Final Round


The large head of the creature crashed into the spot the two women stood a second before, shaking the large buildings around.

Laura's fear came true. The huge wolf wasn't moving any slower.

In a blink of an eye they both jumped to different sides again. Without the reflexes they had developed over the years as a boxer, they would not have been able to dodge even with their new powers. However, this time it was the right solution. The wolf couldn't attack them both at the same time.

Now it was two against one. Still barely a favorable position against the massive monster.

The wolf couldn't decide for a second. His eyes moved quickly from one target to another. The moment of hesitation would have cost the smaller wolves their lives.

But Laura and Anastasia still didnt know how to approach the monster.

Then Laura had an idea. There was no way they could damage the body but the four legs were wide open under the monster. Yesterday she would have never thought about attacking the treelike legs of such a large creature. But she knew very well that something happened to her and that she wasnt limited to human strength anymore. And the same goes for Anastasia.

"Can you get his attention?" Laura shouted loud enough so that Anastasia, who was still standing on the other side of the wolf, could hear.

But it had the opposite effect. The wolf now fully focussed his eyes on Laura.

Deciding that she would play the bait now she shouted again, "Go for the legs!".

The wolf turned his massive body in a second and jumped towards Laura.

She barely dodged again. It wasn't enough to take a step aside. Each of her dodges required her to jump as fast as possible or the shoulders of the beasts would still hit her. That's close, even if he only slightly touched my body I'm certainly dead, she thought. The frightening scales would easily cut through her whole body.

"Dead?" Laura was confused with herself, "Why am I even fighting right now with my life on the line? I have done a lot of fighting in the ring but I have never done something like that. It somehow feels like it's the right thing to do? I might be able to get away right now but still... Running away doesn't feel like an option."

She dismissed that thought right away. This wasn't the time for overthinking something or hesitation. She had to fully focus on the fight.

At that moment something crashed in the back legs of the wolf.

The monster almost lost his balance, but it wasn't enough to bring it down.

As he was about to turn Laura picked a large debris the size of a motorcycle from the ground. A normal person would never be able to even move that thing but Laura was not only able to pick it up but throw it towards the head of the creature. It didn't do any damage but she got the wolf's attention again.

The monster fletched its scary fangs. The crimson red eyes looked for a second like they were glowing. The wolf sure was angry but that was exactly what Laura wanted.

"Just focus on me you damn dog!" she screamed again and had the effect she wanted.

The monster rushed towards her again.

There was only a hair's breadth left between the massive mouth and Laura's side but she was able to dodge again.


The wolf almost lost his balance again.

"Good job, Anastasia!" Laura couldn't help but smile. She understood what Laura was aiming for since the beginning. They must bring it down.

The wolf was even more angry now. Laura felt the bloodlust.

But to let him calm down wasn't an option.

As the wolf charged her again she jumped behind a tank. The wolf crashed into it head first.

He kept his head down. In his eyes Laura could see that it was dizzy for a second.

It was then.

A crash from behind the monster. Even louder than before.

The wolf finally lost his balance. The ground was trembling as it hit the ground. The street began to crack.

Now or never!

She jumped on the tank and as high as possible in the air.

Using her momentum she clenched her fist and smashed it with all her might on the creature's head. That wasn't enough, she was sure about that. There wasn't the rewarding sound of cracking bones she had before with the smaller monsters.

Standing on the head of the creature she could see his angry eyes again. Her punch made it even more dizzy.

"It's effective. I have to hit harder!" She couldn't properly estimate her newfound power and wasn't sure if they could even hurt this monster. Her effective stroke gave her the hope she needed.

Again, with all her might she smashed her fist in the red glowing eyes.

The wolf howled in pain as his eye burst open.

She held her fist and smashed the wolf's head again!

And again!

And again!

Her fist was already a bloody mess, several bones must have been already broken but she didn't care.

A cracking sound was coming from the wolf's head. Finally!

Blood pumped through her veins, every muscle in her body was tense about to burst, yet she continued.

She punched again.

Even harder!

The eye that was left was not glowing anymore. There wasn't any angryness left, the only emotion in the remaining eye was fear. Fear of the next punch. And the punches didn't stop.

A punch and a crack again.

Laura's body was screaming. Even with her new powers, she knew that she reached her limit. Even surpassed it.

But if she stopped now she would surely die. She decided to put all her strength left in a last punch.

This time the feeling was different. It wasn't the feeling of a steellike skull but more of the feeling of a punch on a small layer on ice.

Her fist smashed through the skull and deep in the wolf's head.

Only then Laura stopped and pulled her fist out of the wolf.

She knew she had won. They had won.

She fell back, lying on the head of the lifeless creature. Taking deep breaths and calm down her raising heart. Laura just wanted to sleep. The head felt surprisingly comfortable. But anything would do in her state.

"Are you alive?" It was Anastasia who ended her daydreaming.

Laura stood up and jumped from the creature's head with her last remaining strength.

"I-I'm fine." she smiled happily and lost most of her tension, "w-we did it!"

Anastasia didn't look a bit less exhausted than Laura.

"Yeah, we really won." said Anastasia. Her voice was a mix of exhaustion, disbelief and euphoria.

Then Laura lost every strength in her legs.

But she didn't fall. It was Antastasia who hugged her while tears formed in her eyes.

"You were right. There is no way you could lose a battle today."

Their injuries, the dead monsters, the still burning buildings, not even the corpses around them couldn't stop them from laughing.

The end