A mountain of flowers

Just at the same time, light casted down from the window of a room filled with shelves. The smell of books untouched and seemingly forgotten permitted to the air as a man sleeping on one of the tables stirred. Then slowly, he opened his eyes.

Face expressionless, Yujin's eyes reflected the light that made his features more evident. The previously phoenix eyes that felt cold and indifferent like winter became like a gentle breeze in a summer, less scorching and tamed. He looked down at the book on the table, his eyes unreadable as he stared at a particular object painted on one of the pages inside.

On the page of the book was a scenery – a mountain filled with only two things: a field full of grass and chrysanthemum flowers. A gust of wind entered from the open window, turning the book to the next page. Quickly, the phoenix eyes that were already summer turned to winter.

"Yujin, there's someone who would like to see you," a man wearing the same student uniform and badge by his front pocket said by the door.

Yujin looked at him and said with a voice neither liking nor disliking the person. "Okay."

The window curtains began to flap through the wind by window, dancing softly as the smell of dusted books travelled out and into the trees near the student council's library. Yujin stood up from his seat, closing the book as he placed it back on the shelf.

Letting the course of the wind and time do their jobs, Yujin then headed out of the room. In a while later, he was already facing both a face that felt unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.

The student stood before Yujin, his stature seemingly smaller as he shyly let out something from his pocket. Thrusting it forward, he exclaimed with a trembling voice, "I-I'm S-Shin Minjoon. About earlier, t-thank you. A-And... T-This…"

Yujin looked at the object thrusted to him. It was a handkerchief. A white cloth with a broidery of chrysanthemum flower on the lowest right part on one side.

"I-I didn't know you were looking for it," Shin Minjoon said. He still had his eyes head bowed down as if he was too scared and embarrassed to look up.

With a neutral gaze, Yujin looked at the handkerchief then slowly at Minjoon. It was true that he was looking for the said object. It must have fallen out of his pocket while speaking to this scholar earlier. It was this same scholar who, unfortunately and shamefully, his fiance didn't even bother to help after accidentally bumping into.

Just thinking about that incident made Yujin's eyes turn colder than usual.

Before any more words could be exchanged between Yujin and Minjoon, the door opened once more as it let in another face – an extremely familiar one.

Standing by the door with a genuinely surprised look on his face was none other than Han Chunhee, Yujin's fiancé and the scholar's 'bully' as the rumors circulated made it appear to be.