Plans with Me

Niels looked around. Again, he had to think extra because he woke up in a foreign place. His body also hasn't improved since the last time he opened his eyes. His body even feels hot and cold. However, this time he quickly calmed down when Isabela came in.

"Isa? Where is this? Why are you here?"

Isabela didn't answer. She sat quietly next to Niels holding her brother's hand. She then explained what happened from the beginning, including her plans with Antonin. Niels only did not think that Antonin freely took care of him.

"What really happened the day you disappeared? Investigators searched your workroom in Cohlin and confiscated your laptop. Was there anything there?"

"They confiscated my laptop?" Niels frowned, remembering Gary saying he had secured a copy of the hacking program Lore had sent him. "Then? What did they find? Hasn't it been over a week since the day it happened?"