Chapter 8

On the other side of the house.

The living room is full of people, including old lady Wang Xuemei, father Jing Xiaode, mother Yu toulian, mu Yanze's sister mu Hongxiao and several Jing Xiaoya's good friends.

Jing Xiaoya and mu Yanze are sitting on the sofa on the other side, and the atmosphere is somewhat dull.

"Sister ya, according to me, you are too easy to bully! You and my brother are in love. How could she have the face to do such a thing? Knowing how sensitive your identity is, and daring to call the police to arrest you, isn't this an obvious attempt to destroy you? "

"Yes, and her front foot just broke up with Mu Shao, and her back foot was hanging out with a man in the bar, which showed that she was not a good girl either!"

"Xiaoya, you suffer losses because you are a public figure. Now the Internet is full of discussions about your affairs, saying that you seduce moshao, being caught in bed by his fiancee, and talking about taking drugs. This is clearly nothing. You have to find a way to solve it."

"Yes! Jingning calls the police just because she has no good intentions. You can't really be suppressed by her! "

Jing Xiaoya takes a pitiful look at Wang Xuemei, who is sitting on the throne. Her white face easily reveals her fragility and sadness.

"What can I do? Sister, she has to do this, I can't really and her hard to come, after all, we are a family, really make trouble, is not to let Grandma and parents embarrassed

Wang Xuemei heard the speech and gave her a look of appreciation.

But Jing Xiaode angrily said, "why am I so hard? You treat her as a sister. Do you ask her if she treats you as a sister? "

"Uncle, I don't blame her for this I didn't do it right. "

Mu Yanze frowned and opened his mouth calmly.

Jing Xiaoya said quickly, "no, it's me. If I don't fall in love with brother aze, she won't..."

"Xiaoya, I didn't mean that."

Mu Yanze stopped her and said in a deep voice: "I mean we should make it clear to her as soon as possible. We shouldn't drag on because we are afraid of hurting her because we can't bear to hurt her. Now I have hurt you. It's because I didn't handle it well."

Jingxiao Arden was moved and looked at him gratefully, "brother aze..."


A light cough, Wang Xuemei's face with a smile, looking at mu Yanze.

"Mu Shao, now things have come to this point. You have also seen the public opinions on the Internet. It's impossible to change things from big to small. What do you think of the current situation?"

Mu Yanze's face is slightly heavy, and Jing Xiaoya quietly clenches her fingers, showing some tension.

"Old lady, you can rest assured that I will not let Xiaoya continue to be wronged. After I go back, I will immediately send a statement to announce my relationship with Xiaoya."

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Wang Xuemei looks happy.

Yu Xiulian and Jing Xiaode are also suddenly excited, only Jing Xiaoya, showing a trace of worry in her weak eyes.

"But people outside know that you are engaged. Will they believe us?"

Mu Yanze took her hand and explained: "although everyone knows that I have a engagement, few people know who my fiancee is. So I just have to tell them that the engagement was originally made with you, and you are my fiancee. In this way, no one will say anything."

Jingxiaoya just showed a touch of joy.

Just the next second, frowned again.

"But sister's side..."

Don't worry! I'll tell you from your sister's side

Wang Xuemei spoke with the dignity cultivated by her superiors for many years.

"Mu Shao doesn't need to publish it on the Internet, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles. Isn't the day after tomorrow the birthday of Xiaoya? A party will be held and several journalists will be invited to announce it on the birthday. "

Mu Yanze nodded, "good, everything listen to the old lady."

"You can go back and discuss it with your parents. After all, it's related to marriage, so it's hard to make decisions on your own."

"Don't worry, they have agreed to this. My parents also like Xiaoya very much."

"That's good." Wang Xuemei's face finally showed a touch of relief, "stay at noon and have a potluck together."

Mu Yanze got up, "no, old lady, my company still has something to deal with. Next time, I'll come to visit again."

"Mu Shao is young and promising. In this case, I will not stay."

Wang Xuemei looked at Jing Xiaoya sitting next to her, "Xiaoya, you send Mu Shao."

Jingxiaoya stood up and said, "yes."

Wang Xuemei's face sank as she watched Jing Xiaoya and mu Yanze leave the door.

Collecting her smile, she looked majestically at Jing Xiaode, who was sitting on the left, and said in a deep voice, "call your cold-hearted daughter and ask her to come back tonight."

Jing Xiaode quickly agreed, "yes."


Jingning and people in the phone after the matter is settled, hang up the phone.Unexpectedly, just hang up, the mobile phone rings again.

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She slightly a Leng, looking at the phone screen call display of the two words, eyebrows slightly close up.

In a moment, even the appetite to eat is much less.

She picked it up and said, "Dad."

"You know I'm your father!"

Jing Xiaode roars through the mobile phone, Jingning can't help but take the phone away from the ear.

Finally, simply put it on the table and press hands-free.

"What can I do for you?"

"When did you return home?"

She drooped her eyelids for a while, and answered faintly, "what do you want to do with this?"

"You dare say it! I didn't inform you when I returned home. Do you still have this father in your eyes? Is there another home? "

Jingning sarcastically raised the corner of his lips, "Mr. Jing, if I remember correctly, when I returned home, it seemed that I had made a phone call to you."

Jing Xiaode was stagnant.

For a moment, he asked uncertainly, "when can I take a taxi? Why don't I remember? "

Jingning gently pulled his lips.

Since Jing Xiaoya came back to this home, Jing Xiaode has not taken her seriously. She is not unaware.

But I didn't expect that she even forgot to call him when she came back.

What's more ridiculous is that she ran to ask why she didn't inform him when she came back?

Jing Xiaode is obviously aware of his mistakes, which is somewhat embarrassing.

"Well, I've been so busy with the company's business expansion in the past two years that I may have forgotten. As a daughter, you can't be considerate of your father? Come back so long, do not go home to have a look, like what words

Jingning was too lazy to break with him here and asked coldly, "what's the matter with you?"

"I..." Jing Xiaode was infuriated by her icy tone, but thought of her temperament, he would be angry after all.

Hard said, "your grandmother told you to come back for dinner tonight!"


"What? You are also a member of the Jing family. Why did you come back for a meal? Do you want me to invite you in person

Jingning cold hook lips, "every new year and festival do not remember to call me home, suddenly told me to go home for dinner, I am afraid that the rice put rat poison, poisoning."