~Chapter 6~

The sound of her heel clicking against the tile flooring was heard throughout the building as people from all around looked at Lilly. She looked flawless in the eyes of her new peers, the way her long dusky hair swayed with each step or the emotionless gaze of her emerald eyes as she looked around. Not a single person at that school was not looking at her as she walked by.

but what confused them was that she still hasn't spoken, yet it was already three hours into the school day. A lot of people wanted to talk to her, but the look she gave out of her dull eyes stopped them from ever doing so. Some people labeled her as "Lifeless" or "Reclusive" because of the way she keeps to herself or the look she always gave off, but others chose to keep their unwanted opinions to themselves, not wanting to get on the bad side of the peculiar girl Lilly Rose.


"Class this is the new student I told you about yesterday; please treat her well! You may introduce yourself now" Turning around I wrote my full name on the chalkboard in Infront of the class while giving them nothing more than a straight face. "Oh, and class she's mute so be patient with her" The teacher spoke sounding sympathetic. After the students immediately let out a loud gasp in return, as they started whispering amongst themselves (*Sigh* Their so loud, I'm not deaf for crying out loud!) "You may have a seat next to Chloe over there," she said pointing towards a girl with short blond hair and dark brown eyes. Giving her a slight nod, I walked over and sat in the seat in front of Chloe, "Ok now class can anyone tell me what page we left off yesterday? Isaac?" "Page 244 Mrs. Brown" He responded. "Thank you, Isaac," "Now flip to that page and we will begin"

After the class was over, I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. "Hey, It's Chloe! nice to meet you Lilly" Chloe smiled as she lends me her hand to shake. Giving a quick shake and a nod, I got out of my seat and headed towards the door as quickly as possible, practically running for what seemed like my life. Just thinking about making friends seemed like a forbidden task.


The lunch was tolerant, I sat by myself far away from everyone as I read my book. Everyone around me was loud and obnoxious they were looking at me like I wouldn't notice their lingering eyes burning the back of my shirt. I wonder what silly lie would go around the school now. I guess it doesn't matter they're all fake anyway, but it doesn't change the fact that it hurts. I'm not trying to be a lifeless robot. I just...have trouble socializing, yeah that's all. Maybe if I try to talk to someone the lies would go away? Or would it just make them all worse? I don't know, but I should at least try. Yeah! That's what I'm going to do! As I pushed my legs up off the chair all eyes were on me wondering what I'll do next. Taking a step forward I walked over to the table my classmate Chloe sat at. "Hey, can I sit here?" I wrote while pointing to the spot next to them. "Y-Yeah, go head" Chloe stuttered in shock. "Thank you" "No problem, right?" She asked looking for the other girls around the table. "Yeah," They said in unison "You guys should tell her your names" Chloe suggested nudging the arm of the girl closer to her. "My name is Renee, and this is Hannah" Renee smirked pointing to the other girl Hannah as she let out a mocking laugh. "Aren't you the soulless new girl? Why are you sitting with us? Why not by yourself where you belong?" *Smack* The room grew silent as everyone looked at our table waiting for a response like a thriller movie. "Watch yourself Renee" Chloe hissed, lowering her hand from her face. Leaving a bright red mark on Renee's cheek. "Or next time will hurt a lot worse" She spoke once more. "I'm so sorry for her Lilly! She can be very insecure at times pay no mind to her" She apologized, glaring daggers at Renee as she shivered in frustration and embarrassment soon running away from the scene. I stood there in complete and utter shock.

I was upset but also happy. I couldn't explain. All I knew was, that I did not want on her bad side. She was sweet but also hot-headed. "Chloe!" Mrs. Brown Yelled from across the hall, staring at Chloe with eyes that could kill. " You got to be kidding me! Again!? My office. Now!" She yelled with a stern look. "Everyone else goes back to class"

The air was tense, as all the students left the lunchroom. No one dared to speak a word. The only thing that could be Heard was hushed whispers. As everyone left, giving me one last glance before the door closed for good.

I was left in a pool of mixed emotions not knowing the strongest one. My internal thoughts were all over the place as I sat there not knowing what to do. I wanted to speak but the voice in the back of my mind told me otherwise. Saying I was scared was an understatement, I was terrified of speaking. Every time I tried to speak it felt like I couldn't, but I know I could. I would try to say something, anything but something in me would stop itself. What was wrong with me? Even to the kindest people, people I could trust still couldn't get me to speak. I wanted to be fixed, to be normal. But was that possible?


"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that remains." – Anne Frank