~No One's P.O.V.~
It has been two weeks and well over a month since the plane crash. Ironically Xavier still sees that day as the best day of his life so far since it lead him to Ari. He is more than willing to put up with the crazy dreams and visions and even some of the anxiety they bring if it meant he gets to end his days with her. Seeing everything that could and hopefully soon enough will happen has him on a whole other level emotionally, mentally hell even physically. Xavier was now looking forward to things and being open minded to outings and other stuff with his friends. Once he finally saw the life he was meant to have with her. He was all too quick to want to start living it.
Feeling like he's been living under a rock for so much of his life as he was just simply letting him pass him by. His friends have tried to keep him on the ground about most of it but he was already being realistic about a lot of things. The one thing they had to be sure of was that it wasn't just a near death experience pushing him to be this new way. Even though that's what he has Arabella believing at the moment. They wanted to be sure that just like his visions this is real and what he truly wanted. Not just side effects from almost dying a few times in one night.
Xavier has already made progress in not just his business and activities. However he was healing much faster than he should be. It was really throwing Preston and Ari for a loop. This Saturday she was going to be taking his cast off and checking over his shoulder. All the big holes have pretty much healed and sealed. It was just using the limbs now that they needed to work on. He was on top of the daily exercises and other treatments the doctors have had him doing. He wanted to do everything in his power to heal faster. At the same time he was trying to take his time because that was his main reason Ari had to come see him. They have been getting to know each other better. Things so far were going great. Calls every other day. Texts everyday of just silly and funny things. Some were general questions of what he can and cannot do yet.
Ari was loving the time she was spending with him. It was simple. Easy. It was starting to make her feel like maybe she needed to start drawing back. After her breakdown she made sure to start making little changes every day. Her friends have loved the change. They talked it all out and are helping her take her baby steps back into breathing life back into hers again. Of course Chloe and Preston were the only ones Xavier has meet. He still was mapping out his play book to include the rest of her friends. The only thing really throwing him for a loop at the moment was the guy in his dreams. In all the visions he's just sitting or standing there. Looking at me. Only me as if he is aware it's a vision. Like he's making sure I don't miss anything. But why?
Xavier was so lost into his thoughts he jumped a little when Ryder brought him back to reality. "EARTH TO XAVIER! Come on bro like seriously what's up with you today?" Ryder asked him coming up to him to grab and look at some of the documents on his desk the meeting just ended about ten minutes ago he was now back in his room. "Sorry man. What did you want?" Xavier asked scratching the back of his head. "I asked if you wanted me to drive you home. Maybe get something to eat with the boys?" "Yeah man sure." "IS Ari coming to your house or you going down to her clinic to get that off tomorrow?" "Ugh she is coming over actually. Apparently it's pretty easy to remove. It shouldn't also be not that painful but she still coming with meds for me anyway." Xavier smiled to himself loving the way she worried for him.
"Is there anywhere special we should go? You know maybe squeeze in some with her outside of her work." Jace asked as he popped in. "No. I wish but no I got to play it smart. As much as I really want to see her. It's her groups night out tonight. She going to be with her friends." Xavier said with a heavy sigh. "Well at least Preston will be there batting for you." Ryder told him. "Chloe too." Nix said with a smirk. "How's that going by the way?" Jace asked Phoenix. "It's going great man. We having a great time. We always talking throughout the day. We've gone on six dates since Xavier introduced us. That's three a week so far. I don't want to push too much too fast." Nix told him smiling wide. For a serious person he sure let loose the last couple weeks. It was great to see him so happy.
"So you still haven't put no claim on it?" Ryder asked him in a teasing tone. "Not yet but soon. I'm going to real soon. I just got to feel her out on how she feel about us. I don't want to waste a lot of time waiting to ask her if we both feeling this now. I also don't want to feel like I'm chaining her down too soon and make her uncomfortable so Sunday I think I will have 'the talk' with her. Just so we both know where we at right now. I don't mind waiting as long as she wants hell to me we got forever. I am not letting that one go." Nix nodded to the men who understood him.
"Still like light years ahead of this brotha I tell you that." Ryder made fun pointing at Xavier who just held up his middle finger to him. "Seriously though man. I got to ask when do you see yourself making any type of actual moves." Nix asked him as that caught all their attention. "Actually I will be making one either the week after next week or next week. I have been making moves this whole time she just hasn't been obvious to them. Either that or she's good at side stepping them. "Well is there anything we can do to help?" Jace asked him. "You're already doing man. Thanks. Let's go back to mine and order in." Xavier told them as they got up and left the office.
Looking around the place. "Are you sure you wouldn't want to go to a club or something more 'active'?" Lexi asked them with a little whine. Lexi and Leah did not care for coming out to the same sports bar and grill they came to every group night. "Yeah why can't we ever go dancing?" Leah whined back. "Now come you guys it tradition to come Spades. Why would you want to hurt the family night out?" Liam asked them with a mock concern. "Come girls please. You agree right. Please tell them it's time to find a new restaurant." Lexi whined to girls.
Chloe looked to Ari, who smirked. "Sorry Alexis we really like it here. The food is good priced, it's delicious. There's always a good game on." Chloe was stating back. "Sorry Lex and Leah but the fam has spoken." Preston said raising his glass as the other four joined him toasting. "If it makes you feel better we can go catch a movie down the street when we done though. I mean hell it's early enough." Liam offered. "Oh no. You just going to pick a scary one again. Fuck that noise." Lexi snapped to hm making everyone laugh.
"So Chloe how goes it with officer sexy pants?" Liam teased her wiggling his eyebrows. "It's going great. I really like him. We've been talking like almost nonstop for couple weeks. I really see this going somewhere… good. Like I can just feel it in my bones. It's weird but a good weird." Chloe said staring at her drink in happiness. "That's a lot to go off of in just two weeks Chlo. Like it literally just made the definition of the plural weeks." Leah told her. "Oh here we go." Preston mumbled in his drink.
"What?! I'm just looking out for our friend. Do you have any idea what kind of world we actually live. It's dangerous out there in the dating world. IT's scary and I just want to make sure we think with a clear head." "Dude Leah I swear you are the Grinch of love." Liam told her shaking his head in disbelief. "Look Leah you know what you are right. It's dangerous and scary and woman and men need to smart now a days. But I think you are wrong here. Phoenix is a really great guy and I think Chloe is really onto something here with him. So I think it'd be best if you. Just this once took your negativism and tossed it in the backseat and just be happy with and for her." Arabella told her flatly. They were so used to the realistic vision of things from Leah. No matter how much they loved her, just sometimes they were over and it got old quick.
"I am happy for and with her. What is all that supposed to mean?" "OH COME ON LEAH!" Lexi cut her off. "You go out of your ways sometimes to stretch your opinion on just how bad things can be. We never have to overthink anything because we all know how much you will do that for us." Lexi complained. "Leah I love you. We all love you. We know how mama bear you are. We know how much you care and want what's best for us. But you have to open your eyes every now and then to know when to just be there as a friend and offer support. Not tear down the moment with a shit ton of questions that make us doubt everything. It's painful when you do that sometimes. Not only that it's wrong. Yes there are times when we need to hear these types of things. Just sometimes though can you just let us be happy with what little we find in this dangerous scary world you talk of. It's not that hard to go a few occasions and not be so damn negative." Preston told her in caring voice.
"Well damn excuse me for giving a shit." "It's not like that Leah and you know it. Let's just moved on. I don't want to talk about this right now anyway." Chloe said a little let down at Leah. "Besides if it's going that good wouldn't you have brought him to us by now for a check through? I mean of course Ari met him and will stick up for the guy. I mean hell she has a crush on his friend. You know her patient. How is that going Arabella?" Leah asked her in a rude voice. "I know you did not just go there." Lexi told her out loud. As the whole group looked at both of them in shock.
"I never said I had a crush on my client. What is this supposed to be huh Leah? What because I asked you nicely to go one night without hateful or hurtful comments you feel the need to drag me out on bullshit? Aren't you the one always saying that people need to be able to handle a little constructive criticism. For someone who hates hypocrites so much you sure acing like one right now don't you think?" Ari asked her putting her drink back down looking her dead in the eyes. "You like your client?" Liam asked her with a worried look. "I never said that."
"That is such bullshit Ari. This is the same man who was just calling you his wife over a month almost two ago. How is that even working out? You were attracted to him when you met him. You go through a horrible event together. You take him on as a client. You texting and talking all this time everywhere in between. You can't tell me this is just a friendly thing between you too. I mean hell we've been trying to break you out of your shell for years. Even Brently had for years and you barely compromised. You spend a few weeks with this man and go through a completely mental breakthrough? I call bullshit on you not having feelings for him." Leah snapped at her before she continued.
"How is it possible for a person you hardly know or are getting to know words stay in your head and change you so much without that person meaning more to you on a personal level. You can't fool me Arabella. Don't even try. Have you thought about just how quickly this new little relationship with this person has been? Have you thought maybe he does have feelings for you? What if everything he saw was real and that is why he has bumped into you so much what if everything was planned and he is just trying to get in your pants? If you didn't have to help him for work. Would you even talk to him? Have you thought about what could happen if maybe this was a one-sided feeling thing Ari. What if he just sees you as a friend and doctor, nothing romantic. Then you make him uncomfortable with your true feelings to him and you get in trouble at work? I know damn well you like him. You need to be smarter than what you're doing. It's ok to be friends with the man. But you are not showing me that's all you can be." Leah told her flatly.
"I hate to say the negative Nancy makes a point Ari. Do you have feelings for the guy from the plane crash?" Liam asked her. "We are friends. I am helping him get back on track. We happen to have lots in common. So far that's where I am at. You know how hard I am struggling getting everything back in order with the little changes I made. The changes you all begged me so much for don't I get credit for that?" Air whined. "Yes you do. The problem with that theory is it wasn't your family here who's asked you for years to help. It was him. I mean do you think that just maybe you let his words hit home that hard because maybe they meant more coming from him?" Chloe asked her in a general question.
"I went through something awful with this man. We saw and went through something no one should ever have to. We watched four people die. We should have been dead with them. I will always share something a little more with that man in your words because of this. So do you think in your guys logical minds that maybe that's why his words hit harder than most. Huh? Did that thought ever cross your minds? Maybe the words of someone who shouldn't be alive right now hit my ears and heart harder who are only around because of that man who saved me in the first place. Maybe that is the reason did you guys think of that? Did that logical and reasonable thought ever cross your always suspicious mind Leah?"
"You guys need to let up on Xavier. You guys know nothing about him and he happens to be a great man. He has done nothing been supportive and an honestly good friend and I think you should give him a benefit of the doubt. I've known him longer than any of you and can say you guys are wrong and your being an asshole to him Leah." Preston told her flatly looking them all in the eyes. "Yeah forgot about those special parties you attend with his ass. Look Ari we aren't talking shit about you and Preston friend. I just want you to be thinking with a clear head since he is a patient and if you do start to develop things then I want you to give him to me as a client. You can still be his doctor but if things progress in a certain way than maybe it would be more professional if you let someone else have him. I will support whatever you need." Liam told her flatly.
"Thank you Liam. You know how much I care about your opinion. Hell you and Brently fucking mental twins lol." That's when Preston started to really think about the situation. He was blind before. He needed Liam to get to Xavier. Feeling stupid and blind he was starting to think things through. "When are we going to hanging with Vincent?" Lexi asked since they were still on Ari. The two guys looked at her like she lost her mind. "What?!" Lexi asked them with a weird look. "IS she serious right now? When did you talk to Vincent?" Preston was shocked. "He called a few days back. We texted a few times. He lives here now you know so he wants to have dinner and catch up. He also wants to see you guys and check in with you." Ari shrugged like it was no big deal.
"Arabella that break up did so much to you. Are you sure you're ok with seeing him?" Preston asked her. "Yeah, look Ari you know how we all loved Vincent. I mean we still all cool. But that was a really hard time for you and with everything that has happened. Are you sure that's a good emotional idea?" Liam asked her scratching the back of his head. "Calm down guys. I am fine with it. Yes it was hard. But you know it was like a year ago. We're fine now. I mean we just wanted different things that's all. I mean we are still friends. There is no bad blood or hard feelings to each other." Ari told them simply. "Yeah especially when he called you freaking out. Losing his shit because you didn't tell him you almost died. Yeah he's totally just wanting to be friends. He sounds totally over it." Leah told her rolling her eyes.
"Ok let me ask you something Leah if Calvin went through what Arabella did and didn't tell you. You saying you wouldn't have reacted the same way?" The group got quiet. Calvin was a hard subject for Leah and everyone knew it. Calvin was her college sweetheart. The more he hung around the group the more he realized he had feelings for Arabella and every day Leah got more negative turning into the always pessimist the more Calvin realized he didn't want to be with someone who always found the bad in everything. Arabella was always the romantic happy person. Once he left Leah Arabella was there to comfort her. Once Calvin's feelings came to light he and Vincent got into a very big bad ugly fight. Calvin still reaches out to Leah as he still has love for her but can't be with someone who never wants to see the light and always be surrounded in darkness in his words.
Leah never held it against Arabella over Calvin. However she always wanted him back. Never going out with anyone else and still hooking up with him randomly. She knew in her heart she would have reacted the same way Vincent did. At that moment she knew Arabella was always right. Love never leaves. Love just changes over time. You will never not have love for someone you had been in love with. It just changes. You can love them not be in love with them. You can love them and be in love with them. You can love someone as a lover, then just love them as friend. Then the worse one you can hate love them. Where you hate that you love that person and you love that you hate them.
"My schedules open. Whenever you guys want just make it in the evening. Ari I am sorry. I just want you girls to be ok. It just felt weird that well you know the story. The guy who predicts the future who thinks you're his wife. You guys never bring up at conversation though. Just so happens to be everywhere you are randomly. Than his friend shows up being the one for Chloe. It's just a red flag and I just wanted to make sure you guys were being smart. That doesn't mean I am not happy for you. I mean if they are what you really wanted I support that." "We get it Leah. It's appreciated it really is. Just sometimes can you let it go once in a while?" Preston told her with love.
Leah and Lexi got up and shared an uber going home. Leaving Chloe, Liam, Ari and Preston left to grab a smoothie and take a small walk. Standing around the little garden area in the square. "Do you think I'm moving to quick with Nix. I mean like is Leah right?" Chloe asked mainly looking at Arabella. "Well I personally don't think you are. I mean you're the one who has this thing with him. Only you can really answer that. I will however say I have never seen you so happy. I mean you're always smiling but like now you can see it through your eyes. If this spark of genuine happiness is because of Nix I think you're doing just fine and anyone can mind their business." Ari answered flatly.
"Are you just saying that because you are wondering if she is right about you and Xav?" "No I actually mean it. Do you think she is right about Xavier. You think I like him to don't you?" Ari asked in shock. " I said no such thing. It's just you're the one who has been making life changing choices and stuff because of the words of the guy. I mean I was there too the other night I mean hell we've had dinner with them two like three times and honestly it's been… wonderful. I mean a couple times I'm not going to lie but I could totally see us all double dating because in a way it kinda felt like it. It was nice." Chloe defended herself quietly.
"Look Ari you just need to make sure you are giving yourself time to do what you need to do. I mean honestly do you even want to date right now? Is that something you're looking to do right now. Are you ready for that? Especially with Vincent popping into the picture." Liam asked her all of them looking at her. "I don't know. I can't answer that yet. I am or have been thinking a lot lately that I am just done. I am done being alone. I think maybe I am open to the idea of possibly dating. I am getting there. I think if the right guy asks than I will be able to say yes. Maybe not this very moment but I am very close." "Then I support you. Just tell me when you do. I'll be your escape goat. Chloe how about you are you ready for a relationship with officer sexy pants?" Liam asked her Preston smirking as they all laughed.
"He's the CSO Chief Security Officer. He's not an actual officer -officer stop calling him that. You make him sound like a stripper. Oh but hell what a sight that would be I tell you." Chloe drifted off in her thoughts for a moment. "Chloe. Chloe. CHLOE!" "What. Huh, what?" "We asked if you think you really ready to be claimed and chained. While you were lost in your damn magic mike fantasy." Preston told her laughing hard. "Yeah for him. I want to be. I want to see how it goes. I really like him. You know what it's getting late I think we'll share a cab." Chloe told the guys. "DON'T! Don't you get in your damn head when you get home. Battling your feelings and thoughts with Leah's words in your head. You guys are happy about the things in your life and you have every right to be. Don't make these poor guys suffer because of Leah being Leah." Liam warned them.
After helping them in the car. "What's up with you tonight?" Liam asked him walking back to his car to give Preston a ride home. "I got to tell you something but you can't tell the girls or nobody man." Preston said as they got in the car and Preston laid everything on the line for his friend. Liam grew a little angry. After explain over some things. Liam knew the truth about his grandfather and just how real all this stuff is. It still felt a little wrong in a way. He needed more information so he knew only one place to get it.
After Ryder, Nix and Jace got done laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes they heard the doorbell. Looking at the clock it was now about 8 p.m. "Who the hell coming here this late?" Xavier asked them hoping his way to the door, ignoring the ring camera. Opening it up he was surprised. "Liam?" Xavier asked in shock. "I guess it's true. The dream weaver in the flesh." Liam snapped at him sarcastically since he never met the man in front of him in real time yet he knew his name. "I'm sorry Xav. I told him everything." Preston said scratching the back of his head. "Everything?" "Everything-everything. We need him Xavier. Trust me. You are going to need him." Preston told him flatly. Opening the door to let them both in. The other guys came sat down on the couch with Liam. "Ok start from the beginning. From your point of view in your words. At the top." Liam told him flatly. 'Going to be a long night.'