Rita had been sucking air through her mouth when she had gotten to the landing. However, she had not waited to catch her breath. She had shoved the door open and raced head long to find Zach Inyang over Okpara's supine form one the couch. It was the worst sight anyone could come suddenly experience. Rita's mouth dropped, eyes widening as she watched his arse in the air and his wrinkled balls in clear sight, dangling between his legs.

It was clear he was trying to pull off Okpara's tight jeans trouser while shouting over her sobs. These shouts were the probable reason why he had not heard her come in. Rita made her presence known by belching a war cry while running towards him, hands fisted.

Zach looked over his shoulder with widened eyes and wasn't fast enough to dodge when Rita flung her weight on his back. For once she was grateful for her chubby weight, she shoved him forward and he smacked his face on the couch's backrest.