Night before the party

(Flashback) The night before the engagement party . . .

"Are you sure I need to be engaged with Park Yujin to gain my freedom?" Chunhee asked the mysterious caller who had refused to speak to him for two days straight. And when he finally did, he even told Chunhee he couldn't stay on the phone for more than ten minutes.

Chunhee had to know more and he also needed to test it out himself – whether or not this caller was reliable and true as it claimed itself to be. Because who knows, this caller might actually be the Plot God himself and was just playing with Chunhee. Or worse, someone who wanted for Chunhee to meet his end by doing everything according to the original plot. In short, the caller might just be manipulating him toward his own doom.

What was worse than meeting your own fated doom? Creating your own doom after being controlled mindlessly, that was!