The Head of Forum

Director Room

Cyclops Intelligence

18 February 2157

11.00 NAM

A two-page document was being perused by Rachel on her tablet. It was highly important, and she was a little surprised when he found out who had signed the letter at the end. Niels Geyer signed on as chairman of the organizers of the scientific forum meeting to discuss the continuation of ICNG-257.

Rachel was zooming in on the name under the fancy at the bottom of the formal letter on parliamentary letterhead. Ah, Rachel was not mistaken. "Who is he?"

"Is he a parliamentarian?" she asked Lars, who was calmly drinking tea in front of her. "I don't know, he's too mysterious. I only know that Niels is a secret influencer in the forum that invited you."

Rachel sighed, taking a sip of the tea in Lars' cup without a single word of permission.

"Could you please break the habit of sipping my drink?"

"No. Your lips taste sweet."

"P-pardon?!" Lars shrieked and smiled in surprise at the same time. "Did your brain just dislocate and shift an inch?"

Rachel put Lars' cup back down. "I can't say anything unexpected like that to Niels Geyer. He doesn't care about me at all. That's why I only say it to you."

"As I said, don't expect him."

"I'm not expecting it. I just responding to the signals he's giving me. What do you think it means to pay attention to a woman, accompany her who has a panic disorder, wish me well, and... maybe pray for my sanity?" Rachel explained, citing Niels' behavior that had made her uneasy when he'd been missing for over a week without a word.

Lars took his teacup with him, getting up from the chair. "I won't interfere because I'm not into it, but if he makes you angry, maybe you can..." Lars thought a little, rolling his eyes for the right word. "… asked me to beat him up? Yeah, like that."

"Wow, I never realized that I hired a thug for this company." Rachel pouted, moving her chair back toward the computer. Lars just smiled. "Prepare yourself, Rachel. Niels may be scary with his conservative ass, but don't be afraid of him."

"Why should I be afraid of him? He's nowhere near me when it comes to accomplishments." Rachel and her swagger are back, not to mention her style. She is a hot woman for Lars, who has admired her for a long time.

"I like your confidence."

"I know. But Lars…" Rachel restrained Lars before exiting the room, causing the man to only raise an eyebrow in response. "You and Lore will still believe in me, won't you?"

"Do I look like I'm going to leave you after the success we made together?"

Rachel smiled crookedly. "Which do you prefer? Wealth, popularity, or competence?" she asked, giving some choices. Rachel just wanted to play with Lars's psychology and perception, bluffing a little mental intimidation.

"Not in the three choices."

"So what?"


"What do you mean?"

"Nope. I just want to repeat my word that I like you. More than wealth, popularity, and competence. Note it well."


Neo Cassian Residence

Westway, Hatemoor

21 February 2157

04.30 NPM

Rachel stood in front of the mansion's main door as soon as she got there. Tenor and Bass came to greet her, taking over her bag, which was a little heavy this time due to the many gifts from people who came to the inaugural press conference.

"Rachel Rachel! Dad, mom, and Lissa have been waiting for you for the past two hours. They wanted to congratulate you." Tenor report.

"Yeah, I guess," she said and then continued walking, smiling slightly at her mother, who waved her hand when she saw Rachel come in.

"Hi, Rachel! Congratulations, honey, I watched your conference today."

Rachel smiled brightly and hugged her. "Thank you, Mom."

"We're proud of you, Rachel," Alan added.

"Thanks, Dad."

"Congratulations, Rachel. It's an honor to be your cousin." Lisa continued. Rachel just pinched her thin cheeks until she grimaced. "You are my favorite cousin because you never throw a tantrum."

"Hey, we don't want to talk about family disgrace here." Alan quipped, making the three of them chuckle. "Sorry, Dad. I can't keep myself calm for it."

"But at least you can keep your mouth from eating too much now," Lissa chimed in, breaking the warm laughter between them again. "Don't worry, Liss. I won't stop buying you delicious food so you don't become malnourished."

"Wow, I'm overjoyed, my cousin is a billionaire!"

Rachel just laughed. Lissa was always able to change the atmosphere of family gatherings, which would normally be cold if the girl was absent. It's better if she takes Jackson because they'll make a real mess.

"What will go on after this, Rachel? You said it was licensing with MEDC?" he asked.

"Yes, Dad. But it doesn't look like it won't take too long since the chairman has spoken to me many times, and they're pretty optimistic that ICNG-257 will be safe for humans, especially when I'm out like this."

"Rachel, to be honest, I'm still worried."

"What for?"

"You may come out safe this time, but if the experiment was continued on different people, would the results be guaranteed to be the same? Because, to the best of my knowledge, each individual's physical condition, metabolism, anatomy, and overall biology can react differently to treatments. Isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," Rachel nodded. "But the risk is not always there to be avoided. If one wants to make a change, the risk is there to be faced. As a fellow businessman, you also taught me that. Then why are you now so worried and… doubting me?"

"I have no doubts about your competence, Rachel. You are the best biomedical expert in this federation, maybe even in the world. But who can predict the future? You better suppress your ambitions, just stay here and let someone else take the riskier stages to the next level. "

Alan spoke at length, while Eva and Lissa just listened silently. They agree with Alan, not just being neutral.

"Everyone keeps doubting me, even those of you who I hope to fully support. You just the same as the person who I thought was supporting me and turned against me."


"It's okay, Dad. Obstacles are natural. I will continue what I started and prove to you that I made the right decision."