Chapter 33

Lu Jingshen led Jingning to the line of servants and said in a deep voice, "let me introduce you to my wife Jingning. From now on, she will be the hostess here. You must respect her as much as you respect me. Do you understand?"

The servants answered in unison, "I understand."

Lu Jingshen nodded with satisfaction and took Jingning's hand to go inside.

Jingning's head is a little confused.

Until now, she didn't react too much. How could she follow this man to Luyuan.

When she entered the bedroom, she finally reacted and quickly pulled him in.

"Well, I, I come here..."

"From now on, you will live here."

Lu Jingshen looked at her carefully.

Jingning's heart thumped.

It seems that this is the time to really believe that what he said about marriage is not a joke, it is serious.

Lu Jingshen raised his hand to call a maid and said in a deep voice, "Aunt Liu, take your wife to get familiar with the environment."

The maid, who was called Aunt Liu, rushed forward happily and said, "yes, madam, please follow me."

Jingning takes a look at Lu Jingshen. The other party is taking off his tie and seems to be going to wash.

She pursed her lips and didn't say anything. She turned and followed Aunt Liu.

Lu garden is very large, the design of a single family villa, outside is a big garden, inside a variety of exotic flowers and rare trees, for people to watch.

There is a green lawn behind the garden. Beside the garden is a swimming pool. The blue water is rippled by the wind in the golden morning light. It looks like a peach garden.

Jingning went out for a walk, and Aunt Liu took her to the whole villa.

She found that Lu Jingshen had already prepared her room for her.

The bedroom is naturally shared by two people, but the study and cloakroom are separate.

Her study and cloakroom are on the third floor. There are many books in the study. She was surprised to find that most of the books on them are her favorite.

There are even a few of them that she has not found for a long time!

There is also a cloakroom, full of more than 100 square meters, inside the clothes bag shoes, all are the latest season.

Amy's work, her most loyal design, hung all over the closet, almost every one of them!

Jingning couldn't help swallowing.

Seriously The moat is inhuman!

However, it also shows the fact that the man had already made up his mind to ask her to move in.

She couldn't help drooping her eyes slightly, and she didn't know how long this man had been planning.

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Look at the layout here. In three days, is it too fast?

With doubts, Jingning returns to the bedroom on the second floor.

Lu Jingshen is taking a bath. She walks around the bedroom with her arms in her arms. She finds that compared with the luxurious style of the whole villa, the decoration in the bedroom is really simple.

Simple black and white gray tone, the west is a large fan window, the floor window has a large balcony, under the terrace is trim green lawn.

On the side of the wall, there is a black bookshelf. Most of the books are financial magazines. There are also some car magazines.

In addition to these, there are also a few small decorations, or trophies and so on, one of which has a picture on it.

It was Lu Jingshen who won a prize about basketball competition. The man with broken hair on it was lazy and smiling, but his dark eyes seemed to be sharp and pressing.

She couldn't help but smile and looked carefully at the name under the cup.

St. John's basketball champion?

Did he read there, too?

Jingning was slightly surprised.

For no other reason, she first went abroad five years ago, when she was introduced by an old friend of her mother and also studied in this university.

I didn't expect to be so predestined!

Jingning didn't think much about it. At this time, the sound of opening the bathroom door sounded behind her.

Lu Jingshen came out.

He had no clothes on, only a bath towel around his waist, crystal clear water rolled down his chest, sexy to death.

Messy short hair, a pair of deep eyebrows and eyes are like two whirlpools, as if to suck her in.

Jingning's face was stiff and embarrassed for a moment.

It seems that even the air is compressed and tightened.

Her eyes flickered and she didn't know where to put it.

Seeing this, Lu Jingshen walked directly to her side.

He had a towel in his hand, wiping his wet hair and picking up the trophy she had been staring at.

"Are you looking at this?"

"Ah? Well. "

Jingning was uncomfortable.

Lu Jingshen didn't seem to notice her nervousness. She put down the trophy and said in a low voice: "this is what I got when I was also a visiting professor in a school in F country. It's not a big prize, but the experience is very interesting."Jingning slightly surprised.


Lu Jingshen raised eyebrows, "how?"

"Oh, nothing."

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All right! She forgot that the boss is the boss. How could he go to school?

He had already taken over the Gu group in his early twenties, and it was not surprising that St. John would invite him to be a visiting professor.

Lu Jing took a deep look at her and asked, "do you know this school, too?"

Jingning nodded.

"I read here five years ago."

Lu Jingshen laughed.

"It was predestined."

His eyes were deep and dark, which seemed to contain some unknown and complicated things. Jingning couldn't understand it.

But she didn't think much, and then she heard the man's deep voice.

"Do you want a bath?"

Jingning is still a little uncomfortable with the new environment. Thinking that this man has used the bathroom just now, she feels uncomfortable when she goes in.

I'm sorry to ask for a guest bath, so I just shake my head.

"Then help me clean my hair?"

He handed the towel over.

Jingning was stunned, but did not refuse.

Take the towel, wait for him to sit on the sofa, press on gently wipe for him.

Men's hair is very short, but not particularly hard, fingertips through the hair, there is a strange feeling.

Jingning tries to restrain herself from thinking wildly. Since she has accepted the fact that she married Lu Jingshen and has really enjoyed the benefits he has brought to herself, she should strive to get used to the life with him.

After a while, the hair was half dry.

Lu Jingshen took the hair dryer and blew it. It was funny to see her standing there all the time.

He came over, took her by the hand and sat her down on the bed.

Jingning a little confused, see him the next second to lift his legs, not from a reflex contraction.

"What are you doing?" And

Lu Jingshen's eyes were deep and he seemed to smile.

"Mrs. Lu, after a hard day and a night, aren't you tired?"

Not to mention, Jingning is really tired.

She nodded.

"Is that still sleeping?"


"Well, sleep for a while, and I'll call you when it's time to get up."

Jingning is muddled by him to take off the slippers on his feet, when he comes back to God, the man has been pushed down on the bed.