Theo just stayed still in there. Meanwhile Evan finally pulled out from Theo's pants the 'food', he started stroking it up and down and shoved it to his mouth. Theo can't help it but he was amazed on how Evan do the job, Evan continued to do this and seems like Theo just enjoyed it.


At the wedding reception Mark was worried about Evan.

"Dominic! Where is Denim?" Mark asked anxiously

"I don't know… Why not call him?" Dominic replied


"Where the hell are you Denim?" Mark said

"What's wrong hon? Why are you upset?" Sofia asked as she looked at Mark

"I can't contact Denim!" Mark said

"It's our wedding, Mark , why are you thinking of other people?" Sofia was irritated

"He's not just other people, He is my best friend!" Mark defended Evan

"Are you seriously fighting with me on the night of our wedding?!" Sofia glared at Mark

"Sorry hon it won't happen again…" Mark said as he calmed down
