Chapter 14


"Uncle Dom we should go now so we can spend the whole day in the amusement park, don't worry I won't disturb you with Ren" Cris said

"Yeah he's not coming, but let's go" Dominic said

"Enjoy guys" Theo said

"We will" Dominic and Cris said

Dominic drives the car, as they hit the road.

"I heard Papa Theo's podcast last night" Cris said to Dominic

"I also did, I was surprised" Dom said as he looked at the road

"If he won't love Daddy anymore then what's the point of staying with him?" Cris said while he looked at the window

"I did saw brother kissing some other guy in the concert" Dominic said as he remembered seeing Evan

"You know Daddy is alive?!!" Cris looked back to his uncle

"No we are not even sure like we all know Evan is dead, we'll all I know is that Theo will leave us" Dom said as they arrived and he parked the car

They spend the day on the rides. Meanwhile Seb and Mark went to the horror train and they enjoyed it.

"Mark, what do you want to eat?" Seb asked

"Hotdogs" Mark said

"Ok hotdogs coming up" Seb said

As Seb went to the food stalls Mark looked for a spot to sit so that he would be comfortable. On the other half of the food stalls Cris got lost. He didn't seem to find Dominic, while Seb was waiting for his turn he noticed Cris who looked really scared.

"Hey kid, are you by any chance away from whoever you're been with?" Seb asked

"Is that the new way to ask if you are lost?" Cris said sarcastically

"So are you?" Seb asked smirking

"Yeah" Cris said calmly

"Where's your phone?" Seb asked

"I'm still 10 and I am forbidden to use phone till I'm 13 by my father" Cris replied

"Oh well where is dad now?" Seb asked

"He's dead… you are next" Cris said looking at Seb

"What?!" Seb was surprised

"You are next in line aren't you buying hotdogs?" Cris said

"Oh! Uhm 4 large hotdogs please" Seb said to the vendor

Cris just kept on looking for Dominic but he didn't leave his post, as he was about to Seb called him.

"Hey kid! Have some hotdogs you'll see the person you looking for, I should go now, take care and don't get lost next time, head to the fountain that is the center of the amusement park they will definitely find you quickly" Seb suggested

"Thank you so much" Cris said

Cris went to the fountain while eating a hotdog. A few minutes after finishing the hotdog Dominic found him.

"I was so worried, where have you been?" Dominic was so anxious

"I went here from somewhere" Cris said

"Good thing I found you, let's go to the food stalls. I bet you're hungry, you want hotdogs?" Dom asked

"Uhm maybe some burgers?" Cris said after getting tired of the hotdogs

"OK" Dom said

While Seb went to Mark he received a call from Kelly.

"Hey couz where are you?" Kelly asked

"Amusement park with Mark, why?" Seb replied

"Oh dating, GOSSIP" Kelly said teasingly

"Seriously, why are you calling?" Seb asked irritated

"Well I just wanna ask how to cheer up your date when they look so down?" Kelly asked

"Like seriously you the experience one among the two of us" Seb said as his eyebrows are meeting together

"Come on you studied psychology" Kelly said

"Well I think you should ask them their problem, if they trust you they will open up" Seb said

"Seb who's that?" Mark asked

"Kelly" Seb replied

"Can I speak to Mark?" Kelly asked

Seb hand over the phone to Mark

"Hello Kelly" Mark greeted

"Hey Mark, how are you?" Kelly asked

"I'm doing fine as always" Mark said

"EVAN!" Theo shouted

"Evan?" Mark & Kelly repeat


"Who is that?" Theo asked Kelly

"It was my cousin's boyfriend" Kelly said

"Oh" Theo replied

"Why are you keeping on mentioning Evan? I don't wanna do this anymore, it seems like you haven't moved on with your ex, I should go now, see you" Kelly said

"Kelly, wait… I'm sorry please give me a chance I want to know you more" Theo stopped her

"Really? You will?" Kelly was surprised

"Yes" Theo said

Theo pulled Kelly and kissed her, passionately.


Seb brought Mark to the other rides and Mark enjoyed it especially the roller coaster.

"Mark, I really want to enjoy this with you every single moment of my life. I love you so much from the bottom of my heart, will you take me as a part of your life?" Seb said

Mark felt happy as tears dropped from his eyes thinking it seems like a dream but in front of him is the guy he loves.

"Yes Seb I will take you as part of my life" Mark said

Seb and Mark kissed and the two laughed after.

"The End…" Penny stated

"What is the End you're talking about?" Ren was confused

"Well you are being cold with Dominic now, after you learned that he expected you to be bottom like come on, you, bottom? Bro that ain't funny so the end of everything between you two" Penny said irritatingly

"When did Ren and Dom's relationship become your business Penny?" Zenny replied

"Just now?" Penny said

"Can you take your sister Zenny? She's very annoying" Ren said to Penny

Zenny takes her twin sister out. Zenny and Penny are the twin sisters that are classmates of Ren who are also Ren's best friends.

This weekend seems to be full of love and excitement but when everything seems fine there is something we can't expect.