Tommy for Cases

Rachel scanned the patient's guardian access card in front of Antonin's inpatient room. At four in the morning, he was at the hospital to see Antonin in intensive care. He rushed there after confirming that all the work at CI had been taken care of by Isabela and Sylvia. How could he possibly stand there when Antonin had not regained consciousness until now?

"Good grief…." Rachel sat in the chair next to Antonin's bed, watching his face through the ventilator that covered most of his face. He then held Antonin's hand which was blistered in several places. "Why did you work so hard to become like this?"

"I didn't know you put off a lot of work at MEDC to help me three years ago," Rachel regretted. Really, he was sure he wasn't getting carried away with his emotions, he only regretted not knowing, he didn't even realize that Antonin was also the head of MEDC, having his own duties.