Important Notice - Story Ending.

It's been a long journey, but now the end is nearing. There are only 3 more arcs before the story be concluded.

It will include:

-Dr Strange(first)


-Multiverse of Madness. (Marvel Zombies, No Way Home, X-men.)

There is only around 60-70 more chapters in my planning, so tell me if there is anything you'd like to see in my fic, and I'll try hard to include it.

Special thanks to the supporters of my story. It's been a tough journey for me, especially since this was my first fic ever... I greatly appreciate your encouraging words and the only kind of stoning I hope I will get in my life- the powerstones vote lol.

I'd only planned for a 100 chapter story before I started this fic, but its all went to drain now haha.

I'd started working on another story that is quite different from this one, a true slice of life with some comedy.

I'll delete this notice after a week, so comment what you think I should add in my story before the ending below in the comment section. That's all, Goodnight everyone.