A Short Peace II

The Guardsmen of the Imperium are its first defense against the myriad threats and horrors that plague the galaxy. Each regiment is like an army in itself with dozens, if not, hundreds of officers and commissars in them; tens to upwards of hundreds of millions of soldiers called to a single regiment is larger than any army humanity ever mustered in its history.

I am one of those hundreds of officers, the lieutenant of the Tonitrua Vis division, though not as large as the regiments of the greater Imperial Army, we are still a formidable force that has campaigned over dozens of worlds and have fought side by side the Sons of the Dragon. I am the 7th lieutenant of my division, I have led my soldiers for three years but have fought under the Imperium's flag for fifteen, it was at the end of one of our campaigns when I received the command.

So today I go out once more, orders from the highest echelons straight from Serpens Prime itself. Coming to the recently conquered Minneaut Prime, the Greenskin Empire that infested such a large part of the galaxy had been purged in a fifteen years long crusade led by our most venerable Lord-Primarch. Taking the lives of more than ten thousand sons of the Lord-Primarch and hundreds of millions of my fellow soldiers.

The planetary capital of Aurema was becoming more and more befitting of such a name as the engineers of the Techtites have ceaselessly worked day and night to remake the image of the city into one of supernatural grandeur and excellence that gleamed on every planetary capital touched by the grace and miracles of the Wyverns.

It was in the growing luster and beauty of Aurema that we were met by the mysterious purplish ooze of the gigantic portal known only as The Portal, it was large enough for three Swiftshields to enter side by side.

In quick succession, a quarter of the levitronixes were already across the portal with a few of the Swiftshields with the Scutum Praesidium behind the procession of metal.

It was then when one of my soldiers, a scout, had asked for my presence, one of my Praefecti had first been speculative of the need of my presence but I shot down his worry with a quick glance.

Stepping out of the Scutum Praesidium, I took in the fresh air of this world, it was fresher than any other I had ever stepped on. The grass of the hill where The Portal was located on was an experience I knew I would remember for a while, it was the first time in a while I had ever stepped on grounds that was not a battlefield.

It was only a few moments of walking did I come face to face with one of the Sons of the Dragon. Unlike the other Astartes of the Emperor, the Wyverns aura are more accepting of us mortals, I have fought with both the Ultramarines of Ultramar and the Sons of Horus of Cthonia and their auras were of that of absolute dread and fear.

I immediately went from my guards and knelt as was expected of us. I addressed him as Lord and let my head fall to look at the ground. It was then that the Lord addressed me and told me to stand, he reaffirmed my mission as well as the importance and significance of it to, not just the Dragon, but to the entirety of the Imperium, the entirety of the human race.

It was then that the Astartes welcomed me to the name of this world, Falmart, and we were sent off. As the levitronix went ahead of the entire division, at speeds times faster than that of the swiftshields, the division moved out of the coming-to city.

Looking out, I could see the workmanship of the Wyverns, it was rare for me to see the bustling cities that were made from the hands of the Veniam of the Wyverns, more so than that of my eyes ever witnessing the miracles and 'magic' of the Techtites' Tech-Cities. The homes were made with the sturdiest of the cheapest of materials while the walls surrounding the city were thick walls that spoke of the expertise of the Wyverns on defense-creation, though still nothing compared to what the Imperial Fists have conjured from their minds.

Upon the buildings however, such as the Iesun Church located only meters away from the city center, were depictions of great artworks and pictures with statues and sculptures of great masonry and skill, I heard once from a travelling merchant that the Imperial Fists could make beauty eternal upon their cities but the Wyverns could make Heaven into a reality. It was wishful thinking, I discarded it as such but now I understood what he meant by that.

Then there were the Imperial citizens walking about yet also that of 'native' ones, they wore clothing akin to that of feudal worlds like that of Michoderis or Aeternix. One could extinguish one from the other with a quick glance as the Imperial citizens took only one glance at our division and went their way while the natives 'gawked' at the division as if a god had stumbled its way into the streets.

What I would give to live such a simple, mundane life like theirs. To walk about their little city, never going out of it, only ever seeing the stone of the road, the metal of my walls, the blue sky above my head, each second of each day, over and over again. From my first breath up till the last, all the same things, nothing new, nothing changing, what a life would that be?

Look at me now, only moments ago I was talking about the wishful thinking of a merchant now look at me? Wishfully thinking, hahah. I had a life like that once. Many, many years ago. I was only a child when I had tasted my first spoonful of violence, my family was a wealthy craftsman dynasty of Forge-World Runettra, we had the wealth unseen by even the most powerful of merchant kings. It was a life I now look back to with bitter sweetness, at the age of fifteen, Runettra was attacked by a Drukhari raiding fleet.

My friends, the workers of my family, even my own brother was given to the bloodshed and horror that was started by those dark, decrepit demons. It was only a few days later, when a fleet from the very far 'Galaxis' Space Station or also known as the CCCXCIVth(394th) Outpost, alongside the fleet were the Tonitrua Vis Division and the Division 227.

Even from the makeshift bunkers in the sewers of the deepest levels of the underhives, everyone saw the 'fireworks' that were erupting high above the atmosphere, the fleet was fitted with the state-of-the-art technology coming from the generosity of the Techtites. The Drukhari fleet erupted in flames as even their advanced warp-void shields could not do anything at the onslaught of hell delivered to them.

Those Drukhari present on the planet knew that their deaths were imminent yet instead of surrendering, they had come to a new full force as they pushed deeper and deeper into the hives to reach the sewers and kill the remaining citizens. It was so terrifying, the sewers' pipes echoed with the vile voices of the Drukhari as they came closer, and closer, and closer.

Inch by inch, they were nearly at our location until the sound of a horn came and then the sound of a warcry... "Urah! Urah! Urah! Urah!", then it died down, until it came with a single brutish, near devilish cry... "URAH!!!"

From the darkness came out the soldiers of Division 227 with the mobile runners of the Tonitrua Vis. In a single minute, a massacre was ensued all over the world, the blood of the Drukhari would mix with the putrid waters of the sewers as the rats would feed on their flesh and membrane.

It was in that moment when, at the second of our damnation did our salvation come. Poetic, sure but it was more beautiful in person, the blood and gore that came from the deaths of the Drukhari made me smile, after what they did to my home, to my people, I wanted revenge. Once the battle of Runettra was complete, I went forward to an officer of Division 227 and asked to be enlisted but I was turned down, they said they weren't a recruiting division, then I tried my luck on the Tonitrua and, as people say, all is history.

Coming out of my daydreaming, I notice we're now only seconds away from Alnus and looking out I could see it. A star fort, primitive it may be but for a feudal civilization like this? Any fort is almost unbreakable.

Sitting properly, I sent out messages all over the division that I would take the lead, the swiftshields would be behind while the levitronix would surround us. And in perfect synchronization, the swiftshields made way and allowed us to take the lead while the levitronix surrounded us.

As we came closer and closer to the fort, soldiers, vehicles, tanks, and helicopters of ancient design came and prepared to take aim. It was then that I pushed a button and opened the vox-speakers of the Scutum.

"This is Chief-Colonel Caitlyn von Kirman of the Tonitrua Vis Division of the Regni Excercitus of the Imperius Provincia of the Imperium of Man. Hailing from The Portal at Amarkun. We are the Honorary Guard that was stipulated in the Treaty of Two Humanities."

It was then that a loud scream was said in a foreign language that I did not understand. Though from the looks of it, it was a command as the soldiers all put their weapons down with the tanks and helicopters returning to positions of neutrality.

I hope they know how to speak Low Gothic or else, we might need to attain a Techtite Translator, one of those Lingi-something-something? Oh, whatever the hell their name is, it will be a hassle requesting one from those metal heads.


Tutus Portus, Sancta Ratio.

One of the few pockets of religion outside of the domain of the Dragons, Tutus Portus was discovered and recolonized by a band of pilgrims and missionaries from Imperium Minor. This band of people ranged between thirty worlds of various cultures and identities however their one commonality was their faith on Iesus Christus and the Cross.

Tutus Portus, along with the small number of other pockets of religion, were given the Mark of Freedom which stated that they, under the protection and authority of Arturius Imperia, are permitted to worship and conduct religious rituals and traditions in their worlds and systems.

Sancta Ratio was one of the larger pockets as Christianity - the Catholic Church - spread its roots and entrenched itself as a bastion of the Three-In-One Triune God. Across the three habitable worlds and the five habitable moons, 72.4% of the total population of the system adhered to the Church while 19% adhered to other ancient Terran faiths that date as far back as the Age of Terra while the remaining 8.6% adhered to either the Imperial Truth or adhered to no religion.

Each of the eight habitable celestial bodies had hundreds, if not, thousands of parishes and hundreds of dioceses and one Holy See. The Holy Sees encompass only several hectares with on average being between 25-50 hectares with all Holy Sees having one large Grand Cathedral or Arch-Cathedral each on average above 150 to 200 feet.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Artifact Cathedral is the central seat of the Catholic Church of Sistema Sacro however it is still under the jurisdiction and authority of the Most Holy Authority of the Pope in Nova Hierosolyma. Then there are the other archbishops of the Cathedral of the Archangels, Cathedral of the Holy Family, St. Honorius' Cathedral, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Cathedral, Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Christus Rex Aeterna Cathedral, and the Mother Mary the Queen Immaculate Cathedral.

Each of the Grand Cathedrals are governed and are presided by a High Prelate - High Prelates hold sovereign authority over an entire planet's dioceses and archdioceses - while the Systemic Curator of the Our Lady of the Most Holy Artifact Cathedral is the representative and head of the Catholic Church of Sancta Ratio and oversees the other High Prelates.

It was here at the Most Holy Artifact Cathedral where a very tall man wearing only the robes of a monk of the most ancient Ordo Sancti Benedicti partook of the Holy Eucharist. Matyus Hunadi, Archon of the second Legion of the Legiones Astartes and a devout follower of the Catholic Church and parishioner and lay minister of the Most Holy Artifact Cathedral.

"Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus, Christus imperat!" The choir sang the hymn for the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Retaining the ancient Lati used in the hymn instead of the High Gothic of the modern Imperium.

Today, November 26th, was the Feast Day of the Solemnity of Christ the King. A day of obligation for all Catholics across the galaxy to go to their local parish and celebrate the feast of the King of Kings. Matyus Hunadi celebrated the feast alongside the seventy thousand attending parishioners and the ten thousand clerics and lay ministers.

As the mass was ending, the procession around the city was about to start. Hunadi, as a member of the Knights of the Altar, was given the task of holding the thurible and spread the fragrant smell of the incense. All across the city, thousands upon thousands of onlookers watched as the procession of over a hundred thousand men and women of the faith walked in unison as they walked behind the Systemic Curator who held the Monstrance which held the most holy and divine Body of Christ.

In front of the Systemic Curator were the Knights of the Altar, they held high the cross of Christ and the candles that which signified His symbolic role as the light of the universe. And in front of the Knights of the Altar was Matyus Hunadi who held the thurible and swayed it as the smell of incense went around the air.

Alongside the procession was the military escort of the Aegis Custodis, the symbolic protectors and bodyguards of the Systemic Curator. This one-thousand strong unit of men wield ceremonial armour which date back to the thirteenth millennium when the first Systemic Curator was first ordained.

Their symbolic positions as the protectors and shields of the Curator and his Cathedral has been passed down for over millennia however their purpose has become broader as now the Aegis Custodis are the symbolic protectors of the entirety of the world where the Holy See of their Curator resides and presides over.

Each Curator has their own Ordo Aegis Custodis as each Order has distinct differentiations from other Orders such as different colour patterns, different ceremonial attire, war dresses, and other wear, other Orders also have different traditions and ways of being ordained as an Aegis Custodis. Some Orders are completely celibate, while others don't condemn the marriage of a member but highly dislike the idea, while others allow the Blessed Sacrament of Marriage for their members.

The entire procession lasted for an entire three hours as the full length of it spanned thousands of men, women, and children. The procession ended when it came to the gates of the Most Holy Artifact Cathedral where the gates were closed and locked for the ceremonial Rite of Passage.

From the amassed crowd of men, women, and children, the Systemic Curator - having given the Monstrance to his Assistant-Minister and took hold of his crosier - and the entourage of his closest councilors and guards went in front of the gates. Captain-Minister Albrecht von Teünen, the highest officer of the Aegis Custodis, stood next to Systemic Curator Gabriel. Gabriel stepped forward and, using his crosier, knocked on the gates.

"Quis es? - [Who art thou?]" A member of the Guard of the Gates asked from the inside of the cathedral, his voice resounding throughout the gigantic building as it was heard throughout.

"Curator Systemicus Gabriel Ecclesiae Catholicae Sanctae Rationis, Primas Praelatorum Sanctae Proportionis, Dominus-Scholar Concilii Sanctae Bibliae, Membrum Collegii Universalis Cardinalium, Monarcha Sanctae Sedis Tutus Portus, Princeps Praelatus Dominae Nostrae Sanctissimae Cathedralis Artificii, Membrum Ordinis Episcoporum et Cleri Universalis. - [Systemic Curator Gabriel of the Catholic Church of Sancta Ratio, Primate of the High Prelates of Sancta Ratio, Lord-Scholar of the Council of the Holy Bible, Member of the Universal College of Cardinals, Monarch of the Holy See of Tutus Portus, High Prelate of Our Lady of the Most Holy Artifact Cathedral, Member of the Order of Bishops and of the Universal Clergy.]" Curator Gabriel stated his various titles and positions in the Catholic Church. All gained through his own expertise in the study of theology, scripture, and by his self-exploration of both his faith and in himself.

"Deus non cognoscit eum! - [God does not know him!]" The guard proclaimed, denying entry.

Once again, Curator Gabriel used his crosier and knocked on the gates.

"Quis es? - [Who art thou?]" The guard asked.

"Gabriele Antonius Abelio, filius Antonii Theodoris et Margaritae Catharinae, fratris Ioannis, Theodorae, Constantini et Mariae. Fundator Ordinis Pro Viris Piis, Praeses Foederis Ministrorum, Et Membrum Consilii Systematum. - [Gabriele Anthony Abelio, son of Anthony Theodore and Margaret Catherine, brother of John, Theodora, Constantine, and Mary. Founder of the Order for Pious Husbands, President of the League of Ministers, and Member of the Council of Systems.]" The Curator stated his family ties as well as his civic achievements and deeds to humanity and society.

"Deus non cognoscit eum! - [God does not know him!]" The guard proclaimed, denying entry once again.

For the final time, Curator Gabriel knocked on the gates with his crosier and said.

"Ego Gabriel, homo mortalis et peccator, qui servus Domini est, qui ingressum in sanctuarium Suum cupit, et a peccatis meis mundatus et ab eius compede libera. - [I, Gabriel, am a mortal and sinful man, who is but the servant of the Lord, who desires entry into His sanctuary, and to be cleansed from my sins and free from my shackles.]" The Curator stated having emphasis and tone upon his clear sinfulness and mortality.

"Deus scit! Et Filium, cui omnes gentes crediderunt, ut omnes populi in gaudio et iubilaeo ecclesiam suam ingrediantur. - [God knows! And His Son, to whom all nations believe in, that all people should enter into their cathedral in joy and jubilee.]" The guard proclaimed as the gates were opened.

The first to enter - Gabriel - gave his crosier and mitre to the nearby servers. Heading the procession, Gabriel then took hold of the Monstrance from his Assistant-Minister then solemnly walked to the altar as those behind him followed in his pace. Hunadi, alongside two of his fellow Knights of the Altar, were directly behind Curator Gabriel as they held the thuribles and spread the holy incense throughout.

The procession would officially end as the Monstrance would be returned to the altar and all those present were to genuflect and kneel in respectful reverence of the most holy Host of the Christ. In front of the Monstrance, Curator Gabriel and the two most senior members of the Knights of the Altar knelt in front of the Monstrance with the Curator at the middle of the trinity.

In silence, all are called to pray for the intentions of the mass and their own needs. In silent prayer, Curator Gabriel prayed the 'Secret Prayer' which is used only during the Consecration and Benediction of the Holy Host. None outside of the clergy know what such a prayer is as for as long as the Church has existed.

When Gabriel finished the Secret Prayer, the senior servers took hold of the cloth of the cope of Gabriel so as to assist him standing up. Gabriel, moving to the Monstrance, held it and then took it up for all to see.

As the Monstrance was raised in its holy glory, the bells of all the churches and cathedrals throughout the city tolled as the sound echoed throughout. The sheer magnitude of the bells ringing at the same time was as if the Trumpets of Heaven.

And then, the Sanctified Bells, those used by the Knights of the Altar, all rang in unison as if the choir of Heaven. All clergy present knelt with their heads down while the lay ministers and lay faithful all bowed their bodies in adoration as all were unworthy to see the true magnificent being of Iesu Christe.

Then, finally, Gabriel moved to the right, to the Sacred Tabernacle - a room to the right of the Crucifix of the cathedral which is specifically for the holding of the Sacred Host and Blood as well as being the reliquary of the many relics held by the Most Holy Artifact as well as the Holy Artifact - at the golden gates of the Sacred Tabernacle knelt two Custodis who opened the gates while keeping their eyes off of the Host.

As Gabriel entered the Sacred Tabernacle, the two Custodis gently closed the gates and sealed it shut as the liturgical Keys of the Bishop - sacred and holy objects first appearing when the first Systemic Curator was ordained - were used to close the gates and then finally placed at the foot of the Crucifix of the cathedral where it would be seen by both God and Men and be protected by God and Men.

It is not known - outside of the clergy - what the Curators do whilst inside the Sacred Tabernacle however when the gates of the Tabernacle are closed it officially ends the holy event.

Then and only then did Matyas Hunadi saw the message from the Council of Archons for his return to the Provincia's capital Serpens Primus.


Olympus Mons, Mars

Atop the highest point of the Red Planet of the Sol System, lay the Temple of All Knowledge, the current seat of the Fabricator-General Kelbor-Hal. It is inside the chambers of the temple where Kelbor-Hal and the highest and most senior members of the Cult Mechanicus.

The reason as to why the leader and the highest echelons of Martian society met was because of the discovery of an inter-galactic or even an inter-dimensional tear in space which lead to a new area of reality which represented a world of fiction as well as the mysterious magic.

However such a thing is but a small boon compared to the true treasure trove of omega-class technology that can be found on a planet that is a copy or is the original Terra of their galaxy in a younger age of a mere two thousand years in the Solar Calendar.

The Mechanicus has become erratic ever since the discovery as even an Archmagos has sent a personal letter to the son of the Emperor to gain entry to the portal and possibly entry into the younger Terra.

The purpose of the meeting was to decide whether or not the Mechanicus would join the other parties vying for the opportunity in meeting and interacting with a humanity much, much younger and far technologically inferior then themselves.

Already, the Primarch Magnus sent a formal letter to his brother to gain his approval in the joint exploration of both the Steel Wyverns and the Thousand Sons. Then there were rumors that the Primarchs Perturabo, Konrad Curze, and Lorgar had eyes for the possible lost archeotech and knowledge that such a young age of humanity had.

Though the Primarch Arturius Imperia has yet to infer his opinions upon outside factions and parties working with his sons in such an important, most possibly the most important discovery in human history, the political and general dilemma that the Primarch is in was extremely chaotic as the parties involved were the brothers of the Primarch and the most important and powerful factions and parties of the Imperium of Man.

There were dozens of members of the highest echelons of the Mechanicus' ranks, names such as Prime Hermeticon Archmagos Erov Krux-Varv, a famed archmagos of the Mechanicus who was hand-picked by the God-Emperor to participate in his Webway project who was formerly of the Magos Activator Holy Order however is now part of the newly created Adnector Concilium.

Prime Hermeticon Archmagos Talland der Delphul, one of the more secluded members of the Magos Cybertheurgist Holy Order, archmagos Talland is known to speak in a far, far more complex machina-lingua compared to his cybernetic brethren. So much so that only a few million of the vast quadrillions of Tech-priests speak such complex machina-lingua.

Lexico Arcanus Logis Alphiatei Maxebrie, one of the most successful Logis of the Mechanicus, Alphiatei is in tune with her analytical skills like a fish to water as her skills have proven time and time again to be a great boon to both the Mechanicus and the Imperium as a whole with entire systemic economies being saved by her near prophetic forecasts.

Forge Lord Artisan Thassurius Yor-Dei, a lord among lords, Artisan Thassurius is one of the more proficient artisans of the Mechanicus as the man has been known to create entire machinations of grandeur and magnificence that which are second to none in record speed. Artisan Thassurius has been noted to have skills and proficiency on par with those of the Primarchs Perturabo and Ferrus Manus as even the Primarch Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children has been mesmerized by the Artisan's artworks.

Then there was Fabricator Locum Draykoten Tranta who's secondary titles were Prime Hermeticon Archmagos of the Magos Reductor Holy Order, one of the deadliest members of the militant order, Fabricator Locum Draykoten has been called the 'Wrath of the Machine-God' as the extermination and sheer destruction that the ancient cybernetic has brought upon all kinds of Xenos is second only to the Lion. Given the position of Fabricator Locum by Kelbor-Hal only fifty standard years ago, the former 'Wrath' now became a lord to an entire system, commanding a Forge World worth of Skitarii and Tech-Priests, the new Fabricator Locum was ruthless but also cunning as he commanded his little sector in quick and stunning proficiency that no one thought the ruthless exterminator of the Mechanicus had had.

As the chamber doors of the room started to close as the force of two specially made warhound titans were needed to close the doors. The machina-lingua of the dozens of prominent Magos, Logis, Artisans, and Fabricator Locii slowly died down as the sound of Kelbor-Hal's voice commanded for silence.

*"01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100001"* [The time has come!] The cybernetic voice of Kelbor-Hal resonated throughout the room as if the voice of a king.

This council, which would never be documented nor reported, would be kept in complete secrecy as the topics and points of such a council would be compared to the highest forms of both tech-heresy and high treason against both the Mechanicus and the Emperor.