Out of Capsule

Alexa smiled in relief when she saw Antonin finally come out of the police headquarters. The man waved at him, feeling free though his face was clearly still exhausted. Understandably, he had not slept for nearly 48 hours because of the hanging interrogation. Fortunately, the detective's final verdict was in line with his wishes, although he would still be monitored and become a city prisoner.

"Breathing better today?" Alexa asked, handing Antonin a bottle of mineral water. "They treat you so badly you're dehydrated."

Antonin smiled lopsidedly, gulping down the water halfway. "Are you going to drive me home, or bring in a new job without mercy?" he asked, already familiar with Alexa's work style as a super-strict secretary.

"Unfortunately, it was the second. Rachel called you to CI today, but she doesn't know what it's for. He said it's not mandatory, you have the right to refuse."

"I didn't even think about refusing. Come on, take me there."
