Chapter 18: 1st Quest Completed. 

"Whew, it's finally done." After a month of campaigning, all 10 million plants have been planted. "It's really easy if you have money." 

The effort to plant the trees will take a long time for it to grow. For a fast paced society, people don't care about the trees, only profits. 

"Time to check out the reward." He turned to the quest panel, submitted the completion, and waited for the reward. Not long after, he gets the formula for tree growth serum. 

"I thought it'll come as paper, but it's directly inputted into my brain." Today isn't the day for the trading session, so he can't ask Queen Elf about it. He took some time to decipher the formula. It wasn't that hard to do that, but many of the manufacturing machine to make the serum have to be specially made. 

"Hmm, I think I can make it. I guess I'm going to sleep in the lab again. " He spent two days making the equipment from scratch."It's a little big, I need to assemble it elsewhere." 

"If I want to apply the formula, I need to find out if it's harmful to the environment, how it affects crops, the genetic component of the plant, the cycle time, the soil. Uncontrollable growth will become worrying." he thought. Experiments need to be done for it. 

*Ring*" Hello", He calls Gwen, asking her if she wants to participate in his research. Gwen readily agrees to it without thinking much. After a while, she arrives at his home. 

"Why did you asked me to come here? Why don't you use the company lab?",she asked when seeing a lot of stuff laying around the house. "it's something that I'm keeping for myself for now." 

" If you want to do the experiment, we need some greenhouses, a plot of land, plant seeds and others. We can't do it at your house, you know." Gwen said when she read the parameters of the experiment. 

"Well we can do that, but we need to keep the research project classified. I don't want any trouble for it." Ryan told Gwen. If the serum works, he will attract the attention of every government in the world. 

"That's exaggeration", she didn't believe him. He trusts his instinct more about this matter. It wasn't the level of some technological advantages anymore.He can actually solve world hunger, which in turn will cause food prices to drop. He's afraid people who's benefits are touched will retaliate or make trouble for him. 

She understands his thinking and the implication, but she just think he has trust issues. "Then why did you show it to me? Did you think I'm not a threat?"

"No, it's because I trust you". 

A little stunned, she become glad to be part of the research. It show that he means it when he says he trusts her. "But that guy is really pessimistic, he can actually create a scenario that will destroy him", she thought secretly. 

Ryan doesn't even want to involve the company in the experiment. So he keeps it all on his personal server. He only told Hiddle and his father about it. Ryan and Gwen then relocate to the vicinity of New York to conduct experiments. 

Thursday comes, and the trading session begins.He asks Queenelf about the serum. 

QueenElf: Figure it out on your own~ (don'tcare.gif) 


Hydra: is there an option to punch someone in the trading site. I can pay for it. 

Ryan and Gwen spend 3 months together in a greenhouse where they did the experiment together. After recording the data, they decide that the serum is stable, environmentally friendly, and shortens the time for crops to ripen by ⅔. 

"If a crop needs 3 months to mature originally, after applying the serum, it needs only a month before being harvested. The quality of the crop didn't drop, but all crops came in a higher quality than usual. Fruits become more delicious, wheat becomes more refined,and rice becomes more supple." Gwen tabulated the data. 

Ryan also makes a variant serum for trees." It took a few weeks and additional knowledge in botany, and biotechnology to get this done". 

The variant can shorten the growth time of trees in a year to one month. The serum will become ineffective by then. "If you want continuous rapid growth, the serum needs to be reapplied." 

"You know, if you came out with the serum first before planting all those trees, it'll be a forest by now" Gwen said. Ryan only scratches his head in embarrassment. He couldn't say that the serum is a quest reward, right? 

"Well what's done is done, I don't regret it.Now it's time to deal with the aftermath. Are you prepared for it?" he asks. 

He holds Gwen's hand and looks her directly in the eyes. "Well I don't do much, but I will stay by your side, if what you fear comes. " Gwen said. He inches closer to her and kisses her on the lip. "Yeah, I have a girlfriend now." 

3 months in close proximity causing him to realise his feelings for her and he asks her out after an internal struggle. Gwen said this during the time, "You're so late, I thought I have to do it myself" 

This is how it happens. In the greenhouse.

"Never did I think something like this was possible?"

"What is?" Gwen is busy with the data, but she still responds to him.

"There's a lot of flowers here, but why are you the most stunning one?"

Gwen got goosebumps. "Are you drunk? What do you want to do?"

Scratching his cheek in embarrassment, he said " I want to build up the atmosphere before asking you out, but even I am cringing after I said that"

"Do it again! Like a normal person this time!"

Thursday comes, Ryan voices out his supposed predicament in the chat group. 

Vampire Kid: why should you care? You're doing a good thing. 

RetiredMechanic: Just blow up the enemy when it happens. 

Queenelf: If you're a king this wouldn't happen

TheDoctor: Sell some to me, kid. My world needs the serum.

Queenelf: @thedoctor, why haven't you told me that before? I could have helped you! 

The doctor: Sorry, I never thought about it before, after all my world's population is still small. But now I realise that we have a manpower shortage. The serum will help. It'll also help if @hydraisabitch can supply it in a stable quantity for now. Before I figured out the instrument needed, and how mass produced it, I need to depend on you kid. 

QueenElf: (sighs) If you say so. My world has magic so we don't need the serum. It's been sitting in my vault for a long time collecting dust .So I can't give you the ready-made stuff. 

Thus, Ryan got his first popular item across the dimension. The popularity of the serum, especially in a post-apocalyptic world, is very high. He gets new clients every session that buys in bulk. He is very satisfied by this. 

GreenWitch : Hey, can I exchange seeds, or anything else for the serum? My world is almost destroyed so I couldn't trade you much. 

Hydra: What happened to your world? 

GreenWitch : We are fighting against demons. Many human lands are devastated by miasma. We have only a little arable land. 

GreenWitch: Have made some genetic improvement on crops here using magic . You can get more produce on a single tree. Wheats are optimised to grow more ears, producing twice of the normal quantity. Many efforts have been made but it is still not enough. If I can shorten the crops' time,then many people can be saved. 

Hydra: If it's very important, I can sell you the formula for it. Instead of you buying every time, it is better for you to produce it yourself. 

Greenwich: My world technology has been destroyed by the demons, we are now living like it's the middle ages. I can't do it by myself. 

After thinking for a while, Ryan decided. 

Hydra: Okay, I can do that for you. If you have some unique magic, you can trade it with me. Or sells some magic scrolls. Item exchange is better than using currency. At least I can give you a cheaper price for it. 

Greenwich: How can I do that? Can you teach me? 

Hydra: Just buy some book on magic scroll making. You can get a lot of knowledge here to help you. 

Greenwitch: Thank you very much. Are you also a transmigrator?

He realises something after chatting for a while. "Is she a newbie?" 

Hydra: Are you new here? 

Greenwich: Yes, I just climb up the authority. 

He chatted with Greenwitch. He explains it slowly, like how Mythic explains to him when he levels up. Speaking of Mythic, he already climbed up the tier 3 authority. Ryan could still buy the optimization fluid if it's listed, but he can't speak to him now. 

Tier 1 can only speak to Tier 2, Tier 2 can speak to Tier 3 and so on. TheDoctor, Queenelf, VampireKid, RetiredMechanic, Mephisto and others are tier 2, so they can speak to Mythic. Apparently Mythic roots for him to climb up quickly. "I miss him." 

They chatted a lot. Apparently she was born a witch. During a full moon her power may go berserk that she may die. Magic speaks out to her like breathing. So she never learns any of it. 

After Ryan's suggestions, she is now looking to improve her situation. He bought many of her seeds to give her some funds."She couldn't even use gold to trade. Poor kid" 

He didn't trust people of his world. But he trusted the people on the system unconditionally. He didn't realise it that he's been discriminating against his own world.

He recommends her to the group chat. He doesn't have the authority so he asks the QueenElf to do it, in which she agrees happily. 

"It looks normal enough, but it's modified drastically " He procured some seed from the GreenWitch. He exchanged it for the tree's serum. He began the second round of experiments in the greenhouse. "Before that, let's announce the serum first."

"Son, your ideas keep surprising me." Tim said. Ryan comes to Tim telling him about the experiment. He's telling Tim about his concern for the serum, and looking for advice. 

"It'll be hard if we do this on our own. Not because we can't, but we are very new in the plantation area. We need support from the government for it." 

Tim saw the look of worry on his son's face after he said that. "There isn't any big trouble like you worry about, but we didn't have enough manpower for it". He sees that his sons is still worrying, so he comes out with a different approach. 

"We don't have to do it on our own if you're so worried. " Tim says with a sly smile while his son is confused. He explains slowly. 

"It'll be hard to do this on our own, but we could partner up with some people to make sure that the serum will go through and reach all the countries in the world. We need… Stark and Osborne's help. "

A little surprised, he then nods when he hears the plan. He doesn't care much about the profit, he could share it if needed to. Stark may focus on the military, and Osborne may focus on  biotechnology, but they have related industries in agriculture." With this, they can help cover us if the thing I fear happens!" 

Two days later, his father told him some news. Stark and Osborne's industry agreed in partnerships. He is a bit surprised at decisiveness, but considering the impact the serum would make,he knows only an idiot will reject it. "They will come tomorrow to discuss the details." Tim said. 

Stark's and Osborne's representative comes to the company to iron out the details. But unexpectedly, both Norman Osborne and Tony Stark are there.

"Wait a minute dad! WHY DID YOU WANT ME HERE AGAIN?"