Who is he?


I awoke with terrible sense of doom. My heart took on a sudden thud and a feeling washed over me strangely as to where I am. I don't need to think much to know where I am and the fact that I'm in danger. Though, the fact that I'm still sane shows Charles is yet to carry out his mission on me.

It might be sooner anyways. Though, I wonder what he's planning this time. To turn me into a zombies or what? Just kill me?

I opened my eyes slowly. My eyes still feel sticky and gummy. What the fuck did Charles use on me? This is not so funny! The guy is a jackass.

I eventually forced it open, all I see at first is rays of light. I closed it and reopened. Then I'm able to concentrate on my surroundings. I looked around me. Where am I? I'm in one of Charles room. Of course I know where I am. My memories just seem to be in a fog that I'm having a problem with remembering every details of what had happened.